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Midnight Stables Role Play Club
a role about girls and their horses at a place called Midnight Stables

Anna: "O.K" follows Mel and Sierra
66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-09-15 18:06:42
Mel: *The mare canters towards the horses*

Midnight: "It's getting late-Did you hear something?"

Felicia: *nods*

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-09-17 21:41:43
Mel: She halts the mare and quickly dismounts, and ties her up to a tree then goes walking fast to the horses*

Midnight: *see's the humans and stiffens* "Oh no..." *looks at Felicia* "We'll have to try and run away, I'll go back later..."

Felicia: *looks up at Midnight and shakes head* "I think I'll try being captive for a little while..."

Midnight: "What do you mean?"

Felicia: "Just that."

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-09-19 00:46:28
Anna: Circles Danny round and sees the horses.
"Whoa Danny Whoa. Hey guys, they've got another horse with them. How many escaped?"

66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-09-19 17:54:49
Mel: *looks at the horses* "I think just these guys...Hey, look at the foal. Where'd she come from?"

Midnight: *snorts*

Felicia: *walks up to Mel and rubs her head against her*

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-09-20 22:26:37
Anna " Foal?" walks Danny closer. "Oh, that's the horse I saw! She's tiny! I didn't realise, I couldn't see her properly." Danny huffs impatiently at the foal.
Danny: "So, this it the famous Felicia!"

66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-09-21 17:27:20
Mel: Clips a lead rope onto Midnight's halter that was on him* "Come one mister, time to o home..." *looks at Felicia* "You too little girl, you could use some food, your so skinny!"

Midnight: *snorts*

Felicia: *looks up at Danny and nods shyly*

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-09-22 22:52:01
Danny: "I heard Midnight talking about you, he talks in his sleep, you know. You seem a little mismatched, if you don't mind me saying so."
looks suspicously at Midnight , then at Felicia.
"You're not related, are you?"

66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-09-23 20:20:49
Mel: *ties Midnight up to the mare and mounts, hoping the filly will just follow her*

Midnight: *looks at Felicia, and she looks back at him* "No we're not. We're just really close friends."

Felicia: *walks over to Danny* "And you are Danny? Oh my I've always wanted your autograph! Hi!" *is making fun of him, and is proud of it*

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-09-24 18:46:56
So, how do you know Felicia then. Oh, I'm Danny by the way."
66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-09-25 22:50:00
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
