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*** Kentucky Champions***

If I'm not mistaken, it's time for the final event for the day, BEST IN FORM! Alia and Streak are in the first class. Chelsea and Rose Briar are in class #3, and William and Kylieanna are in class #5. These classes all go on at the same time, but only William and Kylieanna are in a class toghether. Here is what you do:
1. You have 1 hour and 30 minutes to groom your horse as best as you can.
2. Tell the judges about your horse's breed, parents, genetics, and personality.
The judges will be looking for horses that stand still without hesitation and they may ask you to walk your horse around. GO!

Horse Gentler & West Australian
2012-05-24 14:57:31
Chelsea -
*I cheer beside Lucy.*

chelsea2 & Irish
2012-05-24 23:26:21
Alia:I groom the dust and dirt out of Streak's coat, until it shines.I slowly comb his mane until it is tangle-free.I spend a lot more time on the tail, and when I'm done, I still have 40 mins left.I braid his mane in a diamond braid, and I do a braid on top of the rest of his tail.I have 20 mins left.I clean his hooves next, and then polish them.I have 5 mins left.I run over everything to make sure it's okay, and lead him into the ring."This is my horse,White Hot,or Streak, and he is 3 years old.He is part mustang, part Arab, and part Thoroughbred.His parents are Eat My Dust and Fearless Beauty.He is bred for speed and stamina, with a little bit of showiness and agility.Streak can be a bit high strung when people are nervous but under an intermediate or advanced rider, he is easy to control.He is spirited as well, but he can be gentle and calm at times.I halt him and watch as the judges inspect every inch.The good thing is his legs are like a normal halter horses because in order to race he has to be in top form.I nod to the judges and leave the ring.

Alexi Noelle & Mountain Sky
2012-05-25 00:13:18
*Judges* Talk to each other about what Alia told them.
*Judge 1* "She definatly groomed her horse well."
*Judge 2* "Where did she come up with the name Streak?"
*Judge 1* "Please! I think Streak's a great name!"
*Judge 3* "She did a wonderful job cleaning him. The last contestant didn't even touch his horse's hooves! And this horse's hooves look like they've never touched dirt!"
*Me (to my friends)* "Looks like they're having trouble deciding. (to Alia) Alia, would you please walk Streak around? That would help them decide much quicker.

Horse Gentler & West Australian
2012-05-25 15:05:24
*I groom Rose Briar's coat, and un-weaving the roses, to come her mane and tail till it's silky and smooth, weave the roses back in, and polishing her hooves till they shine. I make sure there isn't a speck of dirt anywhere on her white coat, their isn't a tangle in her silky mane and tail, her eyes are clear, her hooves shinny, like you could almost see your self in them (but not that shinny).

I lead Rose Briar into the ring, and halt her. She stands still, like a white stone carving, but you can see she's alive. Her white legs collected under her, her neck arched, showing off her Arabian blood.*
"Hello, this is my horse, Rose Briar's Petal, or Rose Briar.
Her sire is Briar's Daylight, pure bred Hanoveriar. He was very good and jumping, and loved to jump.
Her dam is Rose Petal, pure bred Arabian. She loved to run, and was pretty fast at it too.
So, Rose Briar was bred to try and be very good at Cross Country, having the love of jumping that Briar's Daylight had, and love to run, and the speed, that Rose Petal had. She is very nimble on her hooves witch makes her very good and show jumping.
She's a very sweet and calm horse. She has the temper of a horse that a dude ranch would have, but with must more spirit and life in her. She's the nice mother type, and is the kind of animal you go to when your sad, happy, or just wanting to spend time with her. At times she can be playful, but still, in ways that won't hurt a fly."

*I stand with Rose Briar beside me, she's not scared to stand still for so long. We wait for us to be dismissed.*

chelsea2 & Irish
2012-05-25 19:30:28
Lucy: i think were did she come up with his name i like it
Starwalker123 & Star
2012-05-25 22:56:29
*Judge 1* "Chelsea has a very pretty horse."
*Judge 3* "Well balanced, perfect behaviour."
*Judge 2* "She's a halfling."
*Judge 1* "You are always pointing out the bad things. I say she's lovely. How about the first?"
*Judge 3* "I say the blue."
*Judge 1* "It's settled, then" (to audience) First Place goes to Chelsea and Rose Briar's Petal!"
*Me* "Yahoo! Did you hear what they said? They ABSOLUTLY LOVED Rose Briar! And I've heard that Streak was far better groomed than any other horses in the class! William and Kyileanna are our last contestants for today. Let's go see them show!"

Horse Gentler & West Australian
2012-05-26 07:42:51
Alia:I walk Streak around and wait patiently for the judges to make up their mind.
Alexi Noelle & Mountain Sky
2012-05-27 13:27:29
*I gently hug Rose Briar, kissing her soft muzzle.* Rose Briar!! They loved you!!
*I take Rose Briar forward to get our ribbon.*

*I smile at Ali and Streak, telling them how great they did, and how wonderful, and beautiful Streak.*

chelsea2 & Irish
2012-05-27 22:53:00
*Me* "Okay, Alia, they have decided that Streak was the best groomed horse. The following contestants did not clean out the hooves, and the horses did not cooperate. Go out there and claim your ribbon!"
*Judge 1* "The blue goes to Alia and White Hot!"
*Me* Kyileanna still hasn't done her class, yet. I hope she's okay!"

Horse Gentler & West Australian
2012-05-28 13:16:19
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