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The Clan is led by the smart Applestar. She is a black cat with purple eyes that seem to pierce through to your soul. She is well respected and known to be the greatest Leader the Clans ever had.

RM-Yeah, I figured that. I'm so terribly likable that no one ever gets mad at me. *ahem*

Shadegaze-*she runs through the trees, blinded by the whipping branches and her own tears and the wavering shadows all around her. She staggers and falls down a steep slope, crashing to a halt in the leaf-covered bottom of a ravine. She stands, her fur bristling, and looks around, unsure of where she is*

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-09-20 22:11:47
RM: That's not true. You make yourself angry... *winking at Nat*

So...much...drama...*collapsing, heaving in and out desperately* must...be...awesome...

Applestar: "Fireblossom!" I watch hopelessly as everyone runs off in different directions, leaving Riversong alone. I stare deep into the tom's face for a moment before springing in Fireblossom's direction. I follow her scent for a while until I reach a clearing. I see her at the edge of a bank and approach her slowly. "Fireblossom?" I half-whisper, my gaze soft.

Riversong: I stand there quietly, each cat's words lashing through me like a whip. I don't say anything and stare after Shadegaze, my eyes blank, my mind numb. How could one thing go so wrong? I realize I had been holding my breath and suck in a gulp of air, silence crashing in on me on all sides. I slump to my paws and bow my head, my brain working in slow motion.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2015-09-23 00:57:15
RM-Heavens. What an untrue thing to say. *fluffs hair* Come on, Horses, show me how awesome you can get under pressure!

Shadegaze-*a peculiar feeling creeps over her, a feeling of being watched by unfriendly eyes. SHe quickly scans the undergrowth but sees no one. The air is pure and untainted by any stranger's scent. She sits down and licks her paw, which is stinging from a thorn that got entangled between her toes. She works out the barb and cleans the scratch on her pad with her tongue before glancing around once more. Her fur still prickles with an uneasy wariness and she stands, her muscles half-tensed, ready to run*

Tremor-*she arrives at the LightClan camp, feeling a bit uncomfortable returning there, and sits in the middle of the sandy clearing, studying the clouds as they roll through the sky. Her eyes are blank, but her mind works feverishly, trying to take the faint memories of Riversong and knit them together into something resembling the truth. She sits for so long in a stiff position that her paws begin to grow numb. She kneads the ground, flexing her claws, trying to work the blood back into her extremities, and studies the scratches and whorls left in the dust by countless other cats*

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-09-24 18:47:02
RM: *Flips hair back with clammy hands and laughs nervously* Phht...I'm totally awesome! *hair frizzing from sweat, left eye twitching* I lo-ove drama...

Riversong: Suddenly I shoot into the air, my amber eyes inflamed, and take off into the forest on top speed. What are you thinking, idiot?! My thoughts scream, chanting my fears like a war drum. She hates you now. You never were anything and everyone knows that. I shake my head, hoping to dispose of the unwanted tide of words, but they only surge and crash with more vigor. I follow Shadegaze's scent and quickly catch up with her, my long, muscled legs expertly maneuvering around underbrush and thorns and low bushes. I finally see a glimpse of fur up ahead and slide to a noiseless stop. I slink into the bushes, watching, my heart nearly coming out of my chest.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2015-09-25 00:33:00
RM-Um. . .*pats Horses' hand nervously* Let's calm down, shall we?

Shadegaze-*countless emotions and thoughts whirl through her mind as she scans the undergrowth. Finally, she turns and quickly scrambles up the steep slope of the ravine, dust weighing down her fur and sifting through the air. She coughs to clear her lungs and blinks the grit out of her eyes, sinking her claws into the solid, oddly comforting turf, reassuring and soft after the dry, dead leaves of the ravine bottom. Her heart still pounds in her chest, and an eerie fear creeps through her blood as she studies her surroundings. She lifts her head and tests the air, then the fur along her spine bristles as she pinpoints a single scent. She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. her throat is too dry for sound to pass through. She swallows, shakes her head, and takes a deep breath* I know you're there, *she says, her voice unsteady. She coughs and tries again* Come on out. You can't hide forever.

