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October 2017 Story & Poem Entries Rules: Winning stories and poems will be published in Pony Pals Magazine. All entries must be original, meaning that the member who enters them must have written the text. To be eligible the story or poem must have a horse or pony in it someplace. Stories should be suitable for all ages, including younger members. All entries published in the Magazine will earn 500 Wiggins Bucks, the best stories and poems will earn 3000 Wiggins bucks and trophy for the writer. Pony writer quills are awarded every day, remember to quit the scavenger hunt and restart it after you get your quill to earn a higher score.


"Wild Strides"

Through the forest hooves will beat,
As if the wind had four heavy feet;
And if you can catch it, you will know:
He is wild, through sun, winter, and snow.

My heart races like a Thoroughbred.
I do not know what lies ahead;
But if I dare enter the snow-struck forest,
I will cherish the treasure at its wildest.

And as if my dreams created him,
He steps out of the forest, and the light is dim;
He can't be tamed, no matter how hard you try,
And in my heart is the rhythm of his wild strides.

So we race together every day,
When the wind sees us it comes to play;
We run through mountains and swim with the tide.
Free spirits. Wild strides.

SpiritRF & Shiloh
2017-10-22 19:40:11

"Summer Mare"

Tick, tick, tick, tick...
I groan.
Tick, tick, tick, tick...
"Yes!" I leap out of my seat and grab my stuff. I walk out of class with my friend Jackie by my side. I want to walk faster, I want to run, but my friend isn't so fast. "I can't believe it!" Jackie says. "No more school! But I am gonna miss you."
"That's okay," I say, trying to be optimistic. "Good thing we live in the same neighborhood." I had found out that we live in the same neighborhood by accident. One day she said, "I wish we lived in the same neighborhood." I was curious, so I said, "Wait, what neighborhood do you live in?" She said what neighborhood she lived in, and it happened to be the same as mine. It's funny, really.
"Let's make the best of our summer, and I'll see you next year." Jackie says.
The thing is, I'm going to be here next year. My mom wants me to go to a different school. I don't tell Jackie. She won't want to know. It will ruin her summer.
We get out of school, and my mom is waiting for me. I talk to Jackie for a few minutes, then I go to the car. "Sorry I took so long," I say, getting in the car, "I had to figure out how to talk to Jackie over the summer." I glance out the window to see Jackie talking to Tristan, a boy who sits--or, sat--with us at lunch, along with his girlfriend Tulia. I don't like the two, first because they swear too much, and second because they ignore me. And, Tristan pushed me once. I have no idea why. Jackie had made a rule, it was "No swearing if you're hanging out with us." Partially because she didn't want the teachers to hear her and call her parents, and a little bit because my family doesn't say any bad words at all. I don't like hearing them.
"It's okay," Mom says, snapping me out of my horrible reverie. I never like to think about Tristan. I smile at her.
When we get home, the first thing I think about is finding some riding lessons. I look online for a bit but don't find anything. I accidentally click on something, and it shows a website with a moving picture of a horse. There is a section that says riding lessons. I read it: "We offer individual and group lessons in all disciplines."
I move my eyes down the page and almost fall out of my chair with excitement. "35 dollars!" I yell, looking at my mom. "What is?" she asks.
"These lessons! These private lessons!" I stand up. "Since it's summer, can I start soon?"
"Of course! What are you waiting for? Send that email and ask about the schedule."

I step out of the car and I'm greeted by a girl with curly dark brown hair. "Hi," she says. "I'm Alice, the trainer. Welcome!"
"Hi," I say shyly. "I'm Bridget. I'm here for lessons."
"Oh, hello, Bridget. Nice to meet you." she says, and after she's done talking she looks at my mom. "Hey, I'm Alice." She shakes my mom's hand. "I'm Sam, Bridget's mom," my mom says. I had never heard her say her short name to a new person. Weird...but, cool, I guess.
"It's nice to meet you, Sam," Alice smiles, "Are you ready for your lesson, Bridget?"
I nod.
"Great. Let's go," she waits for me to give my mom a hug before I follow her to meet my new horse.
When we get to the stable yard, I'm surprised.The large square is full of riders and their horses, and the stalls surround it. There are horses of many colors. I had signed up for both disciplines, which I am surprised they do both for one rider. "Here's the horse you'll be riding," Alice says. It's a pretty dappled gray mare. Her tail is tipped in flaxen, and her dapples stand out. She's a quarter horse. "Great!" I say, petting her. She sniffs my hand and nickers.

