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Canterwood Crest Academy Role Play
I am pleased to announce that you have been selected to attend Canterwood Crest Academy this coming year. Enclosed is a list of classes and your dorm setting.

Hello :) I love the books and I would like to join.

Full (and Fake) Name: Grace Summer Brookes
Nicknames: Gracie
Gender: girl
Age: 10
Hair Color: Natural cherry red
Hair Style: little longer than shoulders, bangs
Eye Color: Aqua blue
Rider?: Yes
Horse: Rainbow
Riding Clothes: Usually tan, moss green, or black breeches with a variety of riding shirts, black Dover boots and black helmet. P.S, when im jumping, I use a navy blue jumping vest
Favorite Class: Jumping for fun
Show Clothes: White flannel shirt with black hunt coat, tan breeches, polished black boots, black velvet helmet
Riders and everyone else;
Typical pass time: Riding!
Fav Color: Violet/purple
Classes you would like: Riding, Pysics, English, Creative Writing, Pre-Algebra
Electives: Gardening
Extracurricular: (Riders ignore)

~Horse Form: Riders only~

Registered Name: Rainbow with a Pot o Gold
Barn Name: Rainbow, Rainy, Rain
Age: 9
Gender: Mare
Breed: Appaloosa x POA
Color: beautiful blood bay with dazzling white appaloosa blanket
Eyes: Brown
Mane+Tail: Deep black
Markings: white blaze on forehead, socks on all feet
Training: Brown all purpose saddle, matching brown bridle, pink saddle pad with "I <3 my Horse" written on it, flash on bridle and running martingale
Show: Black all purpose saddle with black matching bridle, plush white roma saddle pad, flash, black jumping boots, white and black earnet, running martingale
Shipping: Pink blanket, pink shipping boots, pink halter with lead rope
Barn: Pink blanket
Pasture: Pink turnout sheet

iluvtuey8 & Abercrombie
2013-10-13 04:25:10
RM: I just wanted to reenter my horse's info.

Registered Name: Razen The Amazin
Barn Name: Razen
Age: 3
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Thoroughbred
Color: Bay
Eyes: Blue
Mane+Tail: Black
Markings: Bald face, stockings on legs
Training: Black English Saddle, Black English Bridle, Purple saddle pad, purple polo wraps
Show: Black English Saddle, Black English Bridle, White saddle pad, white polo wraps
Shipping: Soft Purple Shipping blanket, Soft Shipping Boots, Soft Halter
Barn: Purple Blanket in fall-winter, nothing in spring-summer
Pasture: Purple turnout sheet in cold seasons

horses1002 & Diego
2013-10-19 22:55:57
Full (and Fake) Name: Kylie Rose Green
Nicknames: KK, Ky
Gender: (Since boys are allowed) Female/Girl
Age: (10-11 to start, we all begin in 6th grade) 11 years
Hair Color: Strawberry blonde
Hair Style: Straight & long mid-elbow length
Eye Color: Hazel-green
Rider?: DEF FOR SURE!!!
Horse: Justice
Riding Clothes: Different breeches variating from tan, fawn and black, blue polo shirt or hunter green CCA logo shirt, brown paddock boots, black Onyx helmet
Favorite Class: Cross country
Show Clothes: White breeches, velvet red show jacket, black tall boots, white choker, black gloves, black velvet helmet
Riders and everyone else;
Typical pass time: Riding forevs ;)
Fav Color: Navy blue
Classes you would like: Riding, creative writing, Advanced English, Pre-Algebra
Electives: Drama

~Horse Form: Riders only~

Registered Name: Catching Fire
Barn Name: Justice
Age: 8 years old
Gender: (No stallions please) Gelding
Breed: QH x American Saddlebred
Color: Chestnut
Eyes: Brown
Mane+Tail: Golden
Markings: One white stripe, three white socks, one white coronet
Training: Brown All-Purpose saddle, brown and white Cavesson bridle, dark blue leg wraps, sky blue saddle blanket, brown leather martingale (he throws his head a lot and Kylie is in the process of training him to keep his head DOWN)
Show: Black Jumping saddle, white fleece pad, black bell boots, black Snaffle bridle, black running martingale - just in case
Shipping: Navy blue rug, navy blue boots, sky blue halter & rope, dark blue poll guard
Barn: Dark blue day rug/nighttime rug
Pasture: Light blue water-proof rug for night, dark blue sheet for day

Charity Hope & Freedom
2013-10-22 20:17:51
Sorry haven't had much time lately but I'M BACK!!!Ok it's parent day so everyone have your parents here!

