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December Story & Poem Entries Note: Winning stories and poems will be published in Pony Pals Magazine. All entries must be original, meaning that the member who enters them must have written the text. To be eligible the story or poem must have a horse or pony in it someplace. Stories should be suitable for all ages, including younger members. All entries published in the Magazine will earn 500 Wiggins Bucks, the best stories and poems will earn 3000 Wiggins bucks and trophy for the writer.

The special package
By tendertbit

"Can we open are presents mom"? Abigail said
"Only one"
"YES"!!!!Abigail and I said at the same time.
I grabed a present and riped iff the papper.
"WOW". A leather halter whith a little gold plate on it. One the gold plate the word Timbit was there. I looked over at what Abigail got and she had the exact same thing but on the gold plate was the name Charm. "Wow thanks mom". Abigail dose not like horses.
"Abigal go whith your sister to the barn and put the halter on your horse now"! Dad said
at the barn i put the brand new halter in Timbit and picked up a piece of paper that was on the ground. I read it to my self.
Charm. A welsh/pinto is a friendly horse andl loves kids.
"That explains why charm has so much spots.
"Cierra help me"! Abigal shouted
"Whith what"?
"Puting it on Charm".
The next day in the mirnig we raced to the living room to open the present's i open a funny shaped gift and inside was a pak of studd muffens! "Thanks"!!!!!!
When we finish opening the presents dad took us outside too the barn and open the barn door we looked at are horses and huged are dad. He bought to special dressage saddels
The end

tendertimbit & Palio
2016-12-24 17:39:22
Heaven Christmas
by JKhorsegirl12

Lizzie's father came down to the barn one night to feed Jester and I. He went into the tack room to get our grain. I pointed my ears towards the barn doors when I herd a little."Cough" "cough." Then the door swung open and in came Lizzie all bundled up in blankets. She looked sick. Lizzie is ten years old and only four foot six.

I was born on their farm out of Lizzie's dad's mare named Bev. I was born twelve years before Lizzie and I am 22 now. A boy down the road named Ben trained me. Lizzie started to ride me when she was four. I have considered her mine ever since then.

"Hi Rio." said Lizzie pulling up the mounting block up to my stall door to see in."good boy. Cough. I will maybe ride you tomorrow. Guess what? It's going to snow tomorrow to."

"Lizzie," said her father coming out of the tack room carrying our grain buckets "The doctor said not to come down to the barn if you want to get better you need to stay in the warmth of the house." He said hooking our grain buckets up on our stall doors.

"Fine. Just let me say good night to them first." She said as she came over and hugged both of us before her dad scooped her up and carried her inside as I finished my supper.

I fell asleep with my head resting on the stall door. But I woke up to the sound of sirens outside the barn. I peeked out my window to the back of my stall and saw the ambulance leaving in the snow that was coming down an covering the tire marks made by the traffic from the night. Even though i would never know what happened exactly i knew it was not good when Ben came and did our feeding and exercising. He rode tensely witch is abnormal for Ben because he normally ride softly. This made me tense and nervous. This kept up for the next three days.

Then Lizzie's parents came out of the house dressed in all black and drove down the rode in a black car that they had hired. They did not come back for three days. Ben took care of us every day. Then Cathy, Lizzie's mom came down to the bar and said, "Ben, I have people coming to get Jester. I also have some people coming to look at the house. Could you take Rio till you find him a different home?"Asked Cathy. All Ben could do was shake his head yes. And with that Cathy and her husband left the ranch forever.

Ben and I waited till the people came and got Jester then Ben loaded me up and took me back to his farm. When we got there he put me in his barn where he normally had his horses he had to treat, but it is Christmas so he had no patients. I was so confused. There was a barn cat in the rafters, but other then Ben their was no one

"Sleep well Rio I have to head in." He said dumping a scoop of sweet feed into my bucket and with that he left the barn. I saw the calico cat sneak down from the top of the barn down to his stall door."

"You must be Rio. I'm Joy." said the cat

"Hi Joy. Do you know where Lizzie is?"

"Oh you poor pony. Lizzie is gone. Now I must go. Sleep well."

It was two of many people coming to look at me but, none liked enough. They all we show people and I was to old to be a great show jumper. Then a day before my 25th birthday I herd Ben on the phone with some lady who said she would come look at me.

When she came she brought a girl with her a little taller than Lizzie and she had brown hair not blond hair.

"Ben, could Emma try him out to see if he will be a good horse for the younger riders?"

