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Rising Stars Competition Stables

Rabbit: -The next morning I hop out of my mom's truck and run into the barn.- "Good morning Beauty!"I call out. -I walk to the feed room and grab a flake of alfalfa then toss it into Beauty's stall. She starts eating it while I put one scoop of alfalfa pellets into her bucket. I put the bucket back in her stall and refill her water. Then I take off her blanket and groom her while she eats. When she is done eating, I bring her to the cross ties then go to the tackroom to get my tack. I tack her up and lead her to the arena. I mount and start warming up. I walk and trot in both directions before picking up a canter. I canter a few laps around the arena then slow down. I dismount and set up a cross rail. I mount and canter Beauty over the jump. Next I set up a row of low verticals. I canter Beauty towards them and she hops over them effortlessly. I cool her out by walking her around the arena. Then I dismount and bring her to the cross ties. I untack her and groom her, then bring her out to the pasture. I put away the jumps I used then go muck out Beauty's stall- "There, all the morning chores done, and I got in a morning ride!" I say. Then I realize I haven't said hello to Sierra yet. -I go find Sierra-
Rabbitdoggy2 & Caramel
2020-07-23 20:08:15
Sierra: I wake up and look at my clock and gasp. Oh no I slept in! I run to the living room and see a note that reads "We had to go to work so couldn't drive you to the stables. Please ride your bike. Sorry, your parents." I grab a pack of pop tarts and eat them then I get dressed. I run to the garage and grab my bike and start riding to the stables which are two miles away. When I arrive I see Rabbit. Hi Rabbit! Sorry I'm late! I accidentally slept in then my parents left me a note saying they had to leave for work so I had to ride my bike here!
kdude & Wisteria
2020-07-24 05:48:42
Rabbit: "Its ok! I understand. I fed Spider and Raven for you and mucked out all the stalls. Spider and Raven saw Beauty go out to the pasture so they might want to go to, but its up to you." I say.

Rabbitdoggy2 & Caramel
2020-07-25 15:15:37
Sierra: Thank you so much! That's really nice! I'll put them in the pasture. I'm sure they want to go!
kdude & Wisteria
2020-07-26 05:00:45
Rabbit: "No problem! I have to go clean my tack, then I'm supposed to clean out the feed buckets." I say. -I walk to the tack room and get to work cleaning my saddle and bridle. When I'm done I head over to the feed room and clean the feed buckets. When I'm done, its time to bring Beauty inside. I walk out to the pasture and grab Beauty's halter off the gate. I find her grazing happily next to Spider. I pet Spider then put Beauty's halter on. I lead Beauty into the barn and put her in her stable. I take off her halter and put it by her stall. Then I go to see if Sierra needs any help.
Rabbitdoggy2 & Caramel
2020-07-27 18:28:52
Sierra: I should clean my tack too I say. I walk into the tack room and get some saddle soap and start scrubbing at my tack.
kdude & Wisteria
2020-07-28 04:59:52
Rabbit: -I find Sierra in the tack room cleaning her tack- "Hi Sierra! Its time to bring the horses in from the pasture. I just brought Beauty inside, would you like me to get Spider and Raven for you since your busy? I ask
Rabbitdoggy2 & Caramel
2020-07-28 22:08:37
Sierra: Ok! I can bring one of them in and you can bring the other, if you don't mind. Or I can bring them both in since you cleaned their stalls and fed them earlier.
kdude & Wisteria
2020-07-29 05:44:27
Rabbit: "Ok! I can bring in Spider if you want." I say
Rabbitdoggy2 & Caramel
2020-07-29 18:18:16
Sierra: Thank you! I'll go glad their halters I say then I walk to the stalls and grab the halters.
kdude & Wisteria
2020-07-30 05:46:11
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
