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Marion: *I clip on my helmet and swing up on Diva*
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2013-05-22 03:15:48
RM:I'm telling you all this right now and I have only one thing against it.I don't wear a helmet at anytime while I'm riding the last time I did it was 4 years ago and only 4 times.The reason why is because one time at the barn I had a seizure and was wearing a helmet the seizure was one of my worst and I fell off the horse because my head wasn't strong right then because of the seizure and the helmets they have at my barn are thick because the ground is super hard so the helmet caused my balance to not work and I fell off my horse and ...my foot got stepped on and was turnt backwards in nearly the exact position it was when I was a baby so this is what I have against helmets because it nearly caused me to not you know live again(if you're lieing down while having a seizure the out come isn't usually good)so that's why I hate helmets I only wear then during english shows because I have no choice but when the shows are over it's back to no helmet Tyler

Apollo:*puts guard back on and attaches my helmet to the back of my saddle*I'll use it for jumps*doesn't wait for comment and rides to the ring farthest from the barn to get some thinking time*

RM:if the content is removed please sugar coat it or tell me if you understand Admin or JC please I would very much appreciate it

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-05-23 03:36:58
Hi Tyler,

Yikes, for your medical problem it is pretty clear that YOU have reasons not to wear a helmet that have nothing to do with a helmets protective qualities.

But for most riders I recommend helmets because they will prevent injuries to your brain if you hit your head on something while riding or if you fall.


Jane Crandal & JB
2013-05-23 03:40:56
(Yeah, I have no choice, once I forgot to put a helmet on (my horse was being difficult on the ground so I was longing him) and I sat in the saddle for like, 5 minutes thinking 'Wait a minute... Where's my helmet' and it felt really wierd. I've ridden 7 years with a helmet and plan to use one for a long time.)
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-05-23 23:22:03
thanks for understanding JC nobody at the barn totally understands it and Parelli I know how you feel one time this kid at the barn that loves to annoy me put a helmet on me while I was asleep in the hayloft and I didn't notice till I was on Becky and the minute I got on I was like frozen cause I was so freaked out cause it was near the time I usually get seizures(only reason I was riding then is because Becky is trained for disabled kids including frequent seizure ones)and I was like"Some one please get this wretched contraption off my head before I have a seizure!"everyone turnt and looked at me like I was crazy but my instructor came up and I practically flew off Becky and was about to start hyperventilating it was kinda funny and scary my instructor had to take it off me cause my eyes were like rolled to the back of my head
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-05-24 22:52:36
(Thats just like me)
Starwalker123 & Star
2013-05-24 22:57:35
Before we had riding helmets we just had bike helmets and brother never wore his because he didn't like it (also, bike helmets don't do much). Now he wears his all the time. I've only ridden without a helmet once since I got mine.
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2013-05-24 23:02:40
I cant get on a horse with out a hallmet. Evertime i ride one of our mares shows up and tris to kill me
Starwalker123 & Star
2013-05-25 17:47:00
MM I agree bike helmets don't work this girl who rides once a week(she rode Red for lessons which ment board didn't cost as much for me and she didn't care when Red was sick she said"What?!You mean I can't ride english because he's hurt!"he died soon after)she got her friend a lesson and when they came she told her to use her helmet and her helmet was a flimsy bike helmet never the less her friend fell off because she slapped the horse and got a concussion
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-05-29 04:16:25
Bike helmets are designed to keep your head from cracking open on concrete/blacktop. Riding helmets help minimize shock.
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2013-05-29 23:19:57
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
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