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***The Anything Club ****** This is a club where you can discuss anything(as long as its appropiate)such as animals, riding, famouse people, singers, school, books etc

Hey I am writing a small story!Tell me what you think:)

Hi my name is Lexi,I am 7.I am dying of cancer.My mom,dad,and the doctors keep saying I'm goin to make it though this,but I know the truth.The doctors told my parents to start preparing for my death,and spend valuble time with me.My parents knew I couldn't be saved.I had a dying wish though.To ride a magnificent paint.I passed this horse many times going home and back to the docters.My wish was granted.The docters said there wasn't much they could,except keep me comfotable.So I got to ride the paint,as my dying wish.The paint was magnificnt,and so sweet.I feel in love with her!And her name?Angel,her name was Angel!I got to ride her,and it was so amazing!When I rode her,I felt free!I forgot all my worries for once,and just felt normal and free!It was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

WhenI got done riding her I gave her a hug and whispered to her"Thank You Angel,you gave the perfect ending in life."We left and went home.The doctrs said Imight as well be home comfotable then at a hospitol.THere was nothing that could be done except wait.Three weeks passed.I went back and forth from the doctors and home.I got to ride Angel one more time!This time it was like,I saw heaven.The wind in my hair,the beautiful sight of the farm from Angel's back(she was very tall).I loved it here and never wanted to leave,but I had too.I told Angel thank you again and hugged her tighly.I hoped heaven was like this.I lived two more weeks,7 days before I died Angel sadly passed away for unknown reasons.

The night before I died,I had a visit from and Angel.Can you guess what she looked like?She was tall,and beautiful.With blue eyes,a long mane and tail and grey an white!

THe day I died I told my parents I had an unexpected visit from and Angel.They didn; t belive me at first,but they finally said okay.

As I slipped away from life,I caight a glimpse of me riding bareback with no birdle or anything on Angle.Runnig free,away from all our troubles.

My family said their goodbyes.I told them "Don't worry about me please?My Angel is waiting for me."

I slipped out of this crazy world.And went to go find my Angel.

Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2011-12-29 20:20:17
Yes Becky you can be Vice!!
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2011-12-29 20:20:43
Post arent showing up?
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2011-12-29 22:22:06
Jane could you enter that story I wrote for me?Um the title could be "My Angel"
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2011-12-30 07:59:35
Heyy I will be in the next cabin contest!Please vote 4 me!!

PS Little Toby is vice:)

Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2011-12-30 17:01:21
Callie, please just cut and paste it in the right thread.
Jane Crandal & JB
2011-12-30 17:08:15
They are showing up now. For me a few days ago nothing new was showing up . Now they are. . .
Sonny25 & Peasy
2011-12-30 18:31:59
Sometimes nobody posts....


Jane Crandal & JB
2011-12-31 00:22:18

i like lizards

i call myself crazy
i have an imaginary friend called chat, and he only annoys me after my friends have left the chat

9966332 & Indy
2011-12-31 01:39:35
Okay and yes we can do quizzes!!Who wants to start?
Callie9399 & Summer Detention
2011-12-31 02:06:32
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
