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Lionstar stood there, proud and strong. His clan, Streamclan, has survived the journey in leafbare. He could do it then, he can do it every time. He turned to Dawnheart. *We did it* She nodded and smiled. They were home. There camp lies just in front of them.

Primerosepaw: I am ready!
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-02-10 01:34:33
Leafpool- Coming.
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-02-10 01:34:33
Lionstar: Runs into the territory and sniffs the air.* Ahh! Home at last.
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-02-11 03:57:43
Dawnheart-*follows Lionstar, her tail raised high in the air, ears pricked forwards*
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-02-11 04:25:31
Leafpool- Yes. Lionstar?
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-02-11 18:51:37
Lionstar: What Leafpool? Is there something you need?
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-02-12 03:32:55
Leafpool- Yes. I don't really feel wanted here. I was just wondering, was I supposed to leave Jayfeather and Squirrelflight behind?
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-02-15 16:25:52
Dawnheart-*lays her tail across Leafpool's shoulders and sympathetically looks at the she-cat* Didn't Spottedleaf give you some very good advice once, Leafpool? *looks into the she-cat's eyes, her expression earnest and solemn*
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-02-15 19:01:16
Lionstar: I agree with Dawnheart. Where is Whitewing?

Name: Whitewing
Age: 18 moons
Mother: Brightheart
Father: Cloudtail
Pelt: White
Eyes: Amber
Other: She used to be in Thunderclan with Leafpool.
Mate: ????? (Maybe you could make one Rainstar)

Whitewing: I am here!

Lionstar: Good.

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-02-16 04:30:03
Leafpool- She told me to follow my heart. But my heart is what caused me to not be a medicine cat! And Jayfeather is alone now. Hollyleaf is in StarClan and your here Lionstar.
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-02-16 04:34:54
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