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****Coates Academy*** This club will be about kids wiht special powers.Like can move people with their minds.Incerdibley strong,and can shoot fire and ice. And they are sent to Coates because they got in trouble.They stay at Coates and ride.

Callie:I looka at Bella.You missed it.Ashlynn's more powerful than I thought.~Hey what's going on?What is Bella saying~Clapton stresses.~Meet me in th e barn after school at Detention's stall~*So Bella,what is it you have to share?*

Ashlynn:I looks at Clapton.He's perfect!I smile at him and wipe away "tears".He looks away disgusted.I send him a thought.~What's wrong?Wanna talk after school~He looks at me and is furious.~NO~He replies short.

Clapton:Welcome to your fisrt day of Coates,I think to myself.I look at Callie who is talking to Bella,then at Ashlynn who is wiping away fake tears.Does she really think I dont see through that?~Cal,what's Bella saying?~

Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-07 04:42:41
appy,what do u mean?Idk care abou tht is being popular as long as theres activity,its fun and theres a couple people rping:)
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-07 05:36:15
Remember that all posts are read and approved before they appear.
Jane Crandal & JB
2012-02-07 06:49:33
Britnie: I saw her. She's pushing your buttons, trying to push you over the edge. Bella, what do you need to tell us?
mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-07 14:07:55
Bella: Callie i was reading Ashlynns,she wants to take Clapton,and she said how plan 1 complete or something!
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-02-07 14:49:01
!Classes are done for the day!

Callie:I walk into Detenion's stall and put on his halter.I wait by his stall for Clapton.Clapton comes running into the barn a few moments later.*Where where you?*I say brushing Dentenion.*Ashlynn.She accidently ran into me at the the school yard.*he says looking down.*what do you mean accidently?*I say annoyed.He looks into my eyes,and then looks down immediatly.*Clapton,what happened?*I snapped.*Well...She tripped and um fell down on me.She said it was an accident,but I don't think it was.And..*He says quietly.*And what Clapton?* I slammed down Detneion's brush and went over to him staring holes in him.*She said something else.She said I belonged with her,and she could see it.That something terrible was going to happen to you,if I didn't dump you and go to her.Something really terrible unless I go to her.*He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.He hugged me,then pulled away.*What do you think she means?*He said.*She's trying to scare you into going to her.Nothing will happen to me Clap,I've been here how long?And I'm fine.she's jus jealous Clap,don't let her fool you!*I looked at him and went to Detention's stall.*Can you ride him Clap?He hates not getting out.Please he'll be nice.*I walk Detention to cross ties and start saddling him up.*Well good thing I will considering you have him tacked already.*I walked over to Detention and walked him into the the arena.He mounted and Detention gallops off.Clapton throws him self up on Detention and pulls back.Detention rears and almostvthrows Clapton.*Whoa Detenion.Whooa boy.Clapton hang on!*I shout.*Thanks for the tip geneius.WHOA Detention.*Detention stops suddenly and looks at Clapton.Clapton backs Detenion up and turns him sharply towards me.*Yea he'll be good.*He says and takes off with Detenion at a canter.All was going till Ashlynn and Hawk walk in.*GET OUT ASHLYNN.*She looks at me and smilies.*Dont worry im just lunging Hawk.Sorry I dont have a lovely boyfriend to ride my horse for me.Not yet that is.*She looks at Clapton.What is her problem!?I start to fire back when Detenion rears,throws Clapton,and runs at Hawk.

Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-08 03:37:34
My post never appeared?I will repost if it doesn't appear by the end of the day.hey anyone know where Becky went?!And we need more people!
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-08 20:47:49
Callie:I run to Clapton.*Are you okay Clapton?*H elooks at me and send me a though~Yea kinda,Ashlynn did it.Pushed me off Detenion,scaring him and he reared making it look like he did it.I felt her powers.~I look at him stunned.~Oh she's in for it now.~I send.Ashlynn runs over with Hawk in hand.*Oh Clapton are you ok?What a sycho horse!My horse would never do that.Come on Clapton I'll take you to the nurse,while Callie tries to tame her beast*She says.I jump up.*excuse me?You did it,pushed Clap off Detenyion.Listen here,me and Clapton are telapathic,and he told me he felt you push himm off.Now you better leave before I blow!*Clapton gets up leaning on to me.*Ashlynn do you really think Detetion was going to throw me?I've rode him many times.You did it.NOW SCRAM.*Clapton roars.I walk over and get Detenion.*Easy boy,it's okay.*I walk Detenion over to his stall and untack him.Clapton walks over to us.*Hey,you okay?*I laugh*Clapton you just got thrown and your worried about me?*He looks down.*I always worry about you.Well I think I sprained my wrist,but I'll survive.*He says.I put up Detenion and walk off.Clapton is way behind me now.~where are you going,slow down.*He sends.~Going to teach Ashlynn a lesson.~I send.*No stop,wait for me.~I keep walking.I see Ashlynn,heading towards her room.She looks at me and smirks.Yea you better wipe that smirk off your face for I do I think.She stops and shoots a beam of fire to my left.That's it.She's going home wether she likes it or not
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-09 04:48:02
Britnie: *Watches Callie walk out to the barn.* Time to go talk to the teacher.* Walks towards the teacher's office and knocks on the door then opens it.* Excuse me, may I talk to you?
mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-09 04:56:06
Teacher:*Yes,come in Britnie.*

Ashlynn:I see Callie fuming mad!I turn and run inside,before I do tho she hits me with ice,almost freezing me.*AHH Unfreeze me!I can't move.*I scream.*That's the point,you're supposed to be trapped.How could you?Throw Clapton off Detention?You killed have killed Clapton.Are you nuts?*Callie yells.*No,but I told him bad things were goin to happen to you if he didnt come to me.I didn't mean to hurt him,I was aiming at your horse.*I say looking at her.Oh I sould have kept my mouth shut.I cant move.to numb and now she's mad and she wants revenge.She goes to throw me when Clapton arrives.Great.

Clapton:*STOP.Both of you,Callie do not touch her.*I walk over to them.Ashlynn is numb and Callei is MAD.*What is your problems?You both need to grow up already.This is our first day at Coates.Now seriously come on.*Callie looks at me.*She tried to hurt Detenion,but got you.And she tried to steal you!You really think I'm gonna let that slide?You must not know me very well.*Callie says almost shouting.*I don'y care who started it.No one's finishing either.Callie,come with me,we need to talk.Ashlynn unfreeze your self with your fire power.Just try not to burn you self.*She starts to yell,but stops.I turn away laving Callie to follow.I look behind me and see Callie walking towards me.She catches up with me.And says*I cannot believe you just made me do that.What is wrong with you?I needed to show her who boss is around here.*I look at her.*Realy Callie?That's all you care about?What rank you are around here?Fine if that's how you feel.Listen we need a break,I'm done with you.You need to get you prioties straight,then talk to me.Till then,Goodbye.*I walk off.

Callie:He just broke up with me.All because of her.He did exactly what she wanted him to.I send him~She got her way.You did exactly what she wanted you to,brake up with me.Hope she loves you like I do.~That's all I send him.He never responds.Will he ever talk to me again?It's all her fault.We've been together 3 years no problems.NOw she shows up and takes him away from me.Just like that.I hear her voice ringing inm my head.~Aww look who's hurt now Callie.Phase 2 complete.Phase 3?Go on date with Clapton!~Ashlynn leaves those words stinging in my head.Now now, have nothing to be nice for.She better be prepared

Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2012-02-09 05:40:35
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
