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***** Ally's Herd Riding Lessons ****** A club for people who want to have lessons on their own ponies/horses. If you have ANY questions, PLEASE ask me! -Maddie & Ally

(just pretend everyone is in a line.) "Welcome to the 1st riding lesson! We will be working on small jumps, trotting poles, and team work between rider & horse. I will demonstrate what I want you to do, ONE AT A TIME OF COURSE!!" :) I trot Ally to the end wall of the arena. This is what I want you ALL to TRY TO DO:

1. TROT over the poles posting
2. Steer your horse in between the poles at a TROT (weave through them)
3. Have your pony CANTER as you reach the other end of the arena & turn
4. JUMP the 2ft oxer
5. TROT over the poles in 2 point (jumping position)
6. Have your horse WALK into the center of the arena and make him/her pick up a CANTER AT THE WALK
7. Let your horse WALK around the arena 2 times, then STOP (thats all you need to do.)
8. If you & your horse know a special trick you may do 1! for a #8

I Have Ally pick up her beautiful trot & I start posting, & we trot over the poles with no problem. We weave through the poles, almost knocking one over, but it manages to stay up. I urge Ally into a canter as we reach the end of the arena, we turn and continue cantering. We approach the oxer, I push my heels down, kick Ally to make sure she has enough jumping room, & squeeze with my thighs, & we clear it. Ally uses her shoulders, tucks her feet it, & rounds her back. We recover & I slow Ally into a trot. I get into 2 point, & we trot over the poles with ease. Then I have Ally walk, we walk into the middle of the arena, then I kick her, and click 3 times, she immediately goes into her smooth canter. I pat her neck, and have her walk. We walk around the arena 2 times then come to a stop. As an addition I dismount and stand next to Ally, I pat her shoulder 2 times. She takes a deep bow, & so do I. (end of demonstraition)

maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-02-10 01:37:08
Bella: *Thunder waits next to Almas and Britnie
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-02-10 01:41:18
The 1st person I would like to do this is BellaHorse10. Do you want mybuety to go through the course with you? like hold onto the bridal & lead her through the poles, & over the jumps?
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-02-10 22:34:25
I'm trying to teach Pressed to bow! Lol, you took my idea for what I was going to do if I was riding!
mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-11 06:51:12
Bella: Its ok,i can do it *kicks Thunder,he starts post trotting over the poles,i steer Thunder between the poles after,i cantered Thunder as i reach the other end of the arena and turn,we jump the 2ft over,then trotted over the poles,i got into a 2 point,i halted him to a walk and steered him to the center of the arena,i kicked my heels and he cantered,i let him walk around the arena twice,i halted him,i got into position and pulled back on the reins,Thunder reared on command*Good boy!*i smiled and giggled*Thats what i taught him,he loves it!
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-02-11 14:51:38
:) Its a cool rick. :) I would like BellaHorse10 to go. Then Little Toby, Then iluvStarbucks, then ponypaller, then Snoglen952. Its ok if you go out of order.. mynuety... please just then help the rider out if there is trouble with them. THX. :)
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-02-11 17:20:15
Ok, I will!

Britnie: *Stands to the side, ready to jump in and help someone if they need it.*

mybuety & Pressed
2012-02-12 16:28:13
did iluvStarbucks delete her account??? & the owner of the horse bud/buddy, well the name for the person says this account nolonger exists! Jane, whats going on?
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-02-13 20:20:42
yes, iluvStarbucks is gone.
This club is up for a new leader. Volunteers?

Jane Crandal & JB
2012-02-14 00:53:01
ill lead...iluvstarbucks was my best friend!!why did she go!:'(
BellaHorse10 & Thunder
2012-02-14 01:26:13
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
