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Ping a Pony Pal Pundit.* (*expert) Here is where you can perfect your play the Pony Pal way! First log in, then enter your question in the white message window below. They will w-mail you back their suggestions for the best ways to use our site's features.

Check your gifts!!!
admin & Aslan Equinox
2017-05-06 18:13:29
Where do you get the harleys firewood coupon?
I bought the firewood item, but it doesn't seem to work for the quest.

The firewood coupon is available in the "For Your Cabin" catalog at Klines.****

imaginehorses808 & Beemer
2017-05-06 20:16:29
I recently returned to the game and do not have a board bill in my inventory. Should I be looking somewhere else for it? Thanks.

***Hi --

You had an overdue board bill. When you pay that bill, you are kind of starting over.

It looks like you had already lost your cabin when you paid your board bill. This means the bill was overdue. You'll need to buy or trade in for another pony at Olsons to get your cabin and a new board bill.

Settling an old debt just brings you up even with not being in debt. There are lots and lots of ways to earn wb on our site. For example, play 3 math games every day to earn 300 Wbucks. If you just mail the letter, groom Daisy and Splash and find Scout every day. That'll earn you 600 wb a month if you do it daily.

Read the contest listings here To see all the ways you can earn Wbucks.

We are a reality based game and site. Our economy works, in miniature, just like the real world.

To ride on the trails again, you'll need to buy or trade for another pony from Olsons, and pay the board bill that comes with that pony.

The steps are
1. Take the bus to Olsons
2. Select the pony you want to buy, a bay chestnut or white pony will be free if you trade in your existing pony
3. Click on buy pony (green box)
4. There will be buttons, one says none the other has your pony's name. If you want to trade your pony in for a new pony, make the dot in front of your pony's name have a spot in it.
5 .Enter the new pony's name and choose whether you want a mare or gelding, then click the green next box.
6. Then you get a box that asks if you agree to pay board for your pony.
7. Click on I agree in the green box
Then you will have a new pony and your current pony will be back at Olsons for another member to adopt. Your My Page will then have a cabin, and you can ride to the Wiggins Estate!

Let me know if you have any more questions,



princessjasmine18 & The Chorus Boy
2017-05-07 18:42:27
can i trade things

***you can donate items you own to the Animal Shelter bin on Klines porch, but you cannot trade items to another member. admin***

119438 & buttercup
2017-05-07 23:07:27
neigh there admin!
I often get a tub of hay for riding and grooming my horses, but then when I go to put it down in front of my horse, it disappears! can I get them back? I have lost around 20 and would really like them back!
thanks so much!

***you cannot keep a hay tub in your inventory, no. They are Jane Crandal's and she uses them to feed horses. If you get one it shows you have done everything perfectly. admin***

Niesha & King of the Nomads
2017-05-07 23:34:27
Bother and thanks admin!
Niesha & King of the Nomads
2017-05-11 00:41:22
Hi Admin,

My pony is unhealthy.How can I cure him?


To cure your pony, groom them and their health bar will go up one. Stopping at Badd Brook while riding out on the trails to let your pony drink also helps! A third way to have their health go up is by feeding them a health supplement!

Check your gifts, Doc Crandal has sent you a case of health supplement as a gift. Accept this gift, it will go into your inventory and then you can feed the tubs one at a time to your pony.

Hope this helps!


Mary Prince & Prince
2017-05-11 01:06:21
Hey Admin, how can I get to Badd Brook?

***it is in the forest past the apple clearing. admin***

redbay & Midnight
2017-05-11 20:56:20
How do I log out?


To logout, go to "my page" and you'll be able to hit "Logout". You can also logout while in game. It's at the top page and click the button right of inventory and hit logout from there too.

Hope this helps!


ponypalslover1227 & Swetie
2017-05-14 17:13:43
HI ADMIN! I guess I just sent my question to you to early and you forgot but... you said my story would be in the May issue, but it wasn't. Do you still have it and can use it in the June issue, or do I have to send it in again? (Sorry if I'm bothering you with this!) :)

Also, how do I write a book/movie review? Do I just send it in at the same place as the stories? Or are you not doing book reviews anymore?


Yup, same place as the stories.


will do. We'll get it.

We LOVE book and movie reviews. Particularly about books or movies that have horses or ponies in them.

And can you re send your story???? Thanks! Sometimes stuff just, well, vanishes.

HannahB5horses & Star
2017-05-17 03:24:48
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
