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***** Ally's Herd Riding Lessons ****** A club for people who want to have lessons on their own ponies/horses. If you have ANY questions, PLEASE ask me! -Maddie & Ally

(mybuety, please come out into the arena and help me set up the jumps and poles.)
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-01-29 04:17:15

Britnie: *Jogs to the arena.* Which jumps do you want set up and how high?

mybuety & Pressed
2012-01-29 15:54:12
I would like the 2 oxer jumps set up to 2ft, and the 3 cross rails to be at 3ft, the 3ft is for more experienced jumpers. I would also like some troting poles set up, mabey 6 or 7, and they should be a foot apart from each other. Thank you. I get off of Ally and go over & help mybuety set the jumps up. Ally walks over and stands by me, not wanting to be separated. EVERYONE, YOU MAY NOW GET YOUR HORSES GROOMED, AND TACKED UP. DONT ENTER THE RING UNTILL IM UP ON ALLY. DONT ENTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-01-31 00:39:28
Britnie: *Sets up the oxers and the cross rails. Drags the poles out and set the trotting poles in the center of the ring. Checks the length between each pole and straightens them out.* Anything else?
mybuety & Pressed
2012-01-31 02:54:15
*leads her huge 17.05 hh Friesian stallion,i groomed him and tacked him up,i felt like doing dressage to music today*Boy wanna do dressage??*he nickered,i looked out the barn and saw they were doing jumps*Oh well!*i lead him out to the ring*
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-01-31 15:22:43
Joy: *opens Cinderella's stall and starts to groom her. Heads to tack room to get my tack* *saddles Cinderella and puts a bridle on her*
ponypaller & Pretty2
2012-01-31 16:39:45
I think thats good! Now you'll stay in here and help the students out. Point things out to them that would improve riding and safety, like keepiing heels down, or give the horse some rein when jumping... ok? I mount Ally and trot her around. YOU MAY NOW TACK YOUR HORSES UP IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY, AND YOU MAY COME INTO THE ARENA FOR OUR 1ST LESSON!!!!!!!!!!!
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-01-31 20:04:42
ponypaller, BellaHorse10, iluvStarbucks, Snoglen952, & Little Toby YOU MAY NOW TACK UP YOUR HORSES IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE THIS YET, & YOU MAY COME INTO THE ARENA AND MOUNT YOUR HORSES. YOU ALSO MAY RIDE AROUND, PLEASE ONLY USE THE LOW JUMPS, AND TROTTING POLES. YOU MAY ALSO JUST WALK, OR TROT YOUR PONY AROUND. *I start to trot Ally around, showing everyone that this is their freestyle riding time.*
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-01-31 20:21:22
Britnie: Ok!
mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-01 03:22:46
Bella:*mounts Thunder,i trot him around the jumps*Good Boy!
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-02-01 16:50:56
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
