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InnerstarU Campus Roleplay Club
Here is the description: Loosely based on AGs imaginary campus for girls, this is a campus where you take classes, ride and have adventures!

Ali: I smile and laugh. "Thanks. Hey, I think we're in the same dorm!"

John: "Yeah...My sis thought this place sounded awesome and my parents did too so they sent us both here."

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2014-05-01 19:52:22
Saige: "It IS awesome. You'll love it."
Shelby: "Awesome!"

lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-05-01 23:28:46
Isabelle: "I'm going to get some dancing books." *she walks to the sports section*
lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-05-03 03:35:55
Ashley: *I find a couple math books so I can study*

RM: Can I change my class from Computer to Cooking??

Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-05-03 21:38:33
Ali: I smile and then head off to the barn to tack up Missy.

John: I become serious and lean on my dresser with one arm. "Well...maybe we'll all have so much fun here we'll forget about our problems." I say hopefully. (He's a very optimistic person.lol.)

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2014-05-03 21:38:33
RM: Of course Sugar1loaf!
Isabelle: *After she finds a few dancing books, she gets some books for class, even though she knows she is going to get text books when the class begins*

lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-05-03 22:21:02
Ashley: I go to find some cooking books*
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-05-04 20:42:34
Ashley: * I walk around until I find Isabelle* "Oh, there you are! We've been here for 2 hours! Lets go and check out these books! We have some studying to do!" *I walk with my books in my hands toward the checkout desk*
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-05-05 22:10:16
Saige: *Goes to the stable to tack up Picasso*
Shelby: *Goes to the stable to tack up Shadow*
Saige: "Oh, hi Amber!" *waves*
Amber: "Hi! I see you have a group here...going on a trail ride?"
Saige: "Yeah! Oh right! Everyone, this is Amber, one of the guides."
Shelby: *Waves*

lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-05-05 22:14:54
John: shrugs. "I guess." then I add under my breath, "I've always ran from my problems." I turn to Lui. "So...what classes are you in?"

Ali: I groom and tack up Missy. Then I lead her out and wait for the others after I pull my helmet on and mount.

Missy: I snort and prance in place, eager to get started.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2014-05-05 22:14:54
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
