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**** Tall Oak Rescue ****
a horse rescue and there are only 2 people allowed per account. You can be a horse if you want. We will assign the first horse but then you can rescue.

Lucy: *It’s at a camp for the Blind Kate and I’s cousin works at. He would need to be gelded but he would be great for it.*
Starwalker123 & Star
2012-11-07 04:51:44
Lucy: *It’s at a camp for the Blind Kate and I’s cousin works at. He would need to be gelded but he would be great for it.*
Starwalker123 & Star
2012-11-07 04:51:45
Mrs. Genima: Ok, but just make sure he is completly trained before.

Gemma: *I rub Wanderer* I won't hurt you. I would never hurt you.


ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-11-08 01:53:52

Wanderer:*after eating all her grain, Wanderer pushes on the stall door, wanting to go outside. Wanderer pushes Gemma away, and leans into the door.

Danielle Rose & Dandy
2012-11-09 00:47:15
Lucy: our cousin is named Rachel she has been working there for a long time with their ponies Munch and Crunch. The goats and other as will. *
Kate: stables Ben and goes to find Lucy meet up with her sis
Lucy: *Ben is going to live with Rach.*
Kate: Good. You call her.*

Starwalker123 & Star
2012-11-10 01:47:15
Gemma: I don't know. *I gently press her away from the door* Don't hurt yourself.
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-11-10 23:49:21
Wanderer:*looks at Rebekah, and then pushes the door
harder. She broke one down earlier, she could do it again. But right now she isn't as string at she was earlier, and she can't break the door. Wanderer sighs after ten minutes of pushing, and then just stands there. After a while, Wanderer sniffs around the walls outside her stall. Wanderer finds a leather bridle that someone had left there, and bites it. Then she jerks her head away, with the bridle still in her mouth. Wanderer
start chewing on it, and then spits it out. Ugh.

Danielle Rose & Dandy
2012-11-10 23:54:31
Gemma: *I laugh and gently take the bridle from Wanderer* No girl. *I rub her down, hoping the touching will help her adjust to humans*
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-11-11 20:51:03
Wanderer:*throws her head up a little when Kunauma pets her face, but she puts up with it after a few minutes. Wanderer looks to the left and right of her stall, looking for something, and when she doesn't see it, she decides to just be on the alert for it. Wanderer goes over to her feed tray, and looks for more oats. Still, no trust or happiness shows in her eyes. But she tolerates the humans with patience built into her.
Danielle Rose & Dandy
2012-11-12 18:53:13
Gemma: Are you hungry Wanderer? Here. I'll go get some hay. *I pat Wanderer's neck and slip out of the stall, I lock the door back and walk to the hay loft, I grab a flake of hay and make sure it's not dusty or moldy, I throw it down.
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-11-13 21:44:31
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
