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Heartcall- Currenstar please! Lets put this behind us I beg you!
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-03-01 02:00:16
Coalheart-*blinks rapidly* It's so bright I'm blinding myself. Could you tone it down just a tiny bit? Hawkfrost would really notice that.

Currentstar-*stares at Heartcall* I was trying to apologize when you huffed off and started wailing 'woe is me' in the corner! *her tail fluffs up angrily* And as far as I'm concerned, you don't even. . .*seems to deflate, sighing heavily and resting her head against Heartcall's shoulder, eyes closed, exhausted* I'm so sorry. I just. . .I suspect that your theory with kits is correct. *raises an eyebrow and lifts her head, smiling slightly at Heartcall* Have I gotten any fatter lately? I guess with kits you'll have to act as leader. *grins* A very happy leader.

Nimbleflow-*sighs softly*

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-03-01 04:39:53
Heartcall- Oh but we will so miss your leadership thou great Currentstar! Whatsoever will we do without you? *chuckles and nuzzles his mate* I can't wait to see them though! They'll be I cute!
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-03-01 22:59:08
Timepaw: "I'm seen she-cat leaders still leader with kits>
Starwalker123 & Star
2014-03-02 23:13:01
Currentstar-Good point, Timepaw, but sometimes she-cats can't handle leading and parenthood if there's more than one kit.
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-03-03 06:03:00
Heartcall- And that would be way too stressful! I still don't know how Rainstar did it, with her five kits.
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-03-05 03:55:21
Timepaw: Thunder Clans Leader now did it and she had Aubrnpaw."
Starwalker123 & Star
2014-03-05 18:57:01
Currentstar-*raises an eyebrow* She was very patient and had most of her lives left. Need I say more?
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-03-05 19:06:23
Heartcall- All but one. No, you needn't say any more. But um I thought you had all your lives left?

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-03-06 01:17:35
Currentstar-Oh! Oh, I do, but I was just using an example. I don't have much patience, but I do have all my lives. *grins ruefully* So far. So, *glances at Heartcall* Want to come with us to the Moonpool?

Coalheart-I'd really rather go there now so Hawkfrost doesn't snatch me up first.

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-03-06 17:51:37
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