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*** gymnastics club ****

For the back bend it helps to swing your arms for momentum and keep your arms straight so your head doesn't hit the ground. It takes practice and strength for your arms not to bend and to hold yourself up. Its nothing to worry about and its definitely not funny. I couldn't do it for the longest time either I can now but it took practice. It also helps to start on the ground. Can you do a ground one? I have a really hard time holding my handstand but stick your toes up and make sure there is even pressure on both arms other wise you get unbalanced and fall.

Admin: Good explanation and advice. Can you de construct a cartwheel for me??? Always wondered what the steps are...

bay speed & Ruby
2013-07-02 21:31:50
To admin
So to do a cartwheel you start in a lunge. From there lean forward and lift back foot up. Put the closest arm to you on the ground and then the other one. At the same time you will kick off the floor with the front foot which is still on the ground. You swing both legs over your head in a straddle and when the back leg that lifted up in the beginning will land first and when it does put your weight on it and pull your arms up and pull your chest up. When your chest is about 3/4 way up the other foot will land behind you and you will be in a lunge with oppisite legs in front and back and facing the direction you came from. A lunge is the front leg slightly bent and under you holding your weight, the foot slightly turned out, the back leg is straight and slightly behind you. The foot NOT turned out at all. Chest is straight up and chin is lifted slightly. Arms always stay by the ears and when reaching down to start the cartwheel the entire chest bends down not just the arms.

Admin: Wow, that is a great description!!!

luvhorses1 & Ava
2013-08-05 21:11:26
thanks bay speed and ruby I can do a ground one where i am in a crab walk position and i twist my arm around.
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2013-08-06 19:59:27
Can I pleas joyn?
Pinkey280 & Finn
2013-08-08 01:01:19
That's awesome. I am happy to help
bay speed & Ruby
2013-08-19 15:29:35
Bay speed where do you live? Admin: state level only, please
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2013-08-21 01:02:15
Pinkey280 & Finn
2013-08-21 01:11:00
bay speed & Ruby
2013-08-22 23:54:35
Cool! I live in Kansas. if your on the prayer club you will see that my dad got a job here.
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2013-08-23 23:34:05
Cool! That's awesome!
bay speed & Ruby
2013-08-25 21:37:01
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
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