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July 2017 Story & Poem Entries
Rules: Winning stories and poems will be published in Pony Pals Magazine. All entries must be original, meaning that the member who enters them must have written the text. To be eligible the story or poem must have a horse or pony in it someplace. Stories should be suitable for all ages, including younger members. All entries published in the Magazine will earn 500 Wiggins Bucks, the best stories and poems will earn 3000 Wiggins bucks and trophy for the writer. Pony writer quills are awarded every day, remember to quit the scavenger hunt and restart it after you get your quill to earn a higher score.Friends forever
Running in the wiled together.
Into the meadows we roam.
Everlasting joy.
Never letting each other down.
Down the field we go galloping together.
Surrounded by wild flowers blooming in the dawn.
Friends forever as horse and girl.
Over every jump we see.
Racing to the end.
Every day we spend time together.
Very little time we don't spend together.
End of the day we love each other no matter what.
Reaching the stars when we jump.
|  jackthepony2017 & Jack | 2017-07-18 06:07:27 | | Peaceful Prairie
By Adeline HC
The wild horses ran
Always as fast as they can
They were fearless, indeed
Their souls filled with speed
A valley gave them fresh water and grass
They really hoped this time wouldn't pass
The water was clear and sweet
And there was so much grass to eat
There was so much space to roam
This was the place they called their home. |  Adeline HC & Esprit Ellis | 2017-07-25 21:02:46 | | Moonlight Meadow
by Horselover578
Moonlight Meadow will deceive
For those who don't believe
Along the stream that swishes
With a open heart you will find
Natures wonder who is not blind
With a whinny so kind
She will open your mind
She is Moonlight Meadow.
|  Horselover578 & Darsha | 2017-07-26 18:23:36 | | Elaine
I gazed about nervously. The stable was clean, surrounded by a heavy stone wall. Neat piles of hay were placed in different areas, many occupied by a tacked pony.
“Elaine, I want to give you something.â€
I turned around. My dad had something behind his back. I admit I wasn’t too psyched about this Moorland vacation thing at first, but so far, it hadn’t been too bad. Genevieve would be coming tomorrow night, and I would see Justin, who I hadn’t seen since I was 9.
My mom was Hope Meadowwood, formerly, Hope Davidson. She was an awesome rider. She worked as a stable girl at Crowley’s ranch in New Jersey. That’s where she met dad. Johnson and Hope Meadowwood had a reputation for horse raising. Mom told me she used to have a very horsey clique, together with Ella and Sadie Culen and Catherine Hollbrook. Dad had always run with Thomas Moorland, and Samuel Winddaughter. (NEVER kid him about his name.) Well, Hope married Johnson, Ella married Samuel, Catherine married Thomas, and Sadie moved West. One year later, Mom, Aunt Ella, and Catherine discovered they were pregnant. 9 mos. Later, Hope had Ruby and Elaine Meadowwood, Ella had Joseph and Genevieve Winddaughter, and Catherine had Justin. Mom said she was riding her horse, Oceanpearl, when she got a text message from Thomas. Catherine had died.
Well, what happened was this: Mom took Justin in, Mr. Moorland sailed to Jorvik to establish Catherine’s dream stable, and Jasper Hollbrook, Catherine’s dad, left. Mom says he moved to Jorvik.
I always felt there was something they weren’t telling me about my childhood. I remember one night, when I was 8, I couldn’t sleep. The next day was my birthday. Hearing a strange noise, I opened my window and looked out. I heard strange voices. Most of them were feminine, with one being masculine.
“Where are they?†the leader asked.
My Mom screamed for my dad.
“We don’t even know you. What do you want?!â€
“The Stars. Where are they?â€
Dad sounded bewildered. A small cloaked figure dismounted. She was probably three years older than me, averaging her at 11.
“You have stolen him. Return him. We know he is with you.†She declared.
“Quiet, Sabine. “ the leader muttered. Then he spoke.
“Where are the star children?â€
Suddenly, the door slammed. I leaned out my window to see, but whoever it was remained on the porch.
