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The Clan is led by the smart Applestar. She is a black cat with purple eyes that seem to pierce through to your soul. She is well respected and known to be the greatest Leader the Clans ever had.

RM-*jumps back* Who are yo? Why are you touching me? Where am I?!

Shadegaze-*she sighs, watching him with eyes that glow like a dying fire* Riversong. . .*she begins tentatively, then stops, looking down at her paws. Uncertainty builds up in the back of her throat and makes it difficult to speak. She swallows hard, tamping down her emotions, and looks Riversong in the face* You have nothing to be sorry for. I should have respected your privacy. . .and. . .and I didn't. I'm the one who should be sorry.

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-10-02 15:53:17
Fireblossom: *I shrink back in surprise at Applestar, my ears laying flat on my head in embarrassment* "But..." *my voice fades away. A change of subject couldn't take back what I had said. I stare at my paws, not daring to meet her eyes again. I open my mouth, letting out the words that had been said too many times during the recent commotion in a hoarse whisper:* "I'm... Sorry." *I look into the distance, my eyes searching the horizon. I move my eyes back to my paws and sigh.* "It's... It's just... Everything is always so crazy! There's always some commotion-filled problem or another... It's just overwhelming." *she stands and finally meets Applestar's eyes, only for a quick second, then turns to leave.* "Thank you, Applestar... And I'm sorry... I think my emotions are something I will have to overcome on my own." *I walk away slowly and quietly into the forest, not sure exactly where I'm going. My thoughts block out everything around me, until I hear voices. I snap out of my thoughts and look to see Riversong and Shadegaze talking. I step closer and listen, not purposefully; but I can't help but hear them. Something in my urges me forward, but I fight it; I can't interrupt now. However, I can't draw myself away from the two cats. I continue watching, unseen and unnoticed.*
Roncy & Bertone
2015-10-02 20:20:22
Fireblossom: *I step forward out of the bushes before I can change my mind and speak* "I'm sorry, too, Riversong." *I step next to Shadegaze and look Riversong in the eyes, my face showing my sincere apology*
Roncy & Bertone
2015-10-03 00:56:12
Shadegaze-*she turns away sharply, hiding the disappointment in her eyes. Sighing irritably, she slashes a furrow in the ground with her claw* Is everyone following me today? Whatever happened to being alone? *she lashes her tail* How far do I have to run to get away from everyone? *the anger in her voice melts into a choked half-sob and she swallows fiercely, determined to keep the tears out of her voice*
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-10-03 05:11:02
Applestar: I watch Fireblossom go without another word and breath deeply through my nose. I turn and walk slowly back towards LightClan, wishing I could say something that would make everyone happy.

Riversong: I find myself raising my watery amber eyes into Shadegaze's, drinking in her gaze, her words still pulsating through my head. I blink and suddenly Fireblossom is next to her. I turn my gaze on her, not knowing quite what to think. I sense Shadegaze's anger and my mind begins to spin. "Stop!" The words are out of my mouth without me realizing I had spoken them. The forest freezes, still reeling with the echoes of my voice. I step forward, eyes soft. "I...I just want everyone to get along."

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2015-10-04 00:25:58
Shadegaze-*sympathy and disappointment soak into her fur, her eyes dim* Oh, Riversong. . .*she murmurs, her voice saturated with tears* That can never happen. The world is an imperfect place and there will always be turmoil. . .it isn't in our natures to get along. We will always have our rivalries and our jealousies and that is the way it will always be. *she sits down and stares at her paws* I wish we could get along, but. . .that's impossible.
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-10-05 01:04:44
Riversong: suddenly reality threatens to crush me and my old demeanor returns. Anger seeps up my throat and my amber irises inflame with the emotion. My fur bristles slightly and I turn away from the she-cats, regretting having even come. "If one has to only try, they can change the world." I half-whisper, half-hiss beneath clenched fangs. I glance at Shadegaze, severing her in half with my gaze. "But you are right. I see now that we all must simply live for ourselves because love is a whimsical fairy tale." I drop my voice and look away. "I loved once, but that was quickly taken from me." My voice is barely heard above the whisper of the breeze.
Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2015-10-05 23:37:29
Shadegaze-Riversong. . .*she steps after the tom, her tail trembling. When she speaks, her voice is unsteady* I know how you feel. I honestly do, but I can't. . .*she takes a deep breath* I can't let anyone else take advantage of me. I once thought I loved, too, but I lied to myself. . .it hurt me and I did it to myself. I can't erase those scars, Riversong, and I can't. . .*she blinks back tears, barely conscious of Fireblossom behind her* I can't stay here anymore. I'm sorry. I can't. *she turns and disappears through the undergrowth, running for the Clan border and, beyond that, the moors*
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-10-07 05:04:48
Fireblossom: *I watch the older cats, staying silent until Shadegaze has left, not knowing how to react to the past few moments.* "Riversong..." *I murmur, wanting to talk but not knowing how to say the words flowing through my head.* "I... I messed up again, didn't I?" *I sigh softly* "But... I... You're right, one can change the world." *she pauses, gazing into the deep forest.* "She and I have never really liked each other much, we just always seem to disagree. When I was talking with Applestar, I thought I hated her. I said some things I wish I hadn't, that I can't take back. But Applestar helped me realize that I don't. We may not be the best of friends... but we're all a clan. If we refuse to even try to understand one another, what good is being a clan? Hatred and fighting gets us nowhere. It just strengthens the disagreement between us."
Roncy & Bertone
2015-10-07 20:30:28
Riversong: I wince at Shadegaze's words and don't look at her, my legs threatening to give way at any moment. A rush of temptation to go after Shadegaze washes over me, but I push it away. I listen to Fireblossom's low voice, eyes studying the ground. Finally I glance back my former apprentice, face unreadable. "That is good, Fireblossom." My voice trembles and I hate myself for it. Without another word I dive into the underbrush, finally allowing the tears to seep past my eyelids and drown the fur on my cheeks.
Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2015-10-11 02:05:52
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