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***Joining Up***
Hello and Welcome to Winning Trust Horse Farm for hurt or abused or what people call "Problem Horses" to come and have the mental scars and hurts of the past removed, to help them learn to trust again and to find new owners to love and care for them

Nellie, I'm going to pretend that you just called Marian on the talkie, okay?

Marian: Oh my goodness, wow! I'll be right there, Jason! *calls her mom and tells what Jason just saw* Come on Moody! Go boy! No. Don't act up now, be good! Come on! *nudges Moody into a canter and then a gallop, racing across the field at a wild run, hoping to reach the pasture before anything else bad happens. After a minute flat run I pull Moody to a halt and leap off.* Here, Jason, hold Moody. Do T-touch on him to calm him down and I'll attend to Alex. (The guy who was whipping the stallion)

(I'll finish later.)

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-08-27 02:17:27
Mo(M.ean "O.wner"):Finally, that stallion put up a good fight.*wipes his sweaty brow*Bast one Ive had in years*leads the chestnut from the pasture into a nearby barn, and Jason no longer see the magnificent stallion.

Jason:*wadds up the wire, and sticks it in his saddlebag before mounting Squint, and trotting back to the barn.*Julie! I need to talk to you. This is serious. It's about a-*stops, then continues in a quieter voice so no one else can hear*An abusive owner, and a Mustang stallion. Need to talk as soon as you can.*untacks Squint, rubs her down, and walks the mare to cool her out before putting her away.

Danielle Rose & Dandy
2012-08-27 02:35:54
*I hear the commotion and quickly dismount Lady, putting her and Diva in the walker, I quickly hitch a ride on Moody as her gallops by, sitting on his rump (Not the weak part of the back) then I leap off and roll and then I stand in between the stallion and the owner while Jason talks to him, just in case the man tries anything, I stand in a sligtly relaxed way so not to scare the horses, but every muscle tensed, ready to spring forward and attack the man*
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-08-27 22:33:25
Julie: I know, Marian told me. Those people are the Vonrides, who own Wishes are Horses, the biggest horse farm in the area. We'll drive over to their place in the pickup. *calls Marian on the talkie and asks her come down to the stables.*

Marian: Okay mom! *walks down the hill on Moody and hops off in front of her mom.* What do you want?

Julie: we're going over to WAH to talk to Alex. Gemma, lead Moody around and calm him down and cool him down. Then put him in his assigned pasture. *hops in the truck with Jason and Marian.* Now Jason, why do you think Alex was doing that? People usually have a reason for doing what they do, even if it is a horrible reason.

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-08-27 22:33:25
Julie: *sees the horse as she drives out and calls Gemma on the talkie* Gemma, please attend to the horse who is at our place. I have to go now.
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-08-28 18:23:53
Hello everyone. We depend on you to keep this role play going.
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-08-31 22:45:46
Perreli, the owner has hidden the stallion, and nobody knows where, so the stallion is nowhere in sight.

Jason:*rides over to the WAH, and hops out of the pickup an instant before it comes to a complete stop. He looks around before marching up to Mr. Vonride,and saying/yelling*Wheres the Mustang stallion I saw you with in the bordering pasture?*his eyes blaze with anger just thinking about the scene.

Mr. Vonride:What in the world are you talking about? I have no Mustang stallion around here, and your trespassing. I'll let it go this time, but next time I'm calling the police. Alright?*his voice sweetens to suger as he says to Julie-*Now what is it you wanted, Julie?*smiles
at the woman.

Danielle Rose & Dandy
2012-09-01 02:32:23
Julie: *flips her hair behind her shoulders* I'd like to see your barns and pastures up on the hill. The ones we can see from our paddock.

Mr. Vonride: Why certainly! come along with me.

Julie: This I take it is your stallion barn? That one looks like a Mustang over there. The one Alex is by.

Mr. Vonride: *stutters a bit* Oh- why yes. yes, I guess I forgot about that one.

Julie: He looks in pretty awful shape. Maybe you want to get rid of him?

Alex: Who's this, Boss?

Mr. Vonride: Julie Hill. Owner of WTHF. And her daughter, Marian. They want this horse here.

Alex: You're not letting them are you? *angrily*

Mr. Vonride: I don't see why not! He's just a ton of trouble, with no meat for the slaughter and no manners for the school! Why SHOULD we keep him!

Alex: *hisses, so no one can hear but Mr. Vonride* They can have him another day. He's got fresh wounds.

Mr. Vonride: *yells* What on earth for! I told you to fatten him up you fool! Not cut him up! Someone will turn us in! You're FIRED!

Julie: I take it we can buy him?

Mr. Vonride: No! Yes- I mean..... *gets red in the face for all his yelling* TALK TO VALARIE! I have no part in this!

Julie: Very well. Where can I find you wife, Alfred?

Mr. Vonride: IN THE SCHOOLING RING! Where else WOULD she be!

Julie: *finds it very hard to stay calm and composed.* Thank you. *walks down to the five schooling rings and peeks in each one.* No one here. I'll try the arena. *walks into a HUGE arena to fine Valarie working with ten students on ponies.* Hello Val. I want to ask you a question. There's a big Mustang stallion up in the top barn on the hill. May I buy him?

Val: Who? Spark? You can HAVE him! We've been trying to get rid of him for ages. Take him! He's skinny and a bad horse. We have no use for him.

Julie: well, I'll leave you to your lesson. Good bye. *walks out with Marian and Jason.* See? We got him! A lot extra work, but who cares! We saved Spark from some other horrible thing!

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-09-01 14:42:09
Jason:"Spark" isn't a very good name for a horse like him. Can I rename him, Julie?*hesitates before going on after she says yes*And may I take charge of him?*doesn't respond when she says she would take charge of the stallion.*Okay, thats fine. I'll go get the trailer from the stable, and bring it back. You can get all the paperwork done while I'm gone.*hops into the drivers seat, and drives back to the farm, and brings the trailer back.

Maid, I'm gonna role Spark/new-name-unknown/

Danielle Rose & Dandy
2012-09-03 04:04:31
okay, Nellie.
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-09-03 21:36:01
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
