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RM What is this thread all about?!!! I am not happy with hypnosis, where one cat is saying that the other cats should kill, etc etc etc.
We are not a warrior cats site, we are a pony site. Clean this up or this club will be deleted.

Jane Crandal & JB
2014-01-28 04:55:29
RM-Sorry, Jane. He wasn't saying she should kill Nimbleflow. He just said, 'get rid of him' which meant 'make sure he won't bother us', which doesn't mean 'kill him'. Rainstar, let's clear this up so Magicpelt resists somehow and Coalheart gets banished or something. Sorry about the storyline, Jane, but I was desperate for some secret between Coalheart and Magicpelt that led him here, and I get carried away with science fiction. :)

Nimbleflow-*clenches his teeth and pushes Magicpelt aside. Rushes at Coalheart and rams the tom with his shoulder* You get OUT OF HER HEAD, COALHEART! *holds the tom by the scruff so he can't escape*

Coalheart-*struggles weakly, but flops limply onto the ground, not resisting anymore. His large, pleading eyes gleam at he stares beseechingly at Magicpelt, then they close and he doesn't open them agin, breathing slowly, limp with defeat*

Currentstar-Heartcall, what's wrong?

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-01-29 02:47:42
RM: sorry.
Magicpelt- *hisses low in Nimblflows ear* Play along. *suddenly turns and tackles Coalheart * you thought our bond was still intact? Well it's not. I don't want CoalClan! I would join NimbkeCn any day! You can peacefully leave us alone or you can leave forever!
Heartcall- they aren't working!!

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-01-29 02:47:42
Currentstar-Oh, for crying out loud. I think you'll be fine until we get to camp, you know. Come on!

Nimbleflow-*growls, standing beside Magicpelt, his claws unsheathing warningly* Get out of here, Coalheart.

Coalheart-*stands up, and stares at the two cats in front of him. Sneers and narrows his eyes* As if I'd get out of here peacefully. I'll NEVER leave you alone, Magicpelt. You owe EVERYTHING to me.

Nimbleflow-*snarls and bowls the tom over, kicking him on the ear* Get out NOW, Coalheart. Or would you rather have your life end rather. . .suddenly?

Coalheart-*lays his ears back and gives one last snarl* This isn't over. *disappears into the shadows of the forest*

Nimbleflow-Yes, it is over. *turns to Magicpelt* Are you okay?

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-01-30 01:26:15
Magicpelt- Don't die Coalheart! I don't want you to die. I just want you to know that Nimbleflow is my mate now and you don't have control of me. Please! You were the only Father I had!!
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-01-30 01:59:10
Winterpaw: I snows harder
Starwalker123 & Star
2014-01-30 03:18:30
RM: ignore that last post
Magicpelt- *hisses after Coalheart* I have paid you back! I am not in your shadow and I refuse to live beneath your claws!

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-01-30 18:57:59
Nimbleflow-*hisses after Coalheart, pressing protectively against Magicpelt*
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-01-31 00:09:19
Magicpelt- I'm sorry Nimbleflow. I'm really really sorry.
Heartcall- Wherre is he?! Ill claw him! Ill send him to the lake! Ill... Ill..

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-02-01 18:47:24
Currentstar-*slaps Heartcall's face with her tail to bring him back into focus* Heartcall! Snap out of it, or I'll bop you again! WHo are you talking about?
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-02-02 01:41:33
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
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