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Rising Stars Competition Stables

Rabbit: "Thank you!" I say as Sierra hands me Spider's halter. -I walk out to the pasture that Spider, Raven, and Beauty share. I open the gate and walk over to Spider. I put her halter on and lead her to her stall-
Rabbitdoggy2 & Caramel
2020-07-30 17:32:19
Sierra: Of course! I walk with Rabbit over to Spider, Beauty, and Raven's pasture and put Raven's halter on and lead him back to his stall.
kdude & Wisteria
2020-07-31 05:18:48
Rabbit: "I think its time to feed the horses their dinner." I say. -I go into the feed room and scoop some grain into Beauty's bucket. I bring it into her stall then go grab a flake of alfalfa and put that in her stall too. I go into her stall and put her blanket on. I refill her water again, then pet her for a while- "Goodnight Beauty." I say. "Bye Sierra! See you tomorrow!" I call out
Rabbitdoggy2 & Caramel
2020-07-31 21:13:44
Ok! I walk into the feed room and grab two cups of grain, one for each horse and and two flakes of alfalfa. The horses are excited about their grain and eat it as I do a quick brush on each one. Goodnight Raven Goodnight Spider! Bye Rabbit! See you tomorrow! I'll try to not sleep in this time!
kdude & Wisteria
2020-08-01 06:28:17
Rabbit: -I wake up when my alarm goes off at 6 a.m. I put on my jodhpurs and a T-shirt then go to the kitchen. I eat a bowl of cereal then go brush my teeth. I put on my boots and grab my hoodie. I write a note to my parents, telling them where I went, then go out the front door and put on my riding helmet. I hop on my bike and cycle to the stables. When I get there, I park my bike then go into the barn- "Good morning Beauty!" I say happily. -I go to the feed room and scoop some grain into Beauty's Bucket- "I have an idea girl! Maybe we can go on a trail ride with Sierra today! I will ask her when I see her." I say to my pony.
Rabbitdoggy2 & Caramel
2020-08-01 23:39:15
Sierra: I also wake up at 6am . I toast a bagel and get dressed while it toasts. Then I tell my parents bye and ride my bike to the stable. Hi Rabbit I say as I walk in.
kdude & Wisteria
2020-08-02 06:12:25
Rabbit: "Hi Sierra! I have an idea! Maybe we can trail ride today?" I ask
Rabbitdoggy2 & Caramel
2020-08-03 15:03:12
Sierra: That sounds really fun!
kdude & Wisteria
2020-08-04 05:36:08
Rabbit: "Ok! Lets get the horses ready." I say. -I groom Beauty then tack her up. I lead her outside then mount up. I ride to the arena and do some warm up exercises with Beauty-
Rabbitdoggy2 & Caramel
2020-08-04 20:07:32
Sierra: Ok! I'll get Spider ready, but first I'm going to put Raven in the pasture! I lead Raven into the pasture then put Spider in the cross ties and tack her up. Then we join Rabbit and Beauty in the arena to warm up.
kdude & Wisteria
2020-08-05 05:27:49
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
