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Cherryblossom Riding Camp Hi, and welcome to Cherryblossom Riding Camp. This camp gets it's name after the beautiful cherryblossom trees surrounding the camp. This is a summer camp where everything revolves around horses! You can ride the trails with friends, practice jumping on our never-ending cross country course, or practice dressage in our beautiful indoor arenas. Sometimes we even have weekly competitions. You will be staying in our rustic cabins by Cherryblossom Lake. You might even become best of friends with your roommate. Oh, and don't worry about your horse, they will have plenty of room, feed and horse friends of it's own in our state of the ark stables. And if you don't own a horse, don't worry we have plenty of stable-owned horses for you to ride for the summer. How you choose to spend your summer is up to you. ~GHA

Jessie-"okay! *says cheerfully.* i guess i'll get everything put away. thanks again. se ya later!
bella grace ponies & Prince
2018-07-08 14:25:10
(Is it just you two here? :) LOL)
Barbie rubs her head up and down my side, thanking me for the special attention. "No problem, my sweet." I grin. I put her back in her stall, then go and get Sedona to let her out to pasture. She had her own paddock, but it was good to let her stretch her legs a bit more. And inside was never her thing. (to tell the truth, I think she is literally claustrophobic!) I sigh, watching her frisk around the pasture, whinnying to the other horses. I lean against the fence, just letting myself relax.

Adeline HC & Esprit Ellis
2018-07-11 21:49:37
RM- yep! glad to have you, adaline!
bella grace ponies & Prince
2018-07-14 22:09:54
RM- Yes. I think so, thanks for joining us.:)
GodHorsesAmerica & Pocket Full of Sunshine
2018-07-20 14:59:44
jessie- *starts to unpack*
bella grace ponies & Prince
2018-07-21 00:35:51
(No problem!)
The sun was setting. It almost seemed rapid, but it was very fulfilling. I couldn't help but watch. It was a beautiful sight. The horses were all bedded down and catching their z's. I yawned. It was about time I did that as well.

Adeline HC & Esprit Ellis
2018-07-24 01:56:02
***Sorry guys I'v been inactive for so long hope this club isn't too! I'll start t RP once some more people come n again.***
SWC & Starsight
2018-08-19 21:50:51
***I'm still here..... don't know about the others. But, you can RP whenever you would like.:)***
GodHorsesAmerica & Pocket Full of Sunshine
2018-08-20 14:03:53
I woke up with a start. Hooray! Another day at Cherryblossom Riding Camp! I gobbled down some granola to tide me over, eager to start my day. "Goodmoring, beauties. Ready to start our day?" I cooed to them. They both nickered, looking at me curiously. "I'll take THAT as a yes."
Adeline HC & Esprit Ellis
2018-08-21 20:23:34
I open my eyes slowly. I've never been much of a morning person. I drag myself out of bed and to the bathroom. After I splash some water on my face I'm fully awake. I choose my favourite violet designer jodhpurs, a white long sleeve polo shirt, and new polished black boots that cost a fortune. I sweep my hair into a French braid. I grab two apples. One for me, and one for rain. (I changed my horse's name from May to Rain). I race to the barn. "Hi girl! We're going to go for an early morning ride! I just have to tell Conley." I give the apple to Rain and run to Conley's office. "Hi Conley! I'm going to take Rain out for a ride!"
SWC & Starsight
2018-08-22 15:42:04
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
