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***ADVICE CLUB*** In this club you can ask me for advice. I will try to give my best advice to you!!

Roncy, 3 girls together never work. I've had my experience. Instead of hanging out with only one of my them at recess hang out eith one then hang out with the other one in the same day
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2015-05-23 00:49:35
How is your club? Just checking in!
hosessaddles & Phoenix
2015-05-23 00:52:54
Dear Sugar, (Here's a long one)
As I said on my page, I used to take riding lessons. I loved it! One day, we tried bareback. I fell off and never went back to the stables. Now, I /really/ want to go back. My dad says I quit things too easily, like I get into them and then I quit. And, I can never find the right time to tell him. How do I find the right time to tell him, and how to I convince him to let me ride again?

- iiGator and Zelda

iiGator & Zelda
2015-05-26 02:45:03
Dear Sugar,
It is the end of the school yaer at the end of this week. I won't see him till next year at our new middle school. Should I tell him I like him or not? If so, how do I do it? I'm shy around this stuff.
In Need Of Help

bubbagwen859 & Gwen
2015-05-26 02:57:47
iigator, tell him at dinner. or right before you go to bed.

do what you think bubba.

Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2015-05-27 02:20:54
Nobody knows I like him, though.
bubbagwen859 & Gwen
2015-05-28 01:25:58
Hey Sugar,
My friend thinks she is more powerful than I am! I got a CFO ranking in a job for a field trip and she got the lowest ranking in her job and says that her job is more important than my job and she didn't even congradulate me! I am not trying to offend her, though. PLease help!


hosessaddles & Phoenix
2015-05-28 01:25:58
I am the only one to give out advice.
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2015-05-28 01:25:58
ask her kindly to stop
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2015-05-29 01:08:23
OK. Thank you!
hosessaddles & Phoenix
2015-06-03 12:15:22
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