"Hold the reins tighter, squeeze your legs a little more," my instructor says. I listen to her. I'm currently riding Western. Alice says it's a good start. I pet my mare's neck. "Good girl," I whisper. She lays back her ears to listen to me. I smile. I'm riding a horse!
I never thought I'd do it. And now my dream has come true. I'm riding a beautiful mare, and I feel so free on a horse. We move on to a trot with Alice's signal. Her gait is bumpy, which makes me laugh as I bounce up and down. But I regain my seat and I sit the trot well. "Good job!" Alice says. My heart feels like it's about to explode with happiness. Maybe it will. But the horse underneath me is far beyond happy, joyful to have a rider so kind--I can tell. She trots with her head up, not with power but with joy, and her eyes sparkle with energy. I love a horse like me--brave, kind.
I ride every Friday evening, so I can put my homework aside and do it on Saturday. I love my mare. I forgot to mention her name! It's Winter. Even though it's in the summer when I met her.
She's my summer mare.

SpiritRF & Shiloh
2017-10-22 20:26:24

How our hearts connect
While riding in the ring.
We jump through the obstacles
Like no one's ever seen.
I feel my horse's hoofbeats
As he canters through the sand.
We jump the last jump, and land.
We made it, we did it.
We completed the course.
We did it together, just me and my horse.

sweetsolo & Solo
2017-10-23 04:45:45

Soft,Fluffy White.
They're a beautiful sight.
Reminding me of horses pure and white.
They make me reach for the sky.
Way up high.
Where the unicorn's fly.

BecauseofHorses & Dancer
2017-10-24 07:33:27
Ghost Horse.
By PonyGal103
I looked sadly out the window of the car and sighed. All I saw was boring, dry nothing. Just dirt and sand and a few small trees.
"Dad, why do we have to move to Kahlini? It is the most boring place on earth. Nothing but dirt." I grumbled.
"Hey, that not true, I saw a cactus a few miles back." He smiled in the rear view mirror. I rolled my eyes at him and scoffed.
"Dad, cactus's aren't super exciting." He laughed and returned to watching the cracked ,dusty road. I glanced out the window and saw a flash of white. I looked closer. There was a white horse running along the road.
"Wow" I whispered.
"You say something?" Asked my dad.
"Dad, look there's a horse out there." He looked out his window.
"I don't see any horse." He said. I looked out again, but there was no horse.
"But he was right there, there's no trees, where did he go?"
"Maybe he ran off behind us. I wont be surprised if you see a few more horses. Kahlili has lots of em." I smiled at the thought of seeing the beautiful mystery horse again. I leaned back in my seat and sighed.
"Dad, how much further?" I asked
"Oh maybe an hour or so." I pulled out my phone and saw a text from my friend Alex.
I smiled sadly as I remembered my friends back in the city. I glanced out the window,saw nothing and closed my eyes starting to fall asleep. I opened my eyes ad pulled my pillow out of the trunk. I put it against the window and leaned into it. I closed my eyes once again and fell into a deep sleep.

Ponygal103 & Sai
2017-10-25 19:45:27
once there was a horse.her name was phantom,she and her rider were faithful to each other till the end.that end came when theiy were riding along a cliff on halloween night,but she never came back.they say she and her rider are still out there somewhere.
sundrew & dancer
2017-10-25 23:51:34
Pt. 1

I woke up, and looked over at my sister, Riverfall. Still sleeping, she muttered something about "No, don't!" and "Go! Away!"

"Riverfall! Hey! Come on, sis!" I start shaking her.

"Rio, I had the worst dream!" She exclaims.

"Shhh, shhh, it's over now, little one. It was only a dream."

"No, Rio. It wasn't," she says, and looks me straight in the eye. "It was a vision."
"Riverfall," I say patiently, "You know there have not been visions since the Unicorns horns got taken."
"Rio, it was a vision! It was, it was... I saw it. I did, I did."
"Riverfall - " I say, but she cuts me off.
"Listen! Rio, you must listen! You have to - have to listen..."
Riverfall has been loopy since Rynn, Rhea, and Rowen, her children (Rynn and Rhea were girls, Rowen was a boy) disappeared.
"Yes, Riverfall. So tell me about your vision. What happened in there?"
"Oh, I'm forgetting it. Listen! I remember... Oh, the mountain, the mountain! She was there, the queen of the Unicorns! And she is hurt, and trapped, and we must rescue her before she is - No, her sister wouldn't! But she will! The queen is hurt very badly, trapped behind a wall of insubstantial rock, and her sister has her horn... The rebel leader! She - and oh, oh dear..." Riverfall sobs. "I can't remem-remember... S-She is g-g-gone." She breaks down.
"Shhhh, sister. Do not worry."
"B-But... She was there! And my children! The Mountain, Rio. The Mountain! They - Oh..."
Now I realize what Riverfall meant by the mountain. She meant The Mountain, the one where Rynn, Rhea, and Rowen disappeared.
She didn't mean to, she was watching them! I was chasing off a pesky mountain cat who wouldn't leave us alone, and when I got back... She was frantic. She raced everywhere, taking dangerous paths. Rynn was the oldest, Rowen the youngest. Riverfall searched everywhere for all three of them, but she never found them. She returned each day for years afterward, but never found them. When I finally persuaded her to move away, (she had been looking for 5 years, give or take a few months), she was heartbroken, and was never really the same witty, funny, clever, and cunning Riverfall I once knew her to be. When we moved away, instead of ever referring to The Mountain by its true name (which we have purposefully forgotten), we just called it The Mountain.
I snap out of my reverie as Riverfall starts calling faintly, faintly, "Rynn... Rhea... Rowen... Darlings, it's me, come..."
"Shhhh, Riverfall. I know it's painful to think about it. Please, don't cry. We will find them someday, I know it in my bones. They are alive. We both know my bones are always right." What I don't mention is that they are only alive for the moment. My bones always know. They always know.