19-Baby Girl/Town

Did I get everyone?

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-10-22 23:54:28
RM:oops sorry!

19-Baby Girl/Town

That it? and everyone who is currently a member of this club please do a post that has the name(s) of your people

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-10-24 01:04:23
Mom: *I park the car and see Hanna, I wave to her*

Hanna: *I run over to the car* Hey mom, hey dad.

Dad: *gets out of car* Hey sweetie!! We missed you!

Hanna: Do you want to see Razen first?


horses1002 & Diego
2013-10-26 01:16:45
Lilly ,Peter , Susan and Leo : we all Get out of a red truck pulling a white 5 horse trailer
Zach: I follow
Carter: I see my Uncle truck drive up “Their here.”
Lucy: “Why do they have a trailer?”
Carter: I don’t know.”
The Parents: we walk up to the group
Leo (Carter’s Dad): “Carter go get the horse out of the trailer.”
Carter: I head over and open the trailer and see a bay gelding wearing a red halter with a plague I read it. The words read Match Made In Heaven call Carter Woodhaven If Found then my cell number. “Hi Match.” I lead the horse out of the trailer and over to the group.
Leo: “He is yours.”
Susan (Carter’s Mom): “And Luna is your lessee horse.”
Cater: “thank you.” I hug my parents. Match nickers and I pet his head
Lucy: I turn to the boy standing behind the group “You must be Zach my new brother.”
Zach: “Your Lucy.”
Lucy: Yeap.”

Starwalker123 & Star
2013-10-26 03:11:44
Jason:*runs out of dorm wearing a light blue cotton shirt and his nicest pair of jeans*(I can't remember his sisters' names)

Ty:*walks to the barn and to Red's stall*If only there was no such thing as parents day*walks in and hugs Red*But hey at least Jason gets to see his sisters

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-10-27 00:06:43
Mom: Sure.

Hanna: Okay, let's go. *I walk them to Razen's stall*

Mom: Hey isn't that Riley? You never told me he came here.

Hanna: I didn't?

Dad: In fact, you haven't even called us. How on earth are your grades going? I'm dying to know!

Hanna: ........

Mom: *puts hands on hips* You're using your free time to ride instead of study aren't you.

Hanna: *nods*

Dad: We'll talk about it later, I'd like to see how Razen's doing.

Hanna: *I go to Razen's stall* Here he is. *Razen walks up and sniffs my pocket* Haha. *I take an apple out of my pocket and feed it to Razen*

Razen: *I eat the apple with pleasure*

Dad: He sure likes apples.

Hanna: I know. That's why I always keep one in my pocket, never know when I'll have to check on Razen.

Mom: Okay, I'm dying to see your dorm.

Hanna: *we go to my dorm and I open the door* Here it is.

Mom: *I walk over to Hanna's desk* A D?!

Hanna: *grabs it from her hand and throws it away* It's a friend's.

Dad: I know what you spend your free time doing for sure now.

horses1002 & Diego
2013-10-27 22:17:06
Kylie is jumping Justice in her outdoor arena on her farm, Rodstead Estate.

