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Chestnut Hill Boarding School & Stables

March will take Whisper. Oh, and each of you should have two people so you get two horses. Okay, so fill out a form:

Lynnie: Hopeful Rose
March: Whisper
Ali: Quince
Kat: Foxy Lady
Gemma: Tybalt
Susane: Bluegrass

Re post this and put the horse you want by your role-play name if it is not already there. The horses are on page 6.

Don't you just love forms? :) ;)

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-04-26 22:23:43
i want Skylark.
kyileanna & Cookie
2012-04-27 02:37:47
Can I have another person along with Gemma?
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-04-30 13:55:00
I'm making another person with Gemma.

Name: Kierra (Key-are-a)
Age: 14
Gender; Girl
Hair: Black with Hot Pink Low Lights
Eyes: Ice Blue
Other: Is Gemma's Sister

Falcon is her horse please

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-05-01 13:37:39
Okay, everyone can have a plain black saddle and bridle, and white pad and halter. If you want more tack or clothes, you can go to the shop where you can buy tack and clothes for points which you earn for doing extra help at the stables, and snacks for real money.

Let's start!!! Describe you arriving and unpacking in dorm Adams.

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-05-01 13:57:40
Real Pretend money I mean. Your pretend alowence, you know.
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-05-03 18:52:57
(My horses have black rope hackamores because I refuse to use bridles)

G=Gemma and K=Kierra. I will not put names.

G: *Drives up in the pickup truck* OK Kierra, look at the mailbox, right place?

K: *Looks at the slip of paper with the address in her hand, then to the mailbox* Right one!

G: Good *Drives down and parks* Grab your luggage and lets go! *Hops out and grabs her stuff, Kierra does the same, they put their stuff in their drawers and on their beds* Lets go to the stable! I want to see Tybalt!

K: I want to see Falcon! I brought our hackamores *Brings two rope halters with attached reins out of a suitcase, and then another set with lunge lines attached, they walk down to the barn and put the horses halters on and lead them to the cross ties and begin grooming*

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-05-03 18:52:57
Great Parelli! It's more easy to be active when you have two people.
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-05-03 18:52:57
Ali: Excuse me girls, You're Gemma and Kierra right? What you're doing is actually quite un-allowed. You aren't allowed to ride without permission and supervision and you need to sign in and go to the orientation at 3:30. After the orientation I will give a tour of the barn to all the people taking the riding class. Please put the horses back now. I'll over look it this time. After the school years starts and all the rush and activity goes down and it's less hectic, you can be around the barn and with the horses and caring for them in your free time, but not riding without permission and supervision. If you had started to ride I might have had to ban you. I'm glad I caught you first, because it's nice to start out on a good foot. Hurry along now. It's 1:30 so you have two hours.
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-05-05 04:54:52
Room 14:


Room 16:


Room 18:

Olivia (parelli, you can only have two people. Do you want Kierra or Olivia with Gemma?)
The next person to join will be in this room.

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-05-05 04:54:52
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
