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InnerstarU Campus Roleplay Club
Here is the description: Loosely based on AGs imaginary campus for girls, this is a campus where you take classes, ride and have adventures!

Katie: yeah, what's next???
jjpals & Dynamo
2014-04-22 21:17:41
Guide Isabelle: "Now here is our nature center! Go in there and you can help care for plants. You can look at different types of trees and learn about them around here in the front, and at the back there are at least 10 riding trails, give or take a few. *Leads the group to an art center, with two tables in front and colorful stones on the ground.* "This is our art center, where art classes are held. You can sign up free. And if you feel the need to make craft projects anytime," *Opens door* "All the supplies is right in here." *Closes door and then leads them to a library with a small path that goes over a bridge and past a waterfall* "This is our library, which of course holds books that you can borrow with your library card. You can find it in your yearbook back in your dorm. Any questions about any of the places we have been so far before we move on?"
lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-04-22 23:20:55
Of course Stormy! Just fill out the form. :)
lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-04-24 01:23:19
Guide Isabelle: "Well I guess not let's continue on." *Leads them to a yoga center which is placed on top of the water. There is a porch with a bunch of yoga mats. Then she leads them to a sports center. she leads them inside into the lobby. She shows them the pool, horse racing track, soccer field, basketball court and lastly the tennis court. Then she leads them on to shopping square, a big square with lots of buildings and stores. There are stores called: Bravo Boutiqe, Casual Closet, Glittering Gowns, Gear, etc. And then she leads them to the market. She shows them around the many tents, uncluding where you can buy saddles and food and other things for your horse. She also shows them the rent a kite tent, where you can rent a kite to fly in the kite flying field behind the market. And lastly she shows them the boathouse and the beach. There is a boathouse where there are many kayaks, and the sandy beach is a little ways down from the boathouse.* "And that wraps up the tour! You can go to your dorms ride or do whatever you wish. Classes start tomorrow. See you later!"
Saige: "Hey Shelby, whatta you say we go on a trail ride?"
Shelby: "Sounds fun!"

lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-04-25 01:13:59
Ashley: Isabelle, do you want to go back to the dorm and hang out for a while then go to the Library??
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-04-25 18:03:54
Katie: can I come on the trail ride too????
jjpals & Dynamo
2014-04-25 18:09:42
Isabelle: "Sure!"
Saige: "Okay Katie!"

lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-04-25 23:33:54
Ashley: * I start heading for the dorm* * I get to the dorm and unpack my clothes* "So, Isabelle want to go to the library now??
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-04-26 02:02:13
Katie: I walk to Pepsi's stall and notice that my mom didn't give her some hay and water so I supply pepsi with hay and water and then I grab her bridle and slip it on her in the stall then I lead her outside of the barn and I mount her!
" ready !!!!!!"

jjpals & Dynamo
2014-04-26 17:48:08
Isabelle: "Sounds good!" *Smile*
lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-04-26 17:48:08
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