“Who are you? What are you doing here?â€
The one called Sabine smiled.
“Come with me…Come.†She said, in a singsong voice. The person on the porch sounded like they collapsed. The riders in the black cloaks urged their horses forward. Uncle Samuel ran out from the house.
“Run, Hope! Get Elaine and Ruby! Hurry!†he whispered to my mother.
“Where’s Ella?â€
“She’s got Joseph at the docks. Go!â€
“But Genevieve…â€
“I’ll get her. John, get Justin.â€
Dad ran to the porch. The riders halted their horses, screaming for reinforcements. I saw Dad pick someone up, and everyone ran inside.
Genevieve, Ruby, and I shared a room, while Joseph and Justin were across the hall. I looked around for them, frightened.
I screamed.
Gen jumped up. She pointed out the window. Ruby woke up, and we all stared. A strange figure approached our window, on horseback, hovering. I started screaming. Ruby and Gen heard me, and they screamed too.
Justin burst in our room.
“We’re leaving. Grab your things!†He stared out the window, and started approaching it. I screamed louder, Ruby fainted, and Gen started throwing things. Justin grabbed my mouth.
“Shut up, that thing’s got some strange…†I bit his hand. He didn’t let go. So, in my 8 year old logic, I bit harder. He was like, in a trance.
Joseph ran in our room.
“Gen! Hurry!†He helped Ruby up. Gen stared at Justin. We were all a little creeped out. Joseph noticed the thing in the window for the first time.
Gen thought fast. She reached under her bed and pulled out her dud chicken eggs that she collected. And started throwing them. First at the thing in the window, then at Justin, then at Joseph. The thing disappeared.
Mom ran in through the open door. What she saw startled her. Three girls, all crying at the top of their lungs. One of them was flinging rotten eggs every which way, another was lying on the floor, the third was biting her protégé so hard his hand was bleeding. Two boys also. One was trying to pick Ruby off the floor, the other was staring out the window, his brown eyes unusually green.
“Calm down, it’s okay. Joseph, get Gen’s things. Ruby, it’s all right now. Sit down on the bed and take half of an aspirin. Elaine, for pete’s sake, quit biting Justin!â€
“I can’t.†I muttered.
“What? Why not?â€
“My teeth are stuck.â€
Justin came too suddenly, and pried my mouth off his palm. Mom stared at me like I was crazy. I shrugged. What was I supposed to do, lick him?
Genevieve and Ruby, still in their nightdresses perched on the edge of the bed. Joseph had packed almost all their belongings, but Gen still clutched her plush bay horse. I reached under the covers and brought up my appaloosa. Hugging it tightly, I washed the taste of blood out of my mouth.
We boarded the ship that night, and set sail for Jorvik.
Where was I? I think I got sidetracked. Oh, yeah. The stables. Dad handed me a small flip phone.
“Thanks Dad.â€
“You’re welcome Elaine. I want you to know…â€
“What is it?â€
“Just that if you’re ever in trouble, dial any number. Help will come.â€
“Okay, but what kind of trouble?â€
Dad sighed. Smiling, he held my chin. I was about seven inches shorter than him at 5’3â€.
“Any kind. Enjoy your vacation, tell Justin hello for the family.â€
“I will.â€
“And keep an eye on Gen.â€
“With her rotten eggs you’d better.â€
“And for pete’s sake, keep your mouth off Justin.â€
“Ugh. Can you forget that?â€
“Great. Well, bye!â€
“One last, no wait…†he counted on his fingers.
“Three last things. One, stick together. Two, stay out of arguments. Three keep Gen out of fights, and yourself. Four, hmmm..,â€
“What is it?â€
“I forgot something. Well, just keep 4 as a reminder whenever you are about to do something that you don’t know if I’d approve. And 5, stay safe.â€
“Bye.†He got into the car, and drove away. Great. Alone, lost, not even Pimenco, my stuffed appaloosa here. I flexed my shoulders. Gosh, they were puny. Anywhooooooooooo…
Meh. All boring from here.
