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Phantoms Roleplay
He is known as Phantom. Sometimes you will see a flick of an ear, or hear the swish of his tail. But you're not afraid. You know that he will help you. He has helped many horses before you. He is kind, but shy. He doesn't like anyone to see him. He hides easily in the shadows with his pure black coat. But one day, you will reach through that black armor of fake-fierceness to see the one horse that has rescued others. It is time.

Soul-I'm already hurt! *her voice echoes from the dark passage*
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-06-05 16:54:23
Cheyenne: Phantom, this is all my fault!

Soul sees a horse traveling the opposite direction. As she gets closer, shes sees it is her and Cheyennes mother. Ronnie (Mother) rushes past her, nips Cheyenne, and they leave. Cheyenne thought nothing of it all, none of it was new.

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-06-05 17:01:48
Ravencall ponders everything. Hoof steps seem closer. Cheyenne's voice is gone. Now it's Soul calling out closer. Phantom is a bit farther away, and now Cheyenne is leaving- How do I know all this? Am I as special as my brother? Is this what he meant by me being here means something I am doing or did is helping them get my own answers? It was too much in too little time for Raven. I want to be alone! A childish yet familiar word enters her mind. She touches the pool of water and wades in. Then, she immediately passes out on the bank, her head and neck the only things not submerged.
Alexi Noelle & Mountain Sky
2014-06-06 16:49:37
A horse follow and helps Soul onto his back. She reconizes him as her father. He carries her to Phantom, and he, Ronnie and Cheyenne leave. Cheyenne gives a hasty look back and leaves.
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-06-06 16:53:48
Soul-*her eyes narrow and she enters a large cavern* Ronnie! Pah, stupid mare.
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-06-06 16:53:48
Cheyenne: *She suddenly goes ballistic. She rears, then kicks her mother, bits her, and aims a kick, striking her hind quarters. Suddenly, Ronnie is up too, but no match for Cheyenne. She is left running in the dust.*
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-06-11 22:50:40
Soul-*glares at Phantom, then trots away, ears pinned back*
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-06-11 22:50:40
Raven lies there for only the stars know. Yet the visions that enter her head are dark and with no signs of the spirit horses. First, a normal day in a deciduous forest by a stream, which turns red. Then darkness, salty water, drowning her with only the slight, gloomy, greenish blue glow, and finally, shapes of real horses. She tries to make them out, she can tell something is happening, that they are real, and that the dream was far from over. This is important!
Alexi Noelle & Mountain Sky
2014-06-11 23:24:04
Phantom- What did I do now! And where is Raven?!
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-06-14 00:42:18
The three silhouettes were shining against a single star's light. She was able to make out now what they were saying. ".......Since long before the herds! But why would we want to destroy them?" A big stallion asked the strong looking mare. She still could not see their coats. The mare's eyes turned to Raven, who stifled a gasp at the sharp, ice cold, blue. She turned back her narrowed eyes to the stallion's amber ones, as if she hadn't seen Raven. "This isn't the quietest place to talk!" She snapped. "Did you not hear what I said?" Raven strained to hear the reason, but could not. Shoot! That was most important! She thought and continued on. Then, suddenly the star got brighter and a white mare with a thick, long, wild mane and tail bright white and tall, and regal, appeared. Her body was strong and powerful,, and she looked like she was chiseled perfectly. "What are you thinking?" Her smooth, creamy, yet powerful voice rang out. The three impish, dark, shadows turned to her. "It's time we left you! For a more greater pow." The mare's eyes narrowed into tiny amber flames, standing out from her bluish white coat. "I am telling you, you cannot do is!" "We've already gotten started." The third horse, a colt, suddenly grew tall. His amber brown eyes narrowed. "I've grown now, and it's time we take over." He neighed. The mare hung her head in defeat. "You are destroying me, I don't know how." She vanished into the large, rising, full moon. The light from it suddenly blasted on the colt's coat, as if some invisible black shadow had blocked it's light from reaching the mountaintop. It was a bright, blood, red. Raven gasped and stumbled back as she saw the horses arise, soon only their eyes glowing in sight. And then, every just blacked out and the echoing of water rang in her ears again. But it's louder...........are those voices?
Alexi Noelle & Mountain Sky
2014-06-14 19:01:20
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