"Sure, she can go ahead the saddles in the tack room. Also you have a little back round on Rio before you ride him he is a

JKhorsegirl12 & Qweeny
2016-12-24 22:08:11
Horse and Dog
By cool bay

Horse no friends. Horse has dog. Horse is sad. Humanes take dog away. Horse is happy. Humans bring dog back dog. Oh no dog is hurt. Horse helps dog. Dog is all better. Horse is really happy. Dog is happy.

cool bay & snow
2016-12-26 02:36:47
I am Sira and this is the story of how my pony, Gumdrop, saved my life.
It was a cold and snowy December day. I was out riding in the woods near my house.
I had decided to go on a trail ride earlier, not expecting the weather to get this bad. I packed a lunch, groomed Gumdrop, tacked her up, and left. It was only after I left that I remembered that I had not left my mom a note. I decided that I would be okay. I would be home before she was home from work.
At the time, it was warm and sunny. I was wearing a light sweater, and my jodhpurs. Gumdrop briskly trotted down the trail with me. She seemed so happy.
"This will be one of the last times that we get to ride outside this year, Gumdrop," I said. She nickered, and I truly believed that she could understand what I was saying to her. We stopped by the pond for a quick bite to eat. Gumdrop lazily walked around, munching on the wilting yellow-green grass. I ate my sandwich and jumped up, ready to go on my way again.
Suddenly, a strong wind blew past, and it almost knocked me over. I saw the trees sway furiously.
“Gumdrop! We need to go home!” I yelled. And good old Gumdrop came running right over! I swear, she can understand what I am saying!
I jumped on her back, and we raced for home. Then it started snowing! Oh, what a storm! The snow kept falling, and it just fell, and fell, and fell! It was thick and fast, and just kept falling! Within minutes, it was up to Gumdrop’s fetlock. She kept slipping, and I realized that I needed to get off her, before she hurt herself. I jumped down, and a splitting pain went through my ankle. I fell down, gasping with pain. Instantly, I was soaked through. I crawled over to a tree, and sat down underneath it. I was only slightly warmer. I was cold and wet, and I didn’t know what to do with Gumdrop.
“Gumdrop! Here!” I called. She came over and stood under the tree with me. I checked my watch. 5:37. Mom would be home by now, and she would be worried.
“What am I going to do, Gumdrop?” I asked. Then I remembered. I had a notebook in my saddle bag. I crawled over to Gumdrop, and grabbed the book and a pen. I wrote a quick note, and put it in my saddle bag.
“Go home, Gumdrop. Go home,” I said. And she listened. She could tell what I was saying. She trotted away, as quick as she could without falling. And I waited for my mom to come.

Mom saw Gumdrop without me, and knew something was wrong. She saw the note in the saddle bag, and she and my dad came to get me on the snow mobiles. We got home, and went to the hospital. I sprained my ankle, and had minor frost bite, but I was fine. My mom and dad were very angry that I had not left a note. I was grounded for a week, and no riding for two weeks after that. But I was safe, and so was Gumdrop.

FireGem14 & Reign
2016-12-29 20:39:52
Huata The Shadow
by Wemeo

There once was a girl named sara,she lived a great life.But one night she looked out the window wondering what life would be like if she had a pet,then she looked into the forest and she saw a black figure run tree to tree on its four legs as if it were limping as it disapierd into the shadows.The next morning she sat on her bed thinking"what could the black figure be?" so she drew a picture of the figure then she tried to think what it could be"It's big,has four legs,and has a tail"she said.The next night she got a camera then looked out her window for hours then she finally she saw the figure she took as many pitures as she could before the figure disapeard.At morning she looked at the pictures she saw nothing, but only one picture had the figure but she could only see the tail if the figure,she thought if she saw it up close she'd know what the figure was so she asked her mother if she could camp outside and her mother said that she could spend the night,so sara waited until night,when it was night she looked and looked when she saw the figure Sara ran after it,finally she caught up with the figure "It's a horse!"exclaimed Sara,she looked down at the horses hooves one of the horses legs was lifted up an coverd in blood,Sara raced to her house tacking the horse with her,Sara called the vet,the veterinarian said he came as soon as he could,he looked at the horses leg and said"it doesn't look to bad".The next day the horse looked as if it could run for miles then the veterinarian came over to Sara and said that the horse won't be able to be realeased and that she could keep the horse Sara was overjoyed Sara said"I'll name her Huata,"

Wemeo & Galixy
2017-01-09 01:37:05
I love my horse,
Who is very brave,
And so very cute,
Who is eager to play,
Who is a bay of course!
And for food does he crave!
But can be sometimes a brute,
And when days that have clouds of grey (gray),
He can get grumpy and mad,
But he isn't bad,
Peanut is his name!
He can be greedy
But I love him all the same!

PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2017-11-25 01:59:36
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