So’s I looked around. I heard someone coming. Typical me, I jumped behind a hay bale. A tall guy, dark hair, dark eyes, looking for all the world like he just stepped out of a steam bath was lugging a ginormous hay bale. I gasped. He was headed for me.
Explanation: I am mortal. If people put things that are heavy on top of me, I squash. Let me write an equation.
Heavy bale, + slip of a girl= breakfast!
Explanation 2: Pancakes.
Blah. I got off subject. I’m good at that. Where was I? Oh, yeah. “And for pete’s sake, keep your mouth off Justin.â€
“Ugh. Can you forget that?â€
No, that’s not right. Let’s try again.
I raced forward breathlessly. The tall girl howled…Nope, wrong again. Gosh, what does it take?!
There we go. Justin walked towards me with the hay bale. I was too shy to stand up. For pete’s sake I hadn’t seen him in five years, give or take a second. Plus, I was hiding. Hiding is fun if you do it right. The best way to do it is to wait until someone gets close, then jump out and hiss!
But now I didn’t know what to do. Justin was muttering to himself.
“Elaine Meadowwood. Can I ever forget what she…so I shouldn’t have had my hand on her mouth…I guess she’s pretty, but heck…â€
You get the picture.
Chapter 2: Gentlemen prefer blondes and redheads, but where the heck did black come from?!
From the title of the chapter, you probably think this chapter is about hair. Well, it isn’t. It’s about a couple of sweethearts, a beauty queen, and a sleazy girl with raven hair. Not that I don’t like black hair. It’s very pretty, it’s just that in this story, black hair often indicates to the character of the person who has it. Black. Moving on…
Justin didn’t see me at first. Then,
“Hi Elaine, I’ve been expecting you!â€
“Hi, Justin.â€
“I’m so glad you’re here. We’ve been having some trouble around the stables. GED and all that. But never mind. Stay right here, I have something for you.â€
He left. I stared. Suddenly I felt like running back down the road and jumping into the car. But Dad was long gone. Justin was here, and he came back to me, leading a stunning mare.
She was flaxen chestnut, a long stripe dancing down her nose. Her muzzle and eyes were black, while here mane and tail were creamy white. She gave a little half jump every few seconds, showing the deep spirit within her. Despite this, she was a very calm mare, and had a friendly look in her eye. I surveyed her, proud of my horse knowledge. She had long legs, stockier than a thoroughbred, slimmer than a draft. I knew she was some type of warmblood, but I couldn’t quite place it.
“What breed?â€
“She’s a purebred Jorvik warmblood, Elaine. Check her out, get the feel of her. Only, let me warn you, We Jorvegians love horses. The Jorvik warmblood is quite special. Go mount her, you’ll see what I mean.â€
“What’s her name?â€
“One word?â€
“It’s one of our customs. We give our horses beautiful names, one word. Your cousin will be riding Eveningpearl. I ride Nightstorm. And Loretta rides…â€
“I get it.â€
“Great. Why don’t you mount up and go talk to Maya? She’s a couple years younger than you. She can get you started around here. I’ve got work to do. See you around!â€
He grinned at me, and lifted up the bale, dumping it where I had been. I smiled back, and mounted Dawn. You may have noticed I don’t talk much. That’s on account of I am an INFP, which means, that while I am friendly, and warm, I am shy. I just don’t show it like most I’s. Gen’s an ENTJ, and Justin is an INTJ. You wouldn’t know it though, for all his talking. He’s just used to me.
Dawn’s buttery leather saddle felt old but clean. It creaked a little under my weight, which wasn’t much to start with. I shifted, testing the balance. Then, I put my feet in the stirrups, and rode out of the stable.
A girl was standing on yet another hay bale outside. She kind of looked like me, except that I am tall and she was short, I have long copper hair, she had short titian hair, I am too thin, and she was just perfect. I look anywhere from 8 to 16. She looked her age. 10- year -old Maya struck my liking immediately, despite our differences.
