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Midnight Stables Role Play Club
a role about girls and their horses at a place called Midnight Stables

Midnight: "We should do something, but nothing to hurt them...maybe on the next trail we could go in another direction, and go on a totally other trail or something."

Mel: *Is about to speak but her phone rings* "One minute" *answers phone* "Hello?"

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-08-12 01:38:08
Anna: "Mel, Hi, it's me, Anna. I was wondering, does this yard do like, umm, you know, competitions I was just, err, I just wanted to know...."
66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-08-12 18:15:39
Harmony: "It has to be a better trail, though. That way they can trust our instincts. Are we going trail riding anytime soon?"

AnnaROUaT2 & Snow White
2013-08-12 18:15:39
Midnight: *thinks* "Mel usually takes me out almost everyday on a trail or every other day, so if you could somehow convince your owner to come, then I know a perfect trail iwth snakes, scropians and all kinds of stuff!" *wishpers* "even a tiny bit of quicksand."
ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-08-14 03:24:22
Mel: "Oh hi Anna. Yeah, we do do competitions, what kind are you thinking of?"
ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-08-14 03:24:22
Harmony: "Perfect! I know just how to convince her...." *Concentrates and formulates a plan.* "Do you think we'll go tomorrow?"
Emma: *Walks near Harmony, thinking.*

AnnaROUaT2 & Snow White
2013-08-14 16:29:58
Midnight: *nods* "Yep, me and mel usually go out after breakfast. And I made a friend the first time I went on the trail, we haven't gone there since. It was spooky for Mel. Even though she is brave, my friend I made will probably be able to help us with something..."

Mel: *waits for an answer from Anna* "We do dressage, cross country and jumping."

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-08-14 16:48:43
Harmony: "Please tell me that your friend isn't a snake. I can't stand snakes!"

AnnaROUaT2 & Snow White
2013-08-15 18:35:48
Anna: "Oh, err, that's great awesome, I was thinking sort of freestyle dressage...., you know, like, to music...."
66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-08-15 18:36:37
Midnight: "Well your in luck! It's a snake, but not an ordinary one...He's HUGE!"

Mel: "Oh, yeah we have that. In fact, we have one in a week or so, are you interested?"

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-08-16 02:30:26
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
