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This is the I WANT A PONY club, for pals who want a pony and don't have one. MareOwner123&StarDustAngel

Thats great trump card! It would be horrible to never get back on a horse!
MAC1023 & King
2012-02-07 23:59:09
Some barns just dont want want to be liable if you get injured.
MAC1023 & King
2012-02-11 15:45:29
yea it stinks sometimes.... but GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!1 I MIGHT BE GETTING A HORSE NEXT WINTER!!!!!!!!!!!
9966332 & Indy
2012-02-13 18:47:57
MAC1023 & King
2012-02-15 13:50:55
yea.... she gave me her prayer club... she was so nice!!!!!!!!
9966332 & Indy
2012-02-17 02:40:37
Okay guys I need your help! So I am writting a book called the Horse Theif and its about a girl that is rescuing horses from bad conditions. I have written so far about rescuing horses from:

what else could I write about?

MAC1023 & King
2012-02-20 02:35:51
How about a rescue place that hoards horses and does not feed them or care for them well?
Jane Crandal & JB
2012-02-20 16:59:50
Man I'll miss little toby :(
MAC1023 & King
2012-02-23 23:03:18
Posts not showing

MAC1023 & King
2012-02-26 19:39:17
LOL sorry I haven't been in this club so much but I REALLY want Rainbow for Christmas!!!!!! PLEASE WISH ME GOOD LUCK THIS YEAR!!!
iluvtuey8 & Abercrombie
2012-03-01 23:44:53
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
