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Ping a Pony Pal Pundit.* (*expert) Here is where you can perfect your play the Pony Pal way! First log in, then enter your question in the white message window below. They will w-mail you back their suggestions for the best ways to use our site's features.

Where do you find the Story Entry Quill? Ive looked everywhere.


To get a story entry quill you need to enter our monthly story contest.

Here is where you enter the contest :

All entries must be original, meaning that the member who enters them must have written the text. To be eligible the story or poem must have a horse or pony in it someplace. Stories should be suitable for all ages, including younger members.


Maddietruth & Antifada
2017-03-10 05:22:11
Sorry guys. I have not played!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you guys!!

xxxHORSEZxxx & Spots
2017-03-11 06:29:09
Hi!!! I don't know where wiggins estate is. Please help me!!!


If you want to ride to the Wiggins Mansion or anywhere on the site you need to pay board. To do that you need to buy a pony at Olsons and agree to pay board. Once you have done that, ride down Pony Pal trail to the three birches clearing. There is a gate there, click on it and you will be in the Wiggins Estate. At the end of that trail is the Wiggins Mansion.
There is a map on the News page or at

this link

Here's how you get a board bill and a cabin. The steps are
1. Take the bus to Olsons
2. Select the pony you want to buy, a bay chestnut or white pony will be free if you trade in your existing pony
3. Click on buy pony (green box)
4. There will be buttons, one says none the other has your pony's name. If you want to trade your pony in for a new pony, make the dot in front of your pony's name have a spot in it.
5 .Enter the new pony's name and choose whether you want a mare or gelding, then click the green next box.
6. Then you get a box that asks if you agree to pay board for your pony.
7. Click on I agree in the green box
Then you will have a new pony and your current pony will be back at Olsons for another member to adopt. Your My Page will then have a cabin, and you can ride to the Wiggins Estate!


Yoko & Yoko
2017-03-13 22:32:05
How do i pay my board?



If you want to ride to the Wiggins Mansion or anywhere on the site you need to pay board. To do that you need to buy a pony at Olsons and agree to pay board. Once you have done that, ride down Pony Pal trail to the three birches clearing. There is a gate there, click on it and you will be in the Wiggins Estate. At the end of that trail is the Wiggins Mansion.
There is a map on the News page or at

this link

Here's how you get a board bill and a cabin. The steps are
1. Take the bus to Olsons
2. Select the pony you want to buy, a bay chestnut or white pony will be free if you trade in your existing pony
3. Click on buy pony (green box)
4. There will be buttons, one says none the other has your pony's name. If you want to trade your pony in for a new pony, make the dot in front of your pony's name have a spot in it.
5 .Enter the new pony's name and choose whether you want a mare or gelding, then click the green next box.
6. Then you get a box that asks if you agree to pay board for your pony.
7. Click on I agree in the green box
Then you will have a new pony and your current pony will be back at Olsons for another member to adopt. Your My Page will then have a cabin, and you can ride to the Wiggins Estate!


pony100 & Trixie
2017-03-13 22:32:05
hay there,
how do you get that quill thingy you need in the scavenger hunt? cheers!

***enter the story contest. Click on News it has a link to enter. admin***

Niesha & King of the Nomads
2017-03-18 23:58:55
Hello :)
I have finally earned more than enough money to pay the board. I paid, but the game won't let me ride the trails! It'll let me buy another horse, but I can't ride the other trails yet. What do I do?

***please try logging out from the game and log back in. that usually will solve it. admin***

nonewem & Cream
2017-03-19 15:08:54
How do you go into your cabin? I cant seem to find it???



You get a cabin when you buy a new pony or transfer a pony at the Olsons farm. You get to decorate the cabin the way you want to.
You will have to pay your board bill to keep your bought ponies and the cabin.
What is a board bill?. It will be 300 bucks a month per pony you buy or transfer at the Olson farm. To pay the bill, it will be in your inventory and you click it and choose 'pay now'. If you are all paid on your bill, you can also ride the Wiggins Estate trail too.

To get a cabin
1- Take the bus to Olsons
2- Buy or trade in your pony on a new pony where you agree to pay board each month

Once you do that you will have a cabin. You are agreeing to pay 300 Wiggins Bucks per month for the cabin where you can display your stuff and you will be able to ride on our new trails.

To get a cabin without having a second pony or any bucks on hand, go to Olson's on the bus. Choose a pony color that you want, the east and west buttons take you to more ponies. Click on that pony, then choose to trade in the pony you already have. Name the pony the same name as your old pony. Agree to pay board, then you will have one pony and a cabin. If you do not have any wiggins bucks, choose a white, a bay or a chestnut pony, those ponies are free when you trade in the pony you already have! If you don't have any wbucks and you want a different colored pony, try playing some math games in pam's loft at the barn. If you play all three math games in one day you will get 500 wbucks. You'll then be able to have enough to get another pony or be able to pay board every month!


dancer_paigey & Blaze
2017-03-21 21:34:50
Where is the Wiggins_Estate at?



If you want to ride to the Wiggins Mansion or anywhere on the site you need to pay board. To do that you need to buy a pony at Olsons and agree to pay board. Once you have done that, ride down Pony Pal trail to the three birches clearing. There is a gate there, click on it and you will be in the Wiggins Estate. At the end of that trail is the Wiggins Mansion.
There is a map on the News page or at

this link

Here's how you get a board bill and a cabin. The steps are
1. Take the bus to Olsons
2. Select the pony you want to buy, a bay chestnut or white pony will be free if you trade in your existing pony
3. Click on buy pony (green box)
4. There will be buttons, one says none the other has your pony's name. If you want to trade your pony in for a new pony, make the dot in front of your pony's name have a spot in it.
5 .Enter the new pony's name and choose whether you want a mare or gelding, then click the green next box.
6. Then you get a box that asks if you agree to pay board for your pony.
7. Click on I agree in the green box
Then you will have a new pony and your current pony will be back at Olsons for another member to adopt. Your My Page will then have a cabin, and you can ride to the Wiggins Estate!


Horserule1111 & Pockets
2017-03-28 17:10:38
hey admin, I bought a CENTRE pine swag for my fireplace, and I can't put it there! :( please help! and also, how many buck do you roughly need for the scavenger hunt? thx!


the center pine swag goes on the center wall in certain places, such as where plaques go,

For the scavenger hunt, if you are picking apples from the trails, its about 91 wbucks to get everything. If you are purchasing apples, its about 97 wbucks


Niesha & King of the Nomads
2017-03-29 00:56:37
Where is the kitten today? I cant find it! I swear I looked everywhere!! Help!

Admin: Scout is in a barrel! Unless you have already found him and he is in your inventory. There are barrels at the Wiggins Estate and in downtown Wiggins.

mysticalfalls16 & Checkers
2017-04-02 22:04:29
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
