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*** Take The Reins Farm ***
Is a western farm in Kansa owned by two girls named Lucy and Gemma and their family. The main type of horse is Paint Horses. They are manly trained for western.

Lucy: stables star and walks over to Ty *Hi I'm Lucy."
RM You can help with Thunder and ride both

Starwalker123 & Star
2013-02-07 22:07:35
Western is not made to look "smart". It's made to be efficient when working livestock. Neither is better than the other because they are not comparable. One is best for jumping and the like, the other is best for working with animals and roping and all that. I ride both and I like them both very much. They are just meant for different things. They aren't made to be alike.
Galloping Bareback & Dakota Sioux
2013-02-07 22:07:35
Starwalker, my horse is a Blanket Appaloosa. Is that okay? Or does he have to be a paint?
Danielle Rose & Dandy
2013-02-07 22:14:00
Horsesforever, Ty, Moody, you all need to have paints.
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-02-07 22:14:00
ok Parelli here is my other horse
horse form (You can fill out this or yours.)
Show/ Long/ Reg. extra Name:Charismas Zip
Stable/ Call/Barn Name:Analeigh
Breed:paint horse x thoroughbred
Coat color:pinto like light chestnut pattern
Markings:pinto like
Eyes:sky blue
Personality:sweet ,wildish
History:bought from a friend
Owner:tyler Whirlwind Leah

(not you Ehorse just some people at my stables they walk past and act like i don't even know a hoof from a barrel i love english but people at the place i ride at are snobs about it)

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-02-07 23:17:39
(Dani, you have to have at least one paint. And I agree with Ehorse, I ride English as well, I am NOT snobby either)
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-02-07 23:20:42
He counts his markings are close to piants
Starwalker123 & Star
2013-02-07 23:41:58
Moody's horses markings are more piant than Appy
Starwalker123 & Star
2013-02-07 23:44:39
Stables and pastures so far
Barn A (Riding Horses) 30 Stalls 15 a side
Stall 1: Dancing One Of The Stars aka Star (Lucy)
Stall 2: The Best Of Every Thing aka Midnight (Lucy)
Stall 3: Long Day Walking in the Rain aka Rain (Max)
Stall 4: Just Coal That’s My Name aka Coal (Max)
Stall 5: Gonna Get Rowdy Tonight aka Rowdy (Gemma)
Stall 6: Gonna Say Howdy Partner aka Howdy (Gemma)
Stall 7: Head out West aka Westly (Gemma)
Stall 8: Salt n Pepper aka Pepper (Summer)
Stall 9: Dodger of Longwood aka Dodger (Jessica)
Stall 10: Diamond Spirit aka Diamond (Jessica)
Stall 11: King Thunder In The Mountain aka Thunder (Trainy)
Stall 12: Wild Comanche Raid aka Comanche or Annie (Jen)
Stall 13: Sky Tiger aka Skype (Tyler)
Stall 14: National Velvet aka Velvet (Tyler)
Stall 15: Majestic Tiger aka Tiger (Tyler)
Left side
Stall 16: Crypto aero aka Cavey (Tyler)
Stall 17: Majorly Fantastic aka Major (Tyler)
Stall 18: Charismas Zip aka Analeigh (Tyler)
Stall 19: Love's Forever Promise aka Promise(Ashely)
Stall 2o:
Stall 21:
Stall 22:
Stall 23:
Stall 24:
Stall 25:
Stall 26:
Stall 27:
Stall 28:
Stall 29:
Stall 30:
Barn B (Breeding Mares) 20 stalls ten a side
Stall 1: The Little Fox aka Vixen and The Little Magic Breaker aka Magic
Stall 2: The Hopeful Lady aka Hope and The Last Hope To Tango aka Tango
Stall 3: Gypsy’s Golden Honey aka Gypsy and Dancing Golden Willows aka Willow
Stall 4:
Stall 5:
Stall 6:
Stall 7:
Stall 8:
Stall 9:
Stall 10:
Stall 11:
Stall 12:
Stall 13:
Stall 14:
Stall 15:
Stall 16:
Stall 17:
Stall 18:
Stall 19:
Stall 2o:
Barn C (Breeding Stallion) 10 stalls
Stall 1:
Stall 2:
Stall 3:
Stall 4:
Stall 5:
Stall 6:
Stall 7:
Stall 8:
Stall 9:
Stall 10:
Pasture A (Riding Mares)
The Best Of Every Thing aka Midnight (Lucy)
Long Day Walking in the Rain aka Rain (Max)
Diamond Spirit aka Diamond (Jessica)
Wild Comanche Raid aka Comanche or Annie (Jen)
National Velvet aka Velvet (Tyler)
Majestic Tiger aka Tiger (Tyler)
Charismas Zip aka Analeigh (Tyler)
Pasture B (Geldings)
Just Coal That’s My Name aka Coal (Max)
Salt n Pepper aka Pepper (Summer)
Dodger of Longwood aka Dodger (Jessica)
Love's Forever Promise aka Promise(Ashely
Pasture C (Stallions)
Dancing One Of The Stars aka Star (Lucy)
Gonna Get Rowdy Tonight aka Rowdy (Gemma)
Gonna Say Howdy Partner aka Howdy (Gemma)
Head out West aka Westly (Gemma)
King Thunder In The Mountain aka Thunder (Trainy)
Sky Tiger aka Skype (Tyler)
Crypto aero aka Cavey (Tyler)
Majorly Fantastic aka Major (Tyler)
Pasture C (Mares and Foals/ Breeding mares)
The Little Fox aka Vixen and The Little Magic Breaker aka Magic
The Hopeful Lady aka Hope and The Last Hope To Tango aka Tango
Gypsy’s Golden Honey aka Gypsy and Dancing Golden Willows aka Willow

Starwalker123 & Star
2013-02-08 02:55:34
(Hey can I join, i talked to Starwalker and sense im English im going to ride english and take western lessons)
Full Name: Kaitlyn S****
Name: Kaitlyn
Eyes:dark brown
Hair color:Blonde
Hair style: Long, sleek, straight hair(normal) Neat ponytail(sports aka.riding)
Likes: Horses!! Nature, Chinese food
Dislikes: Anything nuts, loud crowds
Personality:Kind, caring, determined, free
Family: Mom, Dad, Grandparents and many cousins, only child
History: Has won many top eventing competitions and has done extremely well in school and all other sports

~Horse Info~
Show Name: Aquila Meagan
Barn Name: Meagan
Age: 7
Gender: mare
Breed: Mustang/Arabian mix
Height: 15hh
Coat: bright, glossy chestnut
Mane: Darker chestnut
Tail:same as mane
Markings: 3 white socks, White streak down face
Hooves: tanish grey
Personality: sweet, good listner, wild, free
History: Has been by my side sense she was a foal and we have spent our lives eventing- shows, lessons and we have also had many fun times
Owner: Kaitlyn Silverstone.

TShorses & Meghan
2013-02-08 12:27:57
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
