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Georgetown Equestrian Center

(well he's learning in the lesson Ty's giving them so if you could hold till the lesson he'll be able to do english)

Ty:hey Katie!Is Cruiser still biting or are you gonna make Cowboy do something unnescarry to annoy him*smiles*SCOTT!Tack up Kyra!Emma won't be back till tomorrow so I'll show you how to ride english on her!By the way Sara Mrs.Rona won't be instructing today cause Andy needs surgery AGAIN.

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-04-21 18:54:27
Elizabeth: Who's instructing then, Ty?
Moody Dolphin & Annie
2013-04-22 04:06:53
Cowboy: *I tack up Aubrey, patting the chestnut mare's neck* Alright girl. *I swing up and put her through her paces, then I take her over a couple jumps*

Sarah: Heels down!

Cowboy: *I shove my heels down and straighten my toes, I take a couple more and cool her down, I dismount and groom Aubrey, then put her in her pasture, locking the gate*

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-04-22 18:00:48
(Parelli I'm doing the lesson and Cowboy's learning how to ride english today cause he only know western at the moment(they are all based off real people but with different names)and the horses only go to the pasture in the morning and in the evening except for Winzlo,Tango,and Andy)

Ty:I am Elizabeth

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-04-22 20:06:36
Katie-*Gives Ty a huge hug* "I was SO bored in Florida without you!!"
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-04-22 20:06:51
(Oh, sorry, I'll just re-do that shall I?)

Cowboy: *I tack up Aubrey and mount up, I walk her to the ring* Hey Ty!

Sarah: *I tack up Winzlo and walk to the ring* Can I join?

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-04-23 02:48:17
Ty:*hugs Katie back*well maybe I'll take a break from my job next time all though I doubt that I will!
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-04-23 02:48:17
Ty:hey Sara hey Cowboy!OK Cowboy I want you to cluck Aubrey not kick or sqeeze so she'll trot and everytime her body starts to rise I want you to rise ever so slightly OK?Now Sara Mrs.Rona told me your having some trouble with your hunter jumping position so I want you to some how keep Winzlo at a walk since he's been crazy ever since you bought him and practice your 2-point position and Katie I want you to tack Cruiser and lunge him since his arthritis is gone now and we want him to get all the kinks out first
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-04-23 22:39:28
Katie-"Great idea Ty." *I groom Cruiser until he shines, then go get his tack. I swing the lime green saddle pad over his back, followed by a dark mahogany English saddle. I put his girth on, leaving it loose until I go into the ring. Before I put on his bridle, I wrap his legs in lime green polo wraps, and velcro on lime green bell boots. I groan and realize I forgot his dark mahogany running martingale, and undo the girth to put it on. I then put on his dark mahogany bridle with a padded and stitched noseband and browband. I unbuckle the dark mahogany laced reins with rein stoppers and put them through the glistening rings of the martingale. I re-buckle and knot his reins, then clip my hot pink lunge line to his bridle, so that he can work to his best side, the left, first. I pick up my matching lung whip and lead Cruiser out of his stall. I bring him to the round pen and send him out at a walk in a small circle.* "Not to big yet boy, I don't want you dragging me, ok?"
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-04-23 22:50:25
Sarah: *I nod and ask Winzlo for a walk, I rise into a 2-point and keep my balence, wobbling a little at the rise*

Cowboy: *I click to Aubrey and she walks forward, I click again and she trots, I start posting as I'd seen Sarah do a bunch of times, after a couple double bouncings, I get the hang of it*

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-04-24 19:06:46
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
