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*** Performer Stables***

(Pretend Diva is in the paddock)

*I put a bucket of water and feed out for her and calls for everyone to get their school ponies ready. Then she tacks up her Irish Draught for a lesson*

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-08-24 18:42:53
*looks for the name plate in the barn that says bingo and sees a paint on the other side* Hey there. Arent you a cool looking horse?*puts his/her halter on and grooms Bingo then goes to get her tack and tacks him/her up then leads him to an arena* Lets wait here for the others....
FandangoStarr & Balios
2012-08-24 20:14:02
Marian: *Looks up from buckling Force's girth.* What do you mean you're banned to touch her, Kathy? Is Diva not letting you come close?

Hestie: *Gets Sara ready.*

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-08-24 20:17:19
Kathy: You said I can't touch her until your Mom comes. *I tickle Force's belly, making the breath he sucked in come out in a horsey laugh* Theres a tip for you guys, all the school ponies are trained to do that. *I get back on my Irish Draught and lean over his neck, Knox nuzzles my hand* This is Knox, his registered name is 'Glows In The Dark'. So, Marian, after the lesson, meet me in my office so we can discus my plan for training Diva.
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-08-25 20:35:29
Starwalker123 & Star
2012-08-25 20:35:29
Marian: *looks gratefully at Kathy for remembering and not paying attention when Mrs. Senial said she could work with her.* Thanks. I'll see you in the office then. *leads Force outside and steps on the mounting block and swings her leg up and lifts herself onto Force, all in one smooth movement. Then I slide my feet int he stirrup.* Ready!
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-08-25 21:04:18
Lucy: leads Belle to the ring
Luke: brings Wolf
James: leads in Charlie
All: mount

Starwalker123 & Star
2012-08-25 21:46:02
Fiyero: *I quickly groom and tack up Froggy, then I mount up and trot him into the arena, I buckle my helmet*

Gemma: *I tack up the gorgeus Palomino mare Sonny and mount up, then I join everyone in the arena*

Kierra: *I tack up Honey and quickly steer her into the arena*

Jack: *I tack up Poppet and stand next to Fiyero*

Kathy: *I quickly canter Knox to the arena and jump him into the arena* Sorry class, I'm not usually late for a class. Now, lets play a game. I throw this. *I hold up a horse stuffed animal* and whoever catches it has to tell me how long they have ridden, how many stables they've gone to and basically their whole life story. *I throw it in the air and Gemma's hand reaches out and grabs it*

Gemma: Well. Ever since I was 2, that was 14 years ago, I've been on a horse. When I was 12, my parents sent me off to a horse academy, every year after that I flip flopped from school to school trying to find a school that matched me for who I am. *I chuck the stuffed animal at Fiyero*

Fiyero: Hey! *I catch it* When I was 6, my parents sent me off to a fancy barn where I was given a Thoroughbred to ride that threw me off practically every time I got on. *Fog gives a playful buck* Hey, not cool man. Anyway, continuing my story... I finally managed to stay on for 5 minutes and graduated to a calm Quarter Horse. After that, my story is basically the same as Gemma's. We met a couple schools back and happened to go to the same schools, even now. Think fast! *I throw Kierra the stuffed animal*

Kierra: *Out of no where my hand reaches out and grabs it* My back story is the same as Gemmas. When I was 10, I was lonely and started working with Western stuff and then age 12 I was shipped off. Soon I got my horses and started competing. It's the best fun I've ever had. *I throw the Horse at Jack*

Jack: Well, I was born on a horse farm and had horses my whole life. Last year I Desided I would start broadening my horizens and met Fiyero, then this year... I'm here! *I gently toss the horse at Marian*

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-08-26 00:30:35
You guys should join my friends club Babbling Springs Stables!)
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-08-27 22:33:25
Marian: *I stand up in my stirrups and grab the plush pony as it sails past my head.* Okay. Well when I was two my dad died of cancer. Mom had always loved horses and owned one or two, but then she realized that she wanted to do more work with them. And she started Winning Trust. She always says that when you're healing others, you're healing yourself. Okay so I rode on a horse when I was a month old with my mom for the first time. I obviously don't remember that, but we have pictures. I've ridden and trained and worked with horses ever since. My mom though this stable would be a good experience for me. *Throws the pony to Hester.*

Hester: *the horse falls on top of my hat. I giggle* Okay, so I started riding when I was ten. That was when I moved almost next door to Marian and she taught me to ride. I don't know how many times I fell off! *tosses the horse to Lucy*

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-08-27 22:33:26
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
