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Midnight Stables Role Play Club
a role about girls and their horses at a place called Midnight Stables

Anna: "Oh dear, sorry about that!Yeah, it is. It mean 'The Dancing Devil', a very suitable name for such a naughty horse. No Danny, i didn't mean it, don't give me that face."
66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-08-25 15:39:02
Emma: "Bye!" *Grooms Harmony and puts her in her stall, then gives her and Bandit some mash.*
AnnaROUaT2 & Snow White
2013-08-25 15:42:19
Anna:"so, am i in? I should probably start practising my test now. Are there any other competitors yet?" Still holding phone to ear walks over to the tackroom. She'd just put her general purpose saddle away, but her Dressage kit was still in her tack trunk. Flikcking open the lock, she picked up the saddle, bridle and Saddle pad, grimacing at the creases it had obtained on the way over from England. She would have to iron it before the competition, but there was no time for that now. looking at her watch she saw that it was getting late into the afternoon, but she still had enough time for a good session with Danny. She lugged her kit over to Danny, and ignored his 'but you only just rode me' and 'you can't possibly ride me because i'm exhausted' looks, knowing that as soon as he was in the arena, he practically skipped in his joy. he'd been playfully referred to by Anna's mum as the 'Ballerina horse' because of his love of dressage. As she tacked Danny up, Anna hummed her favourite tune, but before long she was singing out loud, her beautiful voice carrying its way across the yard and, emmbarasingly down the phone line.Danny whickered in amusement as Anna realised that she was singing quite loud and resighned to humming again. Before long, Danny was tacked up and standing proudly outside his stable door, his graceful conformation giving him the look of a middle ages jousting horse or the noble steed of some brave knight. it was at times like this that Anna felt a pang of sadness and homesickness in her heart.Danny noticed her sorrowful expression and whickered gently. Anna smiled. "you only love me for the food. Here,i just have to finish this phone call and then we can go and dance, my big black ballerina!"
Anna picks up the phone from the haybale she'd put it down on. "Mel, are you still there? Another thing, is the arena free?"

66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-08-25 21:37:01
Midnight: *budges at Mel*

Mel: "Shh! Midnight, stop!" *puts him in his stall and closes the stall door, and latches it* "Sorry about that, got it. We have your email and stuff, so I'll text you the dressage test before I go to bed, ok?"

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-08-25 21:39:00
Midnight: *snorts*

Mel: "The competition is here, so you don't need to pay to trailer him somewhere, it's ten dollars to compete, not that much. Right after I say good-night to Midnight, I'll put up the flyer about the competition so yeah, some other people should come." *pets Midnight*

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-08-26 21:56:25
Anna: "O.K,awesome. Thanks so much! is the arena free? I should probably practise....."
66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-08-27 23:03:10
Emma: *Looks over at Mel.* "Can I compete?"
AnnaROUaT2 & Snow White
2013-08-27 23:03:10
Anna( starts to think Mel has hung up) "hello?"
66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-08-28 20:29:53
Mel: "OK, I'll text you the dressage thing now, bye." *hangs up and texts Anna the test* "Sure you can enter Emma, I bet you'll do great! what horse will you be competing with? and what discipline?"

Midnight: *goes to back of stall and eats some hay*

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-08-28 20:39:09
Emma: "I think I'll take Harmony in Show Jumping. If that's okay."
Harmony: *Falls asleep in her stall.*

AnnaROUaT2 & Snow White
2013-08-29 23:02:34
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