“Hi, Elaine! Mr. Moorland said you were coming at the staff meeting this morning.â€
“Well, here I am.â€
“Sweet! I hope Justin didn’t bog you down with anything about GED.â€
“Nope, no bogging. He did mention it though. What is it?â€
“Meh. Nothing. How do you like Dawn?â€
I rubbed Dawn’s neck. How did I like her? She was beautiful, but I didn’t know too much about her personality yet.
“She’s great, I can’t wait to get to know her better.â€
“I’m glad. Loretta was going to make you ride Chocolatedrop. He’s the appaloosa with the brown spots over there. He’s sort of mine.â€
“Sort of?â€
“Yeah, I ride him. Well, you should go see Jenna. She’s the blonde over there in the pink coat. She’s your age. She’ll give you your first lesson. I know you can ride, but our staff will teach you to ride! Bye, Elaine!â€
“So long, Maya.â€
Not so bad. Everyone was nice, and I began to notice Dawn’s smooth movements. She cantered gracefully across the divide between Jenna and Maya. I halted her sharply. She reared, and I dismounted. I liked a horse that reared when halted suddenly. Shows determination and spunk.
Spirit, Determination, Spunk. So far, she seemed good, but what about her gentler side?
Friendly, Calm, encouraging. She was like me! I rubbed her nose. We were going to be best pals! Dawn leaned into my rubbing. I laughed, and remounted.
I could see Jenna up ahead. She waved to me.
“Welcome to Moorland, Elaine. Mr. Moorland told me to show you the basics of competing here. Ride around the track behind me, and come back.â€
Very decisive young lady.
“Okay. Where do I start?â€
Jenna pointed to a spot, and I reined Dawn.
“3, 2, 1, GO!â€
Dawn and I broke into a gallop. We were taking the turns very hard, and Dawn was starting to pant. I slowed her to a canter. She appreciated that, and we were about half way finished, when she saw a mouse. I guess she didn’t like it, because she bolted, straight back to Jenna!
I pulled a one rein stop, and smiled.
“How was that?â€
“Excellent, Elaine. Go see Loretta, over thataway. She’ll teach you how to really compete. But she’s tough on beginners, so be cautious.â€
“Thanks, Jenna.â€
Jenna looked up surprised. Then she smiled. It was like a sunbeam broke over her face.
“You’re quite welcome.â€
I trotted Dawn pass the small farm stands and tack shops, and clothing stores of Moorland. Looming up ahead, I saw an enormous track filled with girls on horseback. There were girls chatting and laughing! One of them was mounted on an tall 17 hander. I rode up to her.
“Hi, I’m looking for Loretta.â€
“Hi, I’m Elaine Meadowwood.â€
“Elaine? Is that your name? It’s very pretty. Such a lovely horse too. Is she fast?â€
“Heck, yeah. Want me to show you what she can do?â€
“Yes, please. Why don’t you ride around this racetrack behind me? There are several checkpoints. If you pass them in the right order, and get to the end before time runs out, I will give you a few shillings. Okay?â€
My first day at Moorland. I met ginger headed Maya, and the ashy Jenna, and now, regally blonde Loretta. Loretta was texting at least three people with a fury. I could tell, because her face would change from pumped to dreamy to serious. Back and forth. I am not nosy, but I wanted to see who she was texting. Every time she was excited, she was typing messages to somebody called Tan. Whenever she was dreamy, she was texting Justin. Serious meant Mr. Moorland.
I was ready to start the race. But now it’s 11:37 pm, so I will have to tell you what happens tomorrow. Buenos noches.
Good morning! I’ll just jump back in. Loretta was teaching me to race. I urged Dawnwarrior to the start point, and Loretta counted down.
Dawn burst out like a fire horse, and began taking the sharp turns down the track. I leaned out of my saddle. This was faster than I thought. When we came back to Loretta, she smiled condescendingly.
“Good start. Here are a few shillings.â€
She clinked the money in my hand. I stared at the shiny copper coins. This meant spending money. As I turned, she called to me.
So now I had been around exactly one hour. Ho hum. I wished Genevieve would come. I counted the money Loretta had given me. Exactly 20 shillings. Meh. I couldn’t buy much, so I trotted back to the courtyard. Justin was there stacking grain sacks.