Kylie: I direct Justice at a 5'1 oxer at a medium canter. Justice sees it and starts to rush, but I quickly check him just in time, pushing him forward. He rocks back onto his haunches and propels over the jump, landing softly on the other side. His hooves thud against the sand and send light sprays up into the air, bending around the corner before I point him at the vertical. At first, he starts to throw his head, but it doesn't get him very far since he remembers that I clipped his running martingale on earlier. He tucks his forelegs into his chest and, breathing in the moment of suspension, he lunges forward and clears it perfectly. Next is the cross poles. I settle myself in the saddle, prepared for an outburst, but Justice is quiet until we reach the jump. He leaps forward up and over the poles, soaring through the air for half a second before leaving it behind in the dust. Now my heart starts to beat rapidly, thumping against my chest. The triple combination looms in front of us, and I urge Justice on, drumming my heels against his flanks. 'Come on, boy,' I whispered, leaning over his neck to reach his ear. 'You can do it this time.' But no. He digs his hooves into the sand just before he was about to take off, sending me through the air and over the combo. I groaned, rolling over to clutch my head and hug my knees. That was enough to rattle my pride.

Tom: 'Come on, Kylie,' he mutters, scuffing the sand with his dusted paddock boots. 'It was just a fall. Don't let it get to you. Take him over again.'

Kylie: 'No,' I say. I pull myself up, smoothing down my vest and taking off my helmet, flexing my muscles. 'That's enough. I'll take Justice in now.' I walk around the jumps, making an effort to grab Justice' reins and lift them over his ears. I pat his shoulder, roll up his stirrups, loosen his girth, check his legs, and lead him out the arena, my head dipped down.

Tom: He stares after Kylie, shaking his head. 'That girl needs to learn that ending a ride on a bad note isn't a good habit,' he mumbles to himself, fixing the first jump of the combo before following them.

Kylie: I tie Justice onto crossties and undo his girth, letting it dangle before sliding the saddle off. I take the pad in my hands and turn it upside down on the saddle to let it air, lifting the girth up to rest on the pommel. I unstrap the throat lash, relieve the noseband off Justice' nose, and slide the bit out of his mouth. I sling the Cavesson bridle over my shoulder and collect the saddle in my arms, taking it into the tack shed before picking up my navy blue grooming kit, carrying it back to Justice. I circle the curry comb over his neck and flanks and run the dandy brush down his legs, removing the dried earth and sand from his cannon bones. I sponge his muzzle and trim his ears, scraping the dirt from his hooves. I create a shine over his coat with the body brush and make sure the foam bubbling around his neck has disappeared. I rub his star until it is blinding white, including his three socks and little coronet. Justice rests his left hind hoof, eyes half closed with ears pricked. He snorts and thrusts his head into my hands, leaving a grass stain on my blue polo shirt. I sigh, ruffling his poll. 'Silly boy,' I say. Now I'd forgotten about the incident back in the arena and rested my head against his cheek, unclipping the crossties and letting it clank against the walls. I lead Justice down the aisle and settle him in his stall, grabbing a bucket and spilling fresh water into his trough before exiting and closing his door.

Arielle: *Comes running down the aisle screaming* 'Kylie! KYLIE! It's here! It's finally here!'

Kylie: My blood runs cold and I whip around, coming face to face with my older sister. I couldn't even speak.

Arielle: 'Oh my God! It's actually here! How amazing is this?!' *Waves a white letter with golden stitching in Kylie's face*

Kylie: I finally managed to get my voice out. 'No. Way,' I croak. 'We HAVE to go tell mum!'

Arielle: 'Yes! Go, go!' she cries.

Kylie: I grab the letter and race outside, Arielle's cheers energising me. Adrenaline pumps through my veins and I jump a cluster of bushes in my way, dodging low branches and leaping over a fence. I burst the door of the cute two-story cream-coloured house open and slid down the tiles, not even bothering to take off my paddock boots. I bang into a nearby table but don't care, ignoring the pain and heading straight for the kitchen. 'MUM!' I scream, at the top of my lungs. 'Mum! Dad! It's here! The letter from Canterwood Crest is here!' No, my bad ride didn't even matter anymore. This was far more important; beyond infinity important!

Erin: *Rushes downstairs at top speed* 'Omigosh, Ky! This is so exciting! Let me get my phone!'

Noah: *Trips over a loose tile* 'Yea, okay, I'm all good. Thanks for caring, guys.'

Tom & Arielle bolt through door and plop down onto chairs.

