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Ping a Pony Pal Pundit.* (*expert) Here is where you can perfect your play the Pony Pal way! First log in, then enter your question in the white message window below. They will w-mail you back their suggestions for the best ways to use our site's features.

Thank you for helping me!

You're very welcome!****

HannahB5horses & Star
2017-04-16 00:40:05
How do I get a "story entry quill"? I entered the poem/story contest.


all messages have to be reviewed before they appear to the members. Same being when you enter the poem/story contest. Check your gifts! One was just sent! :)


Hannah__Oak & Cher Ami
2017-04-23 07:26:52
I got some kind of Cross country trophy. What's it for? Thanks.

That's for getting one of the fastest times on the Crandals' cross country course. Congratulations!****

chestnutcolt13 & Thunderstorm
2017-04-25 05:04:49
How often can you return the cat?

As often as you can find him!! Generally once a day.

REF Stables & Asil
2017-04-27 01:10:46
hello admin can you please pay my board bill?

***you can easily earn the Wbucks to pay your bill by playing math games every day. Admin***

daniele5 & My Pony
2017-04-30 17:20:39
Hi, where do I get a vets receipt?

***Go to Forum, send a message to Doc Crandal asking him to check your pony. admin***

Wildfire Equestrian & Jimmy
2017-05-03 22:25:34
When do you think you will have another LMC?

***the LMC's are by member request, we need to have 10 members (at least) who say they will show up. admin***

redbay & Midnight
2017-05-03 22:25:34
hi where i can i find wall snowflakes

***snowflakes are only available in winter. but...check your gifts. admin***

user no longer exists & ---
2017-05-05 03:08:32
how do i get a story entry guill??

Admin: Check your gifts!!!

Tommie & Atlantic Black
2017-05-06 17:03:29
Hi I needed a story entry guill for the scavenger hunt so my friend told me to enter the poem story contest and i did but i didnt get the guill??
Tommie & Atlantic Black
2017-05-06 17:03:29
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
