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***** Ally's Herd Riding Lessons ****** A club for people who want to have lessons on their own ponies/horses. If you have ANY questions, PLEASE ask me! -Maddie & Ally

Hi everyone! Thank you for joining the club! We will start a lesson as soon as one more person joins. Just so we can have even numbers for partner races/competitions.
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-01-24 20:16:47
Sorry, I haven't had time to type that. Ok, here it is!

Name: Britnie
Style of riding: Western, English
Age: 13
Gender: girl
Personality: Kind, will help you if you ask.
What you want to work on in the LESSONS: ??? Do I take lessons if i'm the co-owner?

Barn Name: Pressed
Show Name: Pressed
Gender: Gelding
Breed: Appendix (Quarter horse X Thoroughbred)
Types of competitions: Mostly english, some western, but does all english.
Color: Sorrel
Personality: Sweet, LOVES treats, likes jumping and having something to do. Instantly likes you if you have food!

mybuety & Pressed
2012-01-25 02:06:32
iluvStarbucks, the lessons are held here, not in the chat room.
mybuety & Pressed
2012-01-25 02:07:57
im dropping out,too many rules*cringes*
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-01-25 13:37:20
Bella, you only entered the required info. If you'd rather leave, i'm not going to make you stay, but please give the club a chance! I really enjoy being in clubs with you!

Maddie, can we work out some rules to post so everyone knows?

mybuety & Pressed
2012-01-25 16:59:09
ill give it 1 chance then....
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-01-25 19:38:02
Wait! BellaHorse10, why are you leaving?? There are BARELY ANY RULES.
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-01-25 20:05:52
Thank you mybuety for filling the sheet in, I understand. Weare going to start our 1st lesson while we have a low nuber of people, so you all have experience. iluvStarbucks, just hold on.... :) This lesson will include: small jumps, exersises, and a trail ride. mybuety, would you mind letting me be on the horse for this lesson? Just so I can show them what to do, and you can be "the ground helper" just help them with heels down, setting up the jumps, ect. Is that ok??? DONT GET YOUR HORSES YET. I WILL TELL YOU ALL WHEN YOU CAN START GETTING YOUR HORSES READY.
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-01-25 20:11:58
BellaHorse10, the info you entered is FINE. I am sorry if that upsetted you. but what rules are making you want to drop out of the club?
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-01-25 20:18:07
mybuety, there are 2 people who help the riders. You, & ME. In the lessons, one of us, between you and me, will be on a horse too. So for the 1st lesson, I would like to be on Ally. Next lesson, you would be on your horse while im on the ground. Does that make sense?? (this is answering your What you want to work on in the LESSONS, question.)
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-01-25 20:20:36
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
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