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Calistas Herd
Calista is a wild mare that came from a different planet, and she is blessed with wisdom, beauty, and grace. She wants to have her own herd, and welcomes any new horse eagerly. I know that members will have good, clean fun on this herd.

Poseidon:rain I already knew her and Zeus why are you talking to your son when you could tell me why Calista needs my help

Whirlwind:I don't like this*says nervously*

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-04-14 03:33:39
Magic:*Sees Silky* Are you alright?
CharlotteandtheStarlet & Angel
2013-04-14 20:24:20
Silky: I'm alone (I keep crying) Mom is gone!
Moody Dolphin & Annie
2013-04-14 20:24:20
Bronzia: *Stares at the tree really hard, the scar dissapears, the tree is fine again* I am as powerful as you. *Glances at a bush next to Storm, it implodes*
Magra: *What a fascinating cloud that is*

Annaneya & Sequoia
2013-04-14 20:24:20
Rain: I look at Bronzia I feel something is wrong. Oh well.
Gottoride & Winner
2013-04-14 21:28:43
Rain: ( To Bronzia and magra.) All right you two you made your point break it up.
Gottoride & Winner
2013-04-14 21:33:13
Silky: (To Magic) Do you know where my mom is?
Moody Dolphin & Annie
2013-04-15 02:20:20
Rocket:kids my age these days*shakes head*what have we all been thinking lately

Whirlwind:no clue

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-04-15 02:28:48
Storm: You are nowhere near as powerful! *I explode the meadow in fire, something he and Ajax only can control (which means nobody *coughBronziacough* can control) nothing burning, no horses being harmed, only his raw power*

Ajax: STORM! You have proved your point. *I make the fire disappear, I walk to Bronzia* You know you are not as powerful as either of us. I am not as powerful than Storm, he is more powerful than his father, and will get more powerful when he takes the throne.

Zeus: *I laugh* Ah, my brother. You must find some things out for yourself.

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-04-15 19:37:27
Magra: I didn't do anything!
Bronzia: He started it.

Annaneya & Sequoia
2013-04-15 19:43:10
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
