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*** Take The Reins Farm ***
Is a western farm in Kansa owned by two girls named Lucy and Gemma and their family. The main type of horse is Paint Horses. They are manly trained for western.

(I'm riding english right now)
Ty:*halts Analeigh beside Pepper agqin*

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-02-17 00:10:23
Mrs. Heart: *Here is goes at the gait of you choosing you’ll weave thru the poles grab the bag and weave back. Lucy first then Max then ask to go next.*
Lucy: I balance on to Star’s back then I clap my heels into his side and off we fly. He bucks as we weave between the first two poles. We dart between them I slow down and grab the bag reining him hard around the barrel. Then we spin around the pole a black and white blur. As we come back to line I try to slow him down but he rears I stay on and trot back to line. *Good easy boy.* I whisper when we get there. I hand Mrs. Heart the bag
Mrs. Heart: I take the bag back and go back to the group *See how Lucy handled Star.*
Max: I move my Gray and white Frame Saboino in to a gallop. We soar around the poles and grab the bag flying back. I slow her down and give Mrs. Heart The bag.
Mrs. Heart: I put it back and go back to the line *Who’s next.*

Starwalker123 & Star
2013-02-17 04:20:04
Mrs. Heart: *Here is goes at the gait of you choosing you’ll weave thru the poles grab the bag and weave back. Lucy first then Max then ask to go next.*
Lucy: I balance on to Star’s back then I clap my heels into his side and off we fly. He bucks as we weave between the first two poles. We dart between them I slow down and grab the bag reining him hard around the barrel. Then we spin around the pole a black and white blur. As we come back to line I try to slow him down but he rears I stay on and trot back to line. *Good easy boy.* I whisper when we get there. I hand Mrs. Heart the bag
Mrs. Heart: I take the bag back and go back to the group *See how Lucy handled Star.*
Max: I move my Gray and white Frame Saboino in to a gallop. We soar around the poles and grab the bag flying back. I slow her down and give Mrs. Heart The bag.
Mrs. Heart: I put it back and go back to the line *Who’s next.*

Starwalker123 & Star
2013-02-17 04:20:04
Ty:I'll go next*kisses Analeigh into a smooth,fast canter and weaves her through the barrels and stifleing a giggle when she jumps one by mistake then grabbing the bag and pushing her into a gallop then slowing her and handing Mrs.Heart the bag*how was that?
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-02-17 18:39:13
Kaitlyn-*I bring Meg up next to Ty and his horse* "Hey i'm happy im not the only english rider" *I smile and laugh a little*
TShorses & Meghan
2013-02-17 18:40:44
Mrs. Heart: *That was Good.* Runs the bag back *Summer Go ahead.*
Starwalker123 & Star
2013-02-18 04:03:16
Ty:goodluck Summer I'd watch for that barrel Analeigh jumped its a little tight over there*smiles at Katlyn*me to *stifles a giggle*
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-02-18 17:31:20
Thunder:*grazes in his paddock, then a rabbit spooks him, and the stallion bolts away. Then he stops, and flares his nostrils.
Danielle Rose & Dandy
2013-02-18 19:40:34
Mrs. Heart: *That ok.* runs it back Then comes back *Next*
Starwalker123 & Star
2013-02-19 01:48:13
Ty:Mrs.Heart that horse over there Thunder could I work with him because he looks like he could be great for almost anything?
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-02-19 22:16:47
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
