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Lionstar stood there, proud and strong. His clan, Streamclan, has survived the journey in leafbare. He could do it then, he can do it every time. He turned to Dawnheart. *We did it* She nodded and smiled. They were home. There camp lies just in front of them.

Squirrelflight- *stands up* Of course! Leave me alone would you?!
Leafpool- Jayfeather! Her kits are coming!
Squirrelflight- *grunts and slithers to her side *

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-03-14 02:07:32
Frog leap: what?

Jayfeather: I set her down and yell to Leafpool,* can you grab me strengthening herbs and borage?

Little while later:
3 she-kits and 1 Tom.

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-03-14 17:46:24
Dawnheart-It's just. . .we hadn't spoken in so long, and. . .when you did come, you were curt and impersonal and then when you hit your head. . .*frowns* You're looking confused. A-are you okay?
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-03-16 21:34:18
Name: Spottedkit
Gender: she kit
Age: few minutes
Mother: Squirrelflight
Father: Brambleclaw
Pelt: white, with tiny black spots all over
Eyes: gray
Mentor (If a apprentice): ??? (The kits will live in Pond Clan forever)

Name: Stormkit
Gender:she kit
Age: a few minutes
Mother: Squirrelflight
Father: Brambleclaw
Pelt: dark gray, mixed with light gray and white
Eyes: dark gray
Mentor (If a apprentice): ??? Flashstar?

Name: Nightkit
Gender:she kit
Age: a few minutes
Mother: Squirrelflight
Father: Brambleclaw
Pelt: midnight black
Eyes: bright blue
Mentor (If a apprentice): ???

Name: Wolfkit
Age: a few minutes
Mother: Squirrelflight
Father: Brambleclaw
Pelt: light tan and black
Eyes: Amber
Mentor (If a apprentice): ???

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-03-17 01:15:45
Frogleap: Well yes. *Nods her head curtly* My name is Frog. I am no longer a clan cat, I am a loner. I never found it right here.
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-03-17 01:20:34
Dawnheart-*gets up, eyes downcast. Tears gather at the corners, and she shakily inhales* Oh. I-I understand. Well then, now that you're okay, I. . .bye, Froglea-Frog. *turns away, sad*
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-03-17 16:35:39
Frog: Come with me! We could be loner buddies! Dawn and Frog!

RM: Stormkit can be Flashstars apprentice.

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-03-18 03:45:18
Dawnheart-*turns back, disbelieving* No! I belong with my Clan! I'm Lionstar's mate, and his deputy. I'm not going to betray him just so I can be buddies with someone I haven't seen for five months. I can't go with you, Frog, and even if I could, I wouldn't.
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-03-18 16:57:19
Frog: Ok! Bye then! *Gets up and sets off*
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-03-19 01:53:05
Dawnheart-*walks quickly back to camp, her eyes straight ahead. Walks over to Lionstar, rubbing her head against his cheek* Squirrelflight has had kits so soon?
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-03-19 23:16:13
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