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A+ MATH, SCIENCE & COMPUTERS CLUB Girls can be better if we help each other. Ask your math, science and computer questions here. Good answers will be rewarded with Wiggins bucks prizes.

ocwiegert & Charlie
2012-05-28 22:15:00
here is something
92x6=552 and 92+552=644 and 552-92=460
Do I get Wiggin Bucks for that

ocwiegert & Charlie
2012-05-30 03:20:39
nope, but we need letters, drawings and articles for the magazine, send them to contests@clubponypals.com

Heres what we pay for magazine pieces

Lead story 3000 wbucks
Cover photo 2000 wbucks
Letters with photos 100 wbucks
Art Gallery drawings 100 wbucks
Cartoons 500 wbucks
Articles, stories, book reviews, recipes each get 500 wbucks
Crafting article 1000 Wbucks

Jane Crandal & JB
2012-05-30 04:31:56
I sent in a Where I live piece
ocwiegert & Charlie
2012-05-31 23:38:25
annapom12 & Chickadee
2012-07-12 00:05:52
Nah, I dont do summer school.
Oreopony6 & Oreo
2012-08-08 01:53:22
I'll join it will help me with math :):)
Hollylock & Blaze
2012-08-10 22:49:10
I am not very good at math and i hate it so much i could burn the dang book!!
Hollylock & Blaze
2012-08-12 18:09:54
I want to keep it active.I'm not a member,but I want to share my knowledge.

Admin: cool!

pizza freak & Amazing Grace
2012-10-19 03:12:32
Double questions! :D

1. How do you turn fractions into decimals? Also, is there like a top fifteen I should know or something? I know 0.5 = 1/2, 0.25 = 1/4 and 0.75 = 3/4 but that's about it.

2. In January I'm starting a pony magazine for my friends. I wanted to have a maths collumn with some horse-related questions. The first one is about percentages. I need to explain how to work some out, like, "To work out 50% you have to divide by two." Does anyone have some basic ones I should put and how to work them out? Also, any word problems about a saddlery having a sale would be appretiated. ;)

Thanks for the help, great club!

riderrocker & Margueritte
2012-11-05 21:53:07
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