Kylie: I take in a deep breath and slowly approach the dining table, settling myself down. Then I stop, shaking my head. 'No, this isn't right,' I say.

Erin: *Looks at Kylie with confusion* 'What do you mean, bub? This is your dream.'

Kylie: I draw in a deeper breath. 'It's just...' I start. 'Well...'

Noah: *Leans against chair* 'Spit it out, bub.'

Kylie: I look over at everyone's faces. 'I think Justice should be a part of this. He wants this as much as I do, I know. I can't open it without him.'

Noah: *Looks across at Erin* 'Hmm, alright.' He smiles at Kylie. 'I'm sure Justice would appreciate it.'

Everyone gets up and rushes to the stables.

Kylie: I round the corner and dash up to Justice' stall, extremely nervous. I stroke his cheek and rest my head against his. 'It's here, boy,' I say softly. He rubs his nose on my sleeve. 'The letter's here.'

Erin: *Squeezes Kylie's hand* 'Whenever you're ready, bub,' she says. She stares into Kylie's eyes. 'Down get too downhearted if you don't make it. I'm here for you- no, we're here for you, and there are lots of other wonderful schools to apply for...'

Tom: *Lays a hand on Erin's shoulder* 'She's got this, mum.'

Erin: *Presses the record button on phone and zooms in on Kylie's face*

Kylie: 'Thanks, guys,' I say, smiling fondly. I let go of mum's hand and start to tear open the envelope, eager to get it over with. I feel a tonne of pressure as every one stares at me. Then, all of a sudden, there it is. The little white letter peeks through the envelope, and I calm myself down. 'This is it, boy,' I say in Justice' ear, and he breathes quietly into my hair, nudging me on impatiently. A shaky smile on my face, my eyes shut tight, I reach in and yank the letter out, unfolding it. I count to three. One... two... 'Three.' I open my eyes. And then... they grew wider. And wider. A horrified expression crosses my face.

Noah: *Leans forward* 'What? What is it?'

Erin: *Sighs* 'Oh, honey, it's okay...'

Arielle: 'Ugh, Ky, just say it already! You're killing me here!'

Kylie: I look up, feeling dazed. My face creases into a frown for a second, and I was speechless. But then I start to beam. 'I got in,' I whisper.

Arielle: 'WOOOOO!' *Shoves fist in the air*

Tom: *Smiles* 'I knew it, K. I knew you'd do it.'

Noah: 'Oh, wow, bub! You're in! That is just amazing!

Kylie: I feel a mixture of emotions as mum pulls me into a tight hug. Amazement, thrill, relief, surprise; but most of all, excitement.

Erin: 'Congrats, hun!' *Wraps arms around Kylie* 'This is amazing. My daughter... boarding at Canterwood Crest! How cool does that sound?'

Kylie: *Wipes away tears*

Arielle: 'Aw, Ky, are you crying?'

Kylie: 'No,' I mumble, sniffing.

Noah: *Mock-horror crosses over face* 'I can't believe you'll be living there, all by yourself!' *Clutches heart and puts a hand to his forehead*

Kylie: *Rolls eyes* 'Nah, dad! C'mon, I'll be with a roomie. Besides, I know how to care for myself! Seriously.'

Erin: *Pulls away* 'You need to be extra good while you're gone,' she says. 'Don't stay up too late. Not too much junk food. Finish your homework on time. Listen to your teacher. Always get to class on time. Oh, and... and, call us whenever you need anything, and...'

Noah: *Grabs Erin's shoulder* 'Honey, that's enough, don't overwhelm Canterwood's newest and most awesome student of all time!'

Kylie: I grinned so hard that my mouth started to burn. I dropped the letter and flung my arms around Justice' neck. 'Oh, wow, boy! We've done it! We're in! We get to live at Canterwood now!' My voice grew louder and more high pitch with every word I spoke. I stopped. 'I need to go pack!' And so I raced off, leaving everyone smiling and hugging, back to my room to do just that.

Charity Hope & Freedom
2013-10-27 22:22:17
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