Rabbit08 & Willowette
2017-10-27 03:15:14
The Changeling Son
By Paladin

Chapter One: I look in the mirror...and I've got a makeover.

Have you ever looked in the mirror in the morning, and been like: Great Scott, I've got a bad hair day? Well, that's what this morning is like.

Only, bad hair would be a thousand times better than this.

When I got up this morning, I knew something was wrong. I just couldn't figure out what it was. I'm like that- I usually don't realize something's wrong until its staring me in the face.

I'd walked- no, crawled, into my bathroom, wondering why I felt so heavy and dizzy and why the floorboards were creaking under me. I'm a sixteen year old dude, and I don't weigh that much.

And then I'd looked in the mirror.

I'm still screaming, though how that's possible, I don't know. I mean, I should be a little hoarse, because I am a horse.

I prance around on my horse hooves, wondering what in the name of sanity had happened. This had to be a dream. But the more I move around, the more rolls of toilet paper I knock off my shelf, the more I realize that this isn't a dream.

I close my mouth and inspect my face from the side. Horse vision is strange- I can't see anything in front of my forehead, but when I tilt my head to the side, I can see everything.

I see my dark reflection staring back at me- a dark brown horse with surprisingly bright blue eyes. That doesn't seem right, but I have blue eyes...so whatever is happening, that must be connected.

Carefully, I turn myself around, picking my way back out of the bathroom. Suddenly, I hear laughing all around me.

At first, I think it's my younger siblings. Rose and Marcus are always breaking into my room, and being five, they'd find it hilarious that there was a horse in my room.

'Mom! Mom! Emmett's got a horse!' 'Mom, I think Emmett is a horse!' 'Mom, can I keep it?' 'I think it just pooped in the floor!'

First of all, I can assure you, I have not pooped in the floor. Secondly, the voices weren't my siblings. Two long-limbed gangly creatures were rolling around on my crushed, ruined bed, laughing like hyenas and flashing their sharp teeth at me. Long, translucent wings fan out from their bony backs, and they're dressed in rags.

After waking up with four hooves and a muzzle, you'd think that I wouldn't find this that impressive. Ask anyone at my school, though, and they'll tell you: Emmett could make a Chihuahua look brave.

I probably don't need to tell you this, but I'm screaming again. In fact, my back legs bend beneath me, and I stumble back into my shelves. My tabletop sets and books tumble down onto the floor, glancing off my furry flank and causing a raucous melody to resonate around the house.

It's at this moment that someone decides to come to my rescue.

"Grimm, Scree, get out."

The two goblin like creatures scramble off my bed and escape through an open window, still shrieking with laughter. I tilted my head in that direction. A tall, slender girl with wild brown hair was crouching outside on the roof. She watches me with black eyes, her elbows resting on her knees.

"You Emmett?"

I'm not sure how to respond. Girls usually look at me like I'm a nasty bug or ABC (already been chewed) gum. This girl, however, didn't seem to mind my existence. In fact, she seemed friendly, in an odd, distant kind of way.

I'm not sure if I can talk, but somehow, the words leave my mouth despite my lips never parting.

"Since no girl in her right mind would ever sit outside my window, I'm going to guess you already know that."

The girl smiled and nodded, and with a quick swing of her legs, she vaults into my room like a trained gymnast.

"I'm Heather," she said, straightening up to her full height. She's taller than me by several inches. "And I'm a child of a changeling- just like you."

Paladin & Odin
2017-10-28 01:20:54
A Lonely Halloween
By sundrew

once on a lonely halloween night a boy was on his horse walking along a trail right next to a cliff.To the boy this trail was safe,but on halloween nights,strange things happened here.people dissapering without a trace,strange noises and sights,and other stuff.soon a fog rolled in,the boy wasn't scared so he did not anything was wrong until it was too late.the boy never came home that night and was never seen again.

sundrew & dancer
2017-10-28 02:09:09
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
