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****Coates Academy*** This club will be about kids wiht special powers.Like can move people with their minds.Incerdibley strong,and can shoot fire and ice. And they are sent to Coates because they got in trouble.They stay at Coates and ride.

RM: I'm in both clubs, should I just flip back and forth between meeting Shadow Stables with Coates and meeting Coates with Shadow?

Britnie: *Sees Clapton cantering away on Kripton and realizes that I didn't have time to tack up. Walks into Almas stall and gracefully leaps onto her back in one move. Walks Almas out of the barn with no bridle or halter on Almas. When they get outside the barn, I ask Almas to canter and catch up to Clapton.* Come on girl, let's go meet Shadow Stables.

Almas: Let's go! I need to stretch my legs.

mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-02 06:48:00
Sorry I cannot spell!

Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-02 06:48:05
Clapton:I look back and see Britnie coming on Almas.I stop Kritpon.*Hey,ready to go?*We walk off towards Shadow's.
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-02 18:14:30
Britnie: I'm ready!

Almas: Me too!

mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-02 19:02:46
Callie:I turn towards Bella and Becky.*Get ready,we might have to go over there.Clapton isn't always as friendly as he seems.He gets aggitated quickly and when that happends,flames start shooting.*
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-02 19:05:42
Clapton:Me and Britnie walk towards Shadow's.*So Britnie,how do you like Coates so far?Your still alive so that's a plus.*I laugh.*I'm kidding,it's just some people aren't fit for Coates.Callie and I have been here almost 3 years.And we have seen a lot of kids leave.They can't handle Callie.She's fierce,she scares me a lot.*I look up towards Shadow's.I can see everyone getting frantic.*Me and Callie come say hi every year.They always get frantic when they see us.That is because me and Callie have the most powerful powers and we also have the most control over ours.*
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-02 21:12:59
Clapton:I walk Kripton up to Shadow's.I look at Britnie.*Ready to make some friends?*I laugh.*Never take me seriously.Unless flames are flying.*I look back at Shadow's.I walk up to the stable,jump off Kritpon and tie her to a post.8Be good,Britnie put Almas over here by Kripton*I see Bella.She's our biggest threat at Coates.,gorgeous,and just as powerful as me and Callie.I walk over to her.(Pretend Bella has went to Shadow's for years.So she know Callie and Clapton).*Hey Bella,nice of you to show up.*I shoot her a look.*This is Britnie,she's new.*
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-03 02:21:35
Bella: dont flatter yourself Clapton!*i giggle and walked towards the other students,fire and lighting bolts shot out my hands*Were not nervous around Coates at all!
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-02-03 02:40:45
Britnie: I like Coates. It's nice to be around people like me with powers. Callie is very fierce, I don't want to make her mad, that's for sure. I never knew y'all had the most powerful powers and the most control over them!
mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-03 02:53:49
Clapton:*Of course Miss Ice,thats why you look like your going to pass out.So any one new yet?And how's that big troubled horse of yours?*I say smirking.

*Yea we have know about our powers for 5 years.And we work together to better understand them.Me and Callie that is.And yea I suggest you dont make her mad.Her mom called once,and she burnet down her whole school.That's why she was sent to Coates.*

Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-03 03:25:31
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