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***Clicker Club***

Thanks for letting me join! Sasha and I are actually a good team. She knows the basics of course, but besides that she knows spin, over, tunnel, under, crawl, jump over my back, jump straight into the air, sit pretty, shake as if wet, high five right paw, high five left paw, traditional shake right paw, traditional shake left paw, weave, speak, take it to (persons name), walk on a treadmill, kennel, open the door, and she lays on her back in my lap. The thing we haven't mastered though is jumping on people and she gets a little aggressive with other dogs. Not as in attacking, but as in trying from the beginning to be dominant. Some of this probably comes because she isn't spayed. Any suggestions?
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-11-17 21:37:07
Awsome Rainstar13!!!! u r doing great and I think you just need to keep those going right now:)))
POA Girl1 & Remi
2013-11-20 14:00:50
Hmmmm rainstar, it sounds as though you and Sasha have really done a lot together. You must have a good relationship. As for the jumping, you might try being prepared with treats and the clicker, then walk in the room. When she jumps on you, then freeze. Wait until she stops, then click as soon as she is quiet. Ignore her completely while she is jumping, but click when she is not. Gradually increase the length of time you wait before you click and treat.

If she doesn't jump on you, but on others, have someone else walk into the room. Make sure they know the freeze as soon as she starts jumping, and that they know what you are going to be doing.

Give this a try and please let us know what happens.

EagleGirl & Deerslayer
2013-11-20 23:15:39
Let's try a group question. If you had to explain clicker training to someone who was not familiar with it, how would you go about it? What points would you consider most important? How would you help them understand the principles behind it?

If you have joined because you want to learn more about clicker training, here is a question for you. What would you like to know about clicker training? What, if anything, confuses you?

I think that thinking about these questions and answering them on the forum will help us to meet each others needs better. And it's always good for us to think about what we know and what we want/need to know!

EagleGirl & Deerslayer
2013-11-20 23:15:39
Thanks. :)
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-11-20 23:17:50
Hey speaking of Sasha, if you pray then please pray for her. I had been hearing snarling going on in my backyard all night. When I went to go check it out, Sasha ran up to me. She then ran all the way to the back and attacked soemthing. When I brought her inside, she had two fang marks in her chin and half of her adorable muzzle is swollen. Her paw also has a bite mark. Please pray that she'll get better soon!
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-11-22 20:56:54
Oh no, rainstar! How is Sasha doing now? Did you ever figure out what bit her?
EagleGirl & Deerslayer
2013-12-04 06:04:15
Hi everyone! Nat2 is having a BIRTHDAY CHAT! I hope you will be able to come join us in wishing her a happy birthday and having a great time visiting!

Stop by on Sunday, December 15. Log in to Club Pony Pals and click on the link on your My Page to join the fun!

Look below to see when it will happen:

� 11 pm - 1 am London (UTC 0)
� 6 - 8 pm Eastern Time (UTC -5)
� 5 - 7 pm Central Time (UTC - 6)
� 4 - 5 pm Mountain Time (UTC - 7)
� 3 - 5 pm Pacific Time (UTC -8)
� 1 - 3 pm Hawaiian Time (UTC - 10)

The Lands Down Under are across the date line, so there the chat will be on Monday, December 16

� 10 am -noon in Sydney, Australia Time (UTC+10)
� noon - 2pm New Zealand (UTC + 12)

EagleGirl & Deerslayer
2013-12-04 06:07:43
She's fine now. She got into a cat fight lol. As for the clicker explaining, I would tell them it is the best way to train. Also I would hand them a copy of Cesar's Way. Then I would tell them that clicker training is more efficient because you can click faster than you can say yes or good dog. It's easier to train with a clicker too.
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-12-05 01:01:46
whew rainstar!! that was bad, but im GLAD she is fine now:)

POA Girl1 & Remi
2013-12-05 19:47:50
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
