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Georgetown Equestrian Center

Katie-"Hey, I'm Katie"
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-05-05 02:38:40
Sara: *I grab Winzlo's bridle as he prances around*

Cowboy: So.. since there are other people to take my place..... *I quickly canter Aubrey out of the arena*

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-05-06 23:27:35
Ty:I thought you were my faithful pal Cowboy!Not David H***!(actual name name but not real)

Mrs.Rona:*walks in*I'm back from taking Andy too the doctor he will be back in a week also the riders who will be representing us for english competition this year are drum roll please

Ty:*pats my pocket rhythmeically*

Mrs.Rona:Ty....Sara....Katie....Reed...Meagan... Austin...and last but not least Emma Faith*smiles*

Ty:yes!*high-fives Sara,Reed,Katie,and Emma but can't high-five Mrs.Meagan and Austin because M.M.is at a show and Austin is visiting his aunt*

Mrs.Rona:Western is Ty...Katie...Cowboy....Austin(need someone to play him)....Brady(need someone to play him)...and even though you prefer english we'll need you Sara

Ty:*smiles at the fact that most of my friends will be there*

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-05-07 02:56:38
Cowboy: Aw yeah. Who'll I be riding?

Sara: Both comps? I think this is the first time this has happened!!

(Sara is a lot like me! I've been riding since age 6 and I'm 13, she's been riding since age 5 and is 15, we can ride English AND Western and we prefer English.... And we both have a paint... this is weird.)

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-05-07 12:11:36
Katie-"Both? Are you sure I can do it?"
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-05-07 21:49:02
Mrs.Rona:you can Katie you've got your perfect partner*motions to Cruiser*and Cowboy Meagan has offered Aubrey up for a 300$ a month lease if you're interested

Ty:*smiles happily*

RM:does anyone want to play Brady or Austin?

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-05-08 02:52:40
Cowboy: Hmm... Just, just a little. *Holds up thumb and index finger about an inch apart*
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-05-08 13:24:15
Scott: Can I join?
SpiritRider3101 & Shade
2013-05-08 16:27:47
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-05-08 22:13:55
Mrs.Rona:*turns to Scott*well first I need to assign you a lesson horse and you're already reserve for western and if you're OK at english you can do the dressage*looks through black berry*ah-ha!Scott would you like to lease Veronica from me for 100$ a month so you can show?
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-05-09 03:48:57
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