“Oh, hey, Elaine. Did I give you your bucket and grooming tools?â€
“I don’t think so.â€
“Okay, well, here they are.â€
I took the tools.
“You can get a backpack at some store to carry them in, and the farm stands all carry hay.â€
“Thanks. Do you know when Genevieve is coming?â€
“Thanks a lot.â€
“You’re so welcome!†he said enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes. He laughed. His dark eyes twinkled. One dimple formed on the side of his mouth. I had forgotten how good-looking my what, sort of brother was.
Anywho, I groomed Dawn. Perfect girl. She nibbled a hay net, not even moving while I gave her mane a good pulling. Sweet heart.
Well, I want to skip to the part with Genevieve, so let me make this fast. Over the course of the day, I ran four races, and met several amazing people. Here they are, written out:
Justin Moorland: Black hair, dark eyes, switches from being quiet to talkative. ENTJ
Loretta Mountainsong: Blonde hair, blue eyes, a beauty queen, a fashionista, very domineering, but friendly once you get to know her. ENFJ
Tan Riverwood: Ruddy hair, brown eyes, another fashionista, Loretta’s best friend, helps run Loretta’s club, the Bobcat Girls. INFJ
Thomas Moorland: Justin’s Dad, gray hair, blue eyes. He owns Moorland stables, and is super friendly. I helped him with some stuff today. (Moorland may get razed to the ground by GED, or Global Energy Domination. Mr. Kembell wants to build model homes. I helped him shut down some of their equipment to buy him some time to find the deed. More later.) INTP
Maya Lassohead: red hair, green eyes, super talkative, but sensible. ENTP
Jenna Sunchild: blonde hair, blue eyes, quiet, sensible. ISTJ
So that’s the crew. Anyway, Genevieve wasn’t coming till night, so I asked to see her horse.
“Please let me see Genevieve’s horse!â€
“No, you’ll spoil it!â€
“Justin Moorland! I most definitely positively will not!â€
“Sure, you won’t.â€
I slapped him. He laughed, and side-stepped me. Gosh, I forgot how annoyingly annoying he was too. I remember one time, on the boat to Jorvik, Justin got in a world of trouble because he walked one of the horses around the deck, claiming it was seasick. A sailor had bawled him out to my mom, saying:
“He’s irresponsible! I could charge him with horse-thievery! I may throw him overboard! Disrespectful brat!â€
Mom smiled calmly.
“Well, we like him.â€
The sailor had left him alone. I guess that was true. You couldn’t be mad at Justin- it was impossible. I have to go, I will write back sooon!! It gets exciting from here.
|  chestnutcolt13 & Thunderstorm | 2017-07-26 22:04:47 | | Together we stand against all others.
You and me, in trot we rÃde.
Together, against the sunset. |  Demonix & Golden Acorn | 2017-07-29 09:07:39 | | A ryhm about an oak tree
by horsescool8
With its tall trunk and branches wide animals hide we look at it with pride as it gives them a place to live in it has been standing for many years it is clear that flowers grow on this tree it towers over everyone who goes under it and as I sit and write squirrels wait with all there might for the acorns they love dearly to grow they are pro at gathering acorns for winter and roam anxiously around the place they call home under this tall tree animals run riot but most of the time it's very quiet and you can hear the birds in the trees singing and the bees flying around gathering nectar to make honey this big tree is there protecter with its big leafy branches and trunk so tall the animals that live in it are so small they work together in all kinds of weather to make the oak tree how it is today |  horsescool8 & karl | 2017-07-30 18:51:26 | | When I ride my horse I feel alive.
We trot, and my thoughts order themselves to match the steady tick-tock.
We canter, and the thump-thump-thump of my horse's hooves beats in time with my heart.
We jump, and my horse lifts the weight of the world off my shoulders as I soar.
We rest, and I am at peace.
When I ride my horse I feel alive.
|  ponyl0ve & Dorito | 2017-08-01 05:52:09 | |
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