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Broken Horses Recuperation Clinic
a horse hospital only for horses with broken bones or handicaps and mental problems and disabilities

Krystal-*I grab an apple and stick it in my pocket. I start to speed-walk chase Jake.* "Hey! You ok?!"
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-03-05 00:23:15
Ty:*joins the chase*HEY Jake we're not gonna leave you alone until you tell us whats up

Dakota:*whickers to Krystal wanting the apple*

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-03-05 01:34:42
Vel: *I dance backward, intimidated by this "sponge" then I rear, my hooves coming close to Jake's head. I jump backwards and touch the fence. Then I jump forward and gallop away, my tail flicking in Jakes face and my body almost bumping into him. I race around the perimiter of the fence, hurt and scared and wanting to be free.

Mel: *I let the leadrope long and just hold on the tip. Then I back over all the trotting poles and stand there on the other side with a treat in my outstretched hand.* Sassy, you'll have to walk over these trotting poles for a treat.

1000 wild mustangs & Rusty Horseshoes
2013-03-05 23:43:01
Jake: *I laugh at the girls speed-walking towards me* Vel reared. My shoulder was in the way. It's just a scratch. *I swiftly halter Vel and give him the treat, I walk him to the bucket and take off a bandage, I hold the sponge out for Vel to sniff*
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-03-05 23:46:10
Krystal-"One sec Kots" (Kots is my nickname for Dakota)
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-03-05 23:51:32
Ty:*snorts*that is not just a scratch*looks at the deep gash*
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-03-06 01:36:39
Krystal-"Oh, ok"
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-03-06 01:36:39
Sassy:*sniffs at the poles, and then steps around them to get to Mel.

Andy:*walks to Advances stall, and steps in.*Hey, Adds(his nickname for him), how are you doing?*massages the horses jaws for a minute, and then pats him.

Danielle Rose & Dandy
2013-03-06 01:41:23
Jake: *As Vel rears I feel his hooves slam into my shoulder, I feel pain shoot through my arm, i switch hands quickly and, ignoring the pain, sweep my injured arm back to stop Ty and Krystal from coming, I grab Vel's halter and unsnap the safety snap, I slip it off one handed, I walk out and secure the fence, turning it back on* Well, that went about as well as planned. *I walk to my truck and rip open the door* Well, who wants to go to the E.R? *I climb in, waiting for the girls, then I peel out of the driveway and clamp my arm to my side, expertly steering with one hand, I pull into the E.R. parking lot and toss the keys to Krystal* I broke my arm skateboarding and Krystal drove me here. *I wink and the girls and stagger into the waiting room, crying out in pain, the wink showing I'm faking for quick treatment*

Nurse: Oh my! *Pulls Jake into the X-Ray room, shoves a clip board at Ty*

Jake: Ty doesn't know my medical info. I'll fill it out later.

~A little while later~

Jake: *I come back, my arm in a cast and sling, a butterfly closer on a cut on my cheek, I grab the clipboard from Ty and fill out the form with my left hand*

Name: Jacob Lucas S***
Age: 22
Date of Birth: April 20, 1991
Gender: Male
Allergies: None
Reason for Visit: Broken Collar bone near shoulder joint
Reason for Injury/Sickness: I was skateboarding and hit a turtle, I fell off. Turtle was fine.

Alright, that aught to please the press. *I look up* The Press! Dang! I forgot! *I look at Ty and Krystal* You need to go to my truck and wait for me. I'll be there soon.

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-03-06 04:49:26
Krystal-"Jake, are you sure we should wait for you." *I speak in a motherly tone.*
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-03-06 22:48:49
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
