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****Coates Academy*** This club will be about kids wiht special powers.Like can move people with their minds.Incerdibley strong,and can shoot fire and ice. And they are sent to Coates because they got in trouble.They stay at Coates and ride.

Britnie: Be a good girl Almas.

Almas: Where's the hay?

Britnie: I'll find some hay. *Walks towards Bella and Clapton. Looks at Bella.* Is there any hay thatt I could give Almas?

mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-03 15:37:09
Bella: Why would i pass out around you?!'Thunder' is doing fine!hows your scrawny little horse?*grins,puts her hands on her hips*I almost drowned my whole school,burnt friends,burnt my last stable down to bits!and,i think i have a new power!*just then a crack of electricity sounded and lighting shot out my hands*
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-02-03 18:06:27
Clapton:*Okay, Bella,and my mare is bigger than Thunder.Sweet.*I smile and trot away

*Britnie,Coates has some hay,I will show you where it's at.*

Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-04 04:14:37
Britnie: *Backs up as fast as she can. Continues backing up until she reaches Almas, and loosens Almas rope so she could get away if she had to.*
mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-04 04:26:15
Clapton:As soon as Bella shot lighting ou tof her hands I fired back.I struck her with a bolt of fire.Ha mess with me and I will mess wiht you.I gallop away on Kripton.
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-04 05:50:01
Bella: Sure Britnie...Thunder has some in the trailer...*opens trailer and pulls out a huge hay bail*Here you go*leads Thunder out into his stall,Thunder nickers when he passed Clapton*
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-02-04 15:40:34
RM: the first post was to Clapton xD i didnt see your post Britnie :D the second post | :D
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BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-02-04 15:42:48
Britnie: I'm getting out of here! Come on Almas! *Unties Almas as fast as she can, and leaps onto Almas in one quick move. As soon as I touched Almas back, Almas took off at a gallop.* Keep going Almas! Back to Coates, before she can zap us!

Almas: You don't need to tell me twice! *Gallops Faster*

mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-04 18:19:16
Bella:*i missed the bolt,i glared*my hands were at my sides!not at you!*my eyes turned red*
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-02-04 20:07:43
RM: It's fine!

Britnie: *Looks back and sees Bella's eyes turn red, and gets distracted for a second. I feel myself start to slip off Almas bare back, and try to grab her mane. I fall to the ground and land with a thud.* Keep going Almas! *I drag myself to my feet and start running. Feels myself running faster and faster. I took a quick glance over my shoulder at Bella, and see a wide, grey horse back.* What's going on?!

mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-05 00:58:06
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
