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Broken Horses Recuperation Clinic
a horse hospital only for horses with broken bones or handicaps and mental problems and disabilities

Ty:are you kidding me I aien't going to the truck without you unless Krystal drags me kicking and screaming there*links arm on Jakes well arm I have an idea *winks*
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-03-06 23:02:41
Vel: *In my mad rush around the perimeter, I touch the electric fence. I scream and rush away, pain shooting through my body. I run madly, gone crazy from pain and ram into the hay feeder, tearing off one of my bandages.*

(Come save me someone! I need help!)

Mel: Sassy girl you're too smart for your own good. Well, like it or not, you are going to cross those polls. *I tie Sassy in her stall for the moment*

1000 wild mustangs & Rusty Horseshoes
2013-03-07 00:04:23
Mel: *I open a gate to an unused pasture and use four fencing panels to make a funnel to channel Sassy through the gate and over the trotting poles and to the treat. I get Sassy again and hold the tip of the lead rope again and hold a treat in my hand, forcing Sassy to walk over the poles if she wants a treat. There is no way out this time.* Come on Sassy Girl.
1000 wild mustangs & Rusty Horseshoes
2013-03-07 00:10:59
Sassy:*wants the treat, but is scared of the poles because of a past experience with them. She had been trotting over them,, when she stepped on one of them, and fell. Her hind leg, before it had been amputated, got a piece of dried paint wedged underneath the skin. She got a disease from it, and the only way it could be cured was to amputate her leg to stop it from spreading all the way up her leg and into her body. Thats how she lost her leg. Sassy refuses to go over the poles, even if it means not getting a treat. The mare nickers to Mel, wanting her to come over to Sassy and give her the treat.
Danielle Rose & Dandy
2013-03-07 21:56:00
Krystal-*I look at the nurse* "Their my cousins, if I leave them together they'll probably end up hurting Jake worse and killing hurting Ty too! I'd better go with them."*I look at her in a 'family: they drive you nuts but you love 'em' look*
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-03-08 03:51:23
Mel: Alright girl. Fine. *I put another panel so Sassy can't get out, take of her halter and lead rope and leave her in there with a pail of grain and the treat on this side of the rails. Then I walk away, pretending not to care, but I do.*
1000 wild mustangs & Rusty Horseshoes
2013-03-08 04:40:57
hi guys i am involved in way too many clubs going on here, and i'm going off a few. so, bye, have fun!!!! :)
Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-03-08 17:19:22
Don't leave us!
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-03-10 01:12:23
Sassypants:*wants to walk over to the grain, but won't go over the poles. Sassy paws the ground, and accidentally pulls the first pole over to her. Sassy
jumps backward to avoid the pole, and then paws at it again, taking it away from the other poles. Then she discovers something: She can move the poles! She walks up the the second pole, and does the same thing she did with the first pole, then with the third, and the fourth, until there is one pole left. Sassy just steps over that one, feeling that just one pole can't hurt her, and she digs into the grain.

Danielle Rose & Dandy
2013-03-11 19:08:00
Jake: Ty, Krystal, trust me. Go. *I practiclly shove them out the door* Lay down in the cab until I tell you to get up. *I walk out to distract the press*

Press: *Swarms Jake* Mister! Mister! What happened to your arm Jake? What happened? Why are you here? Are you alright?

Jake: I was skateboarding and I fell. *My eyes are steeled and give no trace of the lie*

Press: When will you and your sister release your next CD? Is it true you've signed off on Marius in a production of Les Miserables?

Jake: We don't know yet. No, I haven't decided on that yet. *I see Krystal and Ty in the truck and make my way over* If you'll excuse me. *I hop in and drive out* There's something you should know about me. I'm famous, I'm a singer with my sister, we have some CD's, I have a movie deal on Marius from Les Miserables.

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-03-11 23:42:37
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