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-09-25 16:20:41
Fireblossom: *I flinch at the sound of Applestar's voice. I remain still, not turning to look at her.* "Why can't I do things myself?" *I whisper, my voice cracking. A tear runs down my face and drips off my whiskers. My mouth quivers as I relent and turn my head slightly towards Applestar.* "You guys... You guys think he's a grump. You guys just want to know why. Well, I actually care!" *I sniff and turn my head away, my eyes filling with tears.* "He's my friend." *I add quietly.* "He understands me... He showed me many things in the forest I had never seen before, he taught me how to hunt, he listened to my endless talking... With a few sarcastic comments, of course, but he actually understood me. I just... I just wanted to understand him." *my thoughts race back to Shadegaze, and I grimace, a deep anger filling me.* "Then Shadegaze had to butt her way in like she always does. She's always the star of the show. The rare times she makes a mistake, she runs off and everyone always goes after her. But me? I'm just the little kitten who's always in the way, who can't handle things herself."
Roncy & Bertone
2015-09-25 20:26:14
RM: *clears throat and turns normal again* Yes, of course. Nevermind the past five seconds. It wasn't like I was going crazy or anything...*chuckling nervously*

Applestar: I pad silently over to Fireblossom and sink to my paws, curling my long black tail around my legs. I search the she-cat's face with my intense gaze. "I never said Riversong was a grump. I am the only one here that knows his past life." I pause and twitch my tail, listening to the peaceful silence. "Fireblossom, we just celebrated you becoming a real member of our clan. Forgive us if we forget you aren't an apprentice anymore. None of us think you are a kitten. And understanding Riversong doesn't mean invading on his deepest secret. Perhaps understanding him in other ways would prove to be a better route." I wink at the younger cat and give her a warm smile.

Riversong: Since when was I this ruffled about a she-cat? I shake my head and suck in a mouthful of air, wishing I could just throw off all the regret clinging to my back like a unrelenting tick. I slowly slide out from behind the bushes, my amber eyes memorizing the ground before me, and raise my gaze in slow motion. I can't meet Shadegaze's fiery irises so I study her nose, a pit in my stomach. I find I can't say anything so I just stand there, still heaving from the run, and wishing I was anywhere but here.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2015-09-26 23:46:45
Fireblossom: *my teary eyes look up into Applestar's eyes as she speaks* "What better route?" *I sniff softly and shake my head* "But that's not the problem. It's Shadegaze! She's the one always jumping in, trying to rescue me." *I think back to Shadegaze's dramatic exit* "She's so dramatic. Everyone always worries about her when she's wrong, she always says the right thing. She won't even leave me alone!" *I shove out that last word, my ears laid back, my voice sharp. My eyes fill with hatred for the she-cat. I had never really liked her and I never will, I think to myself. I stand up suddenly* "I can't stand her sometimes! She... She always butts in and makes herself the star of the show!" *I growl lowly. I suddenly flinch at my own voice. Never had I been so angry, so rude. I flop back down and stare at my paws. Suddenly a strong curiosity flows through me, and I change the subject.* "Applestar... What happened to my parents?"*(her parents disappeared when she was very young, if that's okay. She never knew what happened.) she looks up at Applestar*
Roncy & Bertone
2015-09-27 14:04:50
RM-*looks at Horses blankly* Past five seconds? What past five seconds?

Shadegaze-*she stares at Riversong, anger filling her chest and rising in her throat like hot coals. How dare he follow her when the whole point of her running off was so she would be alone? She opens her mouth and inhales sharply, preparing to berate him, and then she sees the look in his eyes. A weirdly subdued spark that gutters like a weak flame in the wind. He won't look her in the eye, determinedly staring at her muzzle. The fury in her dies and she takes a step forward* Riversong. . .why did you follow me?

Sunspark-*he shakes out his thick coat and glances around the camp, annoyed and baffled by the empty silence that greets him. The she-cat with the weird eyes and long legs sulking in the corner offers no help. Determinedly he steps out into the forest, following the scent trails of Applestar and Shadegaze. He stumbles across the clearing, Riversong's scent nearly drowned out by Fireblossom's and Applestar's more recent ones. He peers through the undergrowth and sees the two she-cats huddled close together. His instincts tell him that this is definitely a bad time to interrupt. He backs away, hiding a smile at the thought of Applestar's temper*

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-09-27 21:36:41
RM: *tapping on Nat's forehead* Uhh are you feeling ok?

Applestar: I jump to my paws, jaw extended at Fireblossom's words. I stare at her for a long time, millions of emotions swiveling in my strange violet eyes. "Fireblossom..." I begin slowly, my voice gentle but stern. "If you wish for us to treat you like a Warrior, you must not stoop as low as saying such things about an important member of my clan. If you believe these things about her, you must tell her yourself. As for your parents-" my voice becomes soft and I look away. "That is something you must...that is for another day." My voice drowns into a whisper as I glance back at the she-cat, compassion stirring in my gaze.

Riversong: I sense the anger emanating from Shadegaze and consider wheeling sideways and diving back into the welcoming underbrush. I force myself to stand there and swallow, hoping my voice doesn't crack. "I- I needed to...well you know-" I stutter, lowering my pained gaze to Shadegaze's paws. "I...I'm sorry." I whisper.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2015-10-02 02:21:50
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