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December Story & Poem Entries Note: Winning stories and poems will be published in Pony Pals Magazine. All entries must be original, meaning that the member who enters them must have written the text. To be eligible the story or poem must have a horse or pony in it someplace. Stories should be suitable for all ages, including younger members. All entries published in the Magazine will earn 500 Wiggins Bucks, the best stories and poems will earn 3000 Wiggins bucks and trophy for the writer.

My dog
by: wemeo
Does not contain ponies

My dog is sweet,
She is so neat,
Something you cant beat,
She also loves the heat,
She loves to meet,
She loves meat,
She has feet,
She likes to eat,
And she likes her treats.

Wemeo & Galixy
2016-12-18 00:40:44
The Zebra and Horse

There was a horse
His name was Morse
He met a zebra
Her name was Sheba
She met a horse who is painted
His name was Hatred
He met a mare
Who had no cares
That mare met Morse
and she knew that horse
Because Morse had met a
Zebra named Sheba.


user no longer exists & ---
2016-12-18 00:40:44
Gold Boy
By Adeline HC

Once upon a time, in a far land, there lived a young horse named Gold Boy. He hated men, because the men in his village always had sharp sticks and whips and crops. They had ridden him almost every day, always riding uncomfortably or controlling. He was always sore by the end of the day and he dreamed of always just being ridden carefully and gently. He wanted someone nice and caring. Then, that someone came. A young frisky girl named Katy. She had wisps of dark curls and her eyes were full of adventure, wonder, and love. She had found Gold Boy, with scars on his flank, and sores on his mouth. She gently mounted him from the fence, without reins or a saddle. Gold Boy agreed that she was daring to ride with out reins, for how could she control him? He was puzzled by this and snorted, but he kept her safe. "Let's go Gold Boy!" Katy called out quietly. Gold Boy knew what she meant. He gathered himself to jump the fence, and Kate held on tight. He went over the fence effortlessly and Kate was beaming. "I'm glad I'm riding you. My mare, Quiz Quiz, really strange name, anyway, would never have made that jump!" Katy whispered. Gold Boy nickered to her. He trotted up the hill, out of the lush valley, away from which he was born. Away from the scarring memories, and to a great new land filled with unknown future. Gold Boy was at least happy to be away from the men. "Whoa, Gold Boy. I've enjoyed this ride, but I can't leave my home. But I will let you find your own. I've seen how the men have treated you, I know. I don't want that to ever happen again." Katy dismounted and led him with his forelock far enough, so that she could see her way home and let him go. Gold Boy looked at her with thankful eyes and ran with all him might, leaving the beauty of that with Katy. She blew him a kiss, and he was gone. Gone, to a forever and more faithfully caring home.

Adeline HC & Esprit Ellis
2016-12-20 00:48:33
I Want a Horse
By hayday13

i want a horse that my parents promised me
but i can't wait to see
what will my pony think of me
i'll sneak downstairs nobody will know
i think i'll name him monrow
ill give em a bow
then ill know...

hayday13 & Keller
2016-12-20 00:48:33
Each Other Is Enough
By Adeline HC

A shivering flaxen pony looks into his owners window, looking for some holiday cheer. He nickers and rubs at the window sill, waiting. Then he sees the beautiful drawing of him with a bright red hat on, and his caring girl, Lilly, beside him. His name was Jackson, and Lilly was a wonderful owner, ready to do whatever she could for him. It was very nice to have an owner like Lilly, and she was glad to have a pony like Jack. And most of all, they were both happy to have the holiday to spend together.

Adeline HC & Esprit Ellis
2016-12-20 00:48:33
Hay Horse!

By PeanutisaBay

I walk out of the house
And when I see it, I rouse.

To see my horse,
In a forbidden course,

So I call out, "Hay Horse!"
Then I suddenly pause,

Because I have to do my chores!
My mom or dad roars,

If I disobey,
But I call one more time, "Hay Horse, Hay!"

This time it came to me,
This time I see,

Why she was in the course,
She wanted me to come but I'd have to forget my chores,

And ride,
And from my chores hide,

And we ride through the sunset,
And finally finish all wet,

When I saw my parents I was in big trouble,
And then my thoughts began to bubble!

PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2016-12-20 00:48:33
Riding in the Sunset


I ride my pet,
In the sunset,

My pet is my horse,
I had no chores,

So I was free,
And I could see,

God's wonders,
A tunnel we went under,

And when we came out, we saw our home again!
To the barn we ran,

Then I untacked my horse
And I found I had more chores!

PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2016-12-20 07:06:36
What the Holidays are Really About
By: hosessaddles

For most people,
You think of the holidays,
and you think of
a Christmas tree
a Menorah
or the first snow.

But for someone like me,
I think of the horses
wearing blankets
and long winter coats.
I also think of my family
that has done so much for me
and supported me through thick and thin
in the name of riding.
My instructors, too
through good days and bad,
they have been there for me
and they feel like second family.

But when it comes to the holidays,
the thing I think of most
is my passion for horses
and being at the barn
not only to ride
but to create a bond
with every horse that I come across.

So at its simplest,
for anyone,
the holidays are really about
and giving.

hosessaddles & Phoenix
2016-12-20 22:57:51
By hayday13

My friend.
My pet.
My one true love.
My Keller.
My horse.
We are forever one.

hayday13 & Keller
2016-12-22 02:18:32

My Toy

By PeanutisaBay

I have a toy
It is a boy

His name is Riley
and a cute Riley is he

He is so lovable
And overall

He is the most wonderful toy anyone could imagine.

PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2016-12-24 17:39:22
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
