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Ping a Pony Pal Pundit.* (*expert) Here is where you can perfect your play the Pony Pal way! First log in, then enter your question in the white message window below. They will w-mail you back their suggestions for the best ways to use our site's features.

Why is it then when I feed my horse mare and foal feed (only feed in Klines) that after 2 servings it says that she might get sick. same with oats. not just carrots and apples and cookies! Where is the real feed? They're all treats!

***the real feed is the hay you give them after you ride and then groom your pony. All the items you mentioned are treats. The horse cookies are good -- they are small so you can feed more of them. admin***

ranchgirl99 & Phil
2017-01-20 14:53:14
Doesn't seem to fill them up much (the hay)

***True, horses can eat an incredible amount of hay -- that is what they are designed to do -- eat 22 hours a day. admin***

ranchgirl99 & Phil
2017-01-20 22:02:45
Is there a CPP show? In Kline's there is a ribbon that says "for competing in a CPP show"

We sometimes have virtual competitions. It's a lot of fun! Check the Wiggins Weekly to see when the next one is! *****

ranchgirl99 & Phil
2017-02-02 01:47:30
I won the scavenger hunt, but I didn't get the 3000 Wiggins Bucks!

The list is dynamic and changes every time a new highest score is entered.

ranchgirl99 & Phil
2017-02-02 01:47:30
ok the CPP show sounds very fun!
ranchgirl99 & Phil
2017-02-02 15:44:52
They are!


admin & Aslan Equinox
2017-02-03 02:05:39
Where is the Story Entry Quill for the Scavenger Hunt?


You need to enter our story contest by writing a story and submitting it. Your story can be short. Like really, really short if you are at a loss for words. Or as long as you want it to be.

Click on "news" at the top of every page, then on the right column that says "February Story Contest" and then follow the directions. Let us know how you make out.

HoovesInMyHeart & Ocean
2017-02-04 00:21:23
Where can I find the story quill?
I can't find it anywhere

***enter a story or poem you write in the February story contest. You can get a link to it in the News page.


Horsecrazy801 & Star
2017-02-05 01:54:30
Is it possible to own more than 3 horses?

Admin: not in any one account but you can always have another, separate account with 3 horses, etc. etc.

DreamerGirl & Serene
2017-02-10 18:13:35
Hey Admin could you please work on something where when you groom your pony that when you're done you don't have to take off the halter with the lead rope. XD

****ADMIN NOTE-- The halter and lead rope are separate. In the Pony Pals books the girls ride with a halter under their pony's bridle so they can easily tie the equines when they are out on trail. That is the way our game is designed. ****

HannahB5horses & Star
2017-02-12 17:37:03
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
