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Bella Sara club
a magical horse roleplay where you create your magical horse and have fun

Can I be Bello?
Varonnica & Vizeryn
2013-07-13 00:50:03
Here, I forgot Amor's mate is Venus, so I'll be making her...

Name: Venus
Gender: Mare
Age: 4
Color: White
Mane + tail: Green
Breed: Regular
Mate: Husband Amor
Treasure: None
Markings: None
Title: None
Saying: Spread your joy around for all to share.
Other: None

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-07-13 00:54:30
Luna: I canter up shyly to the herd.
Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-07-13 21:48:12
Cheyenne: *I look back, and no one is following me I go back to the herd and I say under want to come run around with me
DragonShadowCave & Artemis
2013-07-13 23:58:40
(I see what you did there Jasper12345 on Aro.)

Thunder: *I step back* This is not my herd. I am just a friend of Bella's passing through. (He'll pass through every now and then)

Hidasta: I'll race you Cheyenne!

RM: All my horses are actual Bella Sara horses if you want to look them up to see what they look like.

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-07-16 01:14:50
I'm making more XD I had to make a word document so I could remember them all XD. These are the end of my favorites.

Name: Ice Prince
Gender: Colt
Age: 6 months
Color: White
Mane + tail: Blue
Breed: Unipeg
Mate: None
Treasure: None
Markings: None
Title: None
Saying: Let others see who you really are.
Other: None

Name: Harmony
Gender: Filly
Age: 6 months
Color Purple
Mane + tail: White
Breed: Regular
Mate: None
Treasure: Harmony’s Musicbox
Markings: None
Title: None
Saying: Making music creates harmony in the world.
Other: None

Name: Cantaro
Gender: Mare
Age: 4
Color: Black
Mane + tail: White
Breed: Regular
Mate: None
Treasure: None
Markings: Dapples
Title: None
Saying: Develop your ability to lead. Ask a wiser person for advice.
Other: None

Name: Iris
Gender: Mare
Age: 4
Color: White
Mane + tail: White
Breed: Pegasus
Mate: Husband Amor
Treasure: None
Markings: Golden Wings and a jeweled forehead
Title: None
Saying: Follow the rainbow. Believe in happiness
Other: None

Name: Ebonos
Gender: Colt
Age: 6 months
Color: Black
Mane + tail: Purple
Breed: Regular
Mate: None
Treasure: None
Markings: None
Title: None
Saying: Today is another chance to do something wonderful.
Other: None

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-07-16 01:20:09
RM: Sorry mistype! I meant under my breath
Cheyenne: Are you guys mad at me?

DragonShadowCave & Artemis
2013-07-16 01:28:47
Luna: I feel lonely.
Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-07-16 01:28:47
Oopsie! On Iris I was using Venus' form and I forgot to erase 'Mate: Husband Amor' So Venus is Amor's mate and not Iris.
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-07-17 00:18:23
RM:Same as Parelli except one and Nike will come here and there but Flame,WIngs,and my other horse will stay
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-07-17 01:53:10
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
